#zenyatta x reader


master list under read more due to length, please let me know if any of the links don’t work ^-^

Genji x Reader

“I shouldn’t be in love with you.” [x]

“I could kiss you right now!” [x]

Genji,Sombra and Widowmaker with a S/O that has a lot of scars [x]

Reader watches Young Genji die with: “How long have you been standing there?” [x]

Mer!Genji,Mer!McCree and Mer!Hanzo with a human S/O [x]

McCree x Reader

Mer!McCree,Mer!Genji and Mer!Hanzo with a human S/O [x]

McCree meet-cute in the season of Fall/Autumn [x]

McCreeand Reaper reacting to their S/O being held hostage [x]

McCree,Junkrat, Hanzo and Lúcio reacting to your baby being born with a cleft lip [x]

McCree,Reaper, Soldier76 and Junkrat reacting to their shy S/O dancing around their bathroom [x]

McCreeand Hanzo reacting to their S/O finding the ring they were planning to propose with [x]

McCree,Tracer and Hanzo comforting a depressed S/O [x]

McCree,Hanzo and Soldier76 reacting to their S/O becoming a parental figure to Efi [x]

McCree reacting to a female S/O who lets the airship leave without her to take on a dangerous solo mission [x]

“I’m flirting with you.” with a painfully oblivious S/O [x]

“Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say that I love you.” [x]

“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.” [x]

“I could kiss you right now!” [x]

Road trip headcanons [x]

McCree with a S/O that is uncomfortable with pet names [x]

McCree,Soldier76 and Reaper catching a S/O wearing their clothes [x]

McCree with a shy S/O that speaks so softly people can’t usually hear [x]

McCree with a S/O who uses dog commands on him [x]

McCreeand Hanzo comforting a depressed reader with self-image issues [x]

Imagine seeing McCree and Gabriel for the first time in person after a long-distance relationship [x]

McCree,Sombra and Soldier76 reacting to a new agent who specialises in cute disguises [x]

McCree,Sombra, Soldier76 and Hanzo with a S/O that takes them indoor skydiving [x]

Pharah x Reader

“These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.” [x]

Reaper/Gabriel Reyes x Reader

Reaper and S/O get ready for a Halloween costume party [x]

Reaperand McCree reacting to their S/O being held hostage [x]

Reaper with a small S/O who wears a lot of pastel dresses [x]

Imagine seeing Gabriel and McCree for the first time in person after a long distance relationship [x]

^ Part Two in which the reader gets flustered by Gabriel’s voice [x]

Reaper,McCree, Soldier76 and Junkrat reacting to their shy S/O dancing around their bathroom [x]

“I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death.” [x]

Reaper with a shy and quiet S/O [x]

Reaper,McCree and Soldier76 catching a S/O wearing their clothes [x]

Soldier76 x Reader

Soldier76 Christmas headcanons [x]

Soldier76,Reaper, McCree and Junkrat reacting to their shy S/O dancing around their bathroom [x]

“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” [x]

“Excuse you?” [x]

“Say it!” [x]

Soldier76 comforting a depressed reader [x]

Soldier76,Reaper and McCree catching a S/O wearing their clothes [x]

Soldier76,Hanzo and Zenyatta reacting to a S/O waking up screaming in the night [x]

Soldier76and Zarya helping a chubby S/O with endurance training [x]

Soldier76,McCree and Hanzo reacting to their S/O becoming a parental figure to Efi [x]

Soldier76,McCree and Sombra reacting to a new agent who specialises in cute disguises [x]

Soldier76,McCree, Sombra and Hanzo with a S/O that takes them indoor skydiving [x]

Sombra x Reader

Sombra,Genji and Widowmaker with a S/O that has a lot of scars [x]

“You fainted, straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” [x]

Sombra,Widowmaker and Zenyatta with a reader that spooks easily [x]

Sombra,Soldier76 and McCree reacting to a new agent who specialises in cute disguises [x]

Sombra,Soldier76, McCree and Hanzo with a S/O that takes them indoor skydiving [x]

Tracer x Reader

Tracer,Widowmaker and Symmetra with a mute S/O whose first words to them are ‘I love you’ [x]

Tracer,Mercy and Widowmaker with a S/O that is very clumsy and hurts themselves a lot [x]

Tracer,McCree and Hanzo comforting a depressed S/O [x]

Tracer’s best friend takes her back to Emily after the short ‘Alive’ [x]

Tracerand Mercy with a self-harming reader [x]

Hanzo x Reader

Hanzo Christmas headcanons [x]

Tricking Hanzo with a magic show [x]

Hanzo,Junkrat, McCree and Lúcio reacting to your baby being born with a cleft lip [x]

Hanzoand McCree reacting to their S/O finding the ring they were planning to propose with [x]

“It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” [x]

“I’m not jealous.” [x]

“You are the single best thing that has ever happened to me.” [x]

Hanzo,Tracer and McCree comforting a depressed S/O [x]

Hanzo and his S/O move to Japan and S/O is a bit homesick [x]

Hanzo,Zenyatta and Soldier76 reacting to a S/O waking up screaming in the night [x]

Hanzo reacting to a new agent who specialises in cute disguises [x]

Hanzoand McCree comforting a depressed reader with self-image issues [x]

Hanzo,McCree and Soldier76 reacting to their S/O becoming a parental figure to Efi [x]

Mer!Hanzo,Mer!Genji and Mer!McCree with a human S/O [x]

Hanzo with a sensitive and gentle S/O [x]

Hanzo,Sombra, Soldier76 and McCree with a S/O that takes them indoor skydiving [x]

Meditation - a fluffy little oneshot [x]

Junkrat x Reader

Junkrat,Hanzo, McCree and Lúcio reacting to your baby being born with a cleft lip [x]

Junkrat,Reaper, Soldier76 and McCree reacting to their shy S/O dancing around their bathroom [x]

“You can’t keep doing this.” [x]

Junkrat with an ADHD partner [x]

Junkratand Roadhog fluffy headcanons [x]

Mei x Reader

Mei,D.Va and Ana meeting their S/O who looks scary but is a sweetheart [x]

Widowmaker x Reader

Mistletoe Widowmaker Christmas headcanons [x]

Widowmaker,Sombra and Genji with a S/O that has a lot of scars [x]

Widowmaker,Tracer and Symmetra with a mute S/O whose first words to them are ‘I love you’ [x]

Widowmaker,Mercy and Tracer with a S/O that is very clumsy and hurts themselves a lot [x]

Widowmaker,Zenyatta and Sombra with a reader that spooks easily [x]

D.Va x Reader

D.va,Mei and Ana meeting their S/O who looks scary but is a sweetheart [x]

Roadhog x Reader

Roadhogand Junkrat fluffy headcanons [x]

Zarya x Reader

“When I picture myself happy…it’s with you.” [x]

Zaryaand Soldier76 helping a chubby S/O with endurance training [x]

Zarya opening up to the reader [x]

Ana x Reader

Ana,Mei and D.Va meeting their S/O who looks scary but is a sweetheart [x]

Lúcio x Reader

Lúcio,McCree, Junkrat and Hanzo reacting to your baby being born with a cleft lip [x]

Mercy x Reader

“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” where Mercy falls in love with a Talon medic [x]

“I’m not good enough for you.” [x]

Mercy,Tracer and Widowmaker with a S/O who is very clumsy and hurts themselves a lot [x]

Mercyand Tracer with a self-harming reader [x]

Symmetra x Reader

Symmetra,Widowmaker and Tracer with a mute S/O whose first words to them are ‘I love you’ [x]

Zenyatta x Reader

Zenyatta comforting and depressed and lonely S/O [x]

“I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death.” [x]

Zenyatta, Widowmaker and Sombra with a reader that spooks easily [x]

Zenyatta, Soldier76 and Hanzo reacting to a S/O waking up screaming in the night [x]

I got tired so I hope Zenyatta will do. Zenyatta Zenyatta’s hand softly ran down your arm, his gaze

I got tired so I hope Zenyatta will do.


Zenyatta’s hand softly ran down your arm, his gaze on the wounds that you placed on yourself just a few hours ago. Pausing for a moment, he soon left the room for the next few minutes before coming back in with bandages.

He gently took a hold of your arm, beginning to bandage it before he moved on to the other. But while doing so, he spoke.

“Do not put blame on yourself for doing this. You’ve made a small improvement but we both know it’ll take much longer until you stop. Until then, I don’t mind bandaging or changing them every so often. But please, try and contain yourself from doing this again the next time you have the urge,” Zenyatta spoke gently as he finished bandages your arms.

He leaned his head to softly hit your own to make you smile as if the meaning were to do what other couples do, give a peck on the nose.

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Zenyatta’s so sweet and cute! I don’t get to write for him to often, so I’m always

Zenyatta’s so sweet and cute! I don’t get to write for him to often, so I’m always happy to!


• Before they met, the agent would have to read the other agents’ lips during conversations.
• That wasn’t something they could really do with Zenyatta.
• He is a fast learner, and he would get ahold of their native sign language quickly (that is if he doesn’t already know it).
• He acts as an interpreter for them whenever he can.
• Also thinks sign language is super fun to do!
• Sticks by them in missions when he can, in cause they need him.
• Actually was the one to ask Winston if he could develop a special visor for them specifically!
• They pretty much become best friend.
• It’s hard not to be friends with Zenyatta tbh.

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Nice to see y'all are enjoying these time traveling shenanigans just as much as I am! (・ω・)ノ —

Nice to see y'all are enjoying these time traveling shenanigans just as much as I am! (・ω・)ノ


He was assigned to you in the beginning, as a councilor of sorts. That was something he would never mind doing; he enjoyed helping anyone who wanted it.

However, something about you seemed different than others he had worked with.

Yes, you were frazzled- an expected response- but you accepted him, trusted him, at a much faster rate than he was used to.

It was……..refreshing?

Either way, you quickly became one of his favorite students and closest friends. His team of two suddenly became a group of three, and he was left with a confusing feeling, striking him silent in the most peculiar moments.

“You called me master?” Genji peaks around the open door leading out to a close grassy cliff side, perfect for meditation.

“Yes, do you have time to speak with me?” Zenyatta sits there, petting a stray cat in his lap, under the shade of a large tree.

“I do.” He settles next to his master, cross legged as always. “May I ask about what?”

“Of course,” he rests his hand on the back of the purring cat, “I wish to speak of my emotions. They have become more and more confusing as time passes.”

Genji nods in agreement. “I understand. I will do my best to help you master.” He folds his hands in his lap. If he was being honest, he didn’t feel anywhere near qualified to assist him.

“I am glad.” He hums, “Now where to begin?” He taps his chin. “Perhaps the warmth in my chest.”

“Warmth? Are you sure it is emotion causing it?”

“Yes. I had a doctor check it.” He sets his hand on his chest plate, “I believe it is caused by my body overworking itself due to unknown circumstances. It is a feeling akin to a fierce battle; though, one is not occurring at the time.”

“And, when does it happen?”

“During the normalities of my daily routine.” He lowers his hand and glances at it, “There are times as well were I cannot think, or am forgetful. Though, it is not happening now.”

“That is interesting. You still have no idea what the cause is?”

“No.” He sighs. “Do you have any suggestions, my student?”

“I am not sure. Human and Omnic emotions sometimes differ,” he pauses, “however, if you were human, I would think that you were either sick, or had a crush.”

“A crush?” It was more of a statement than a question. “Yes, that would make sense.”

“It would? But, on who?” Though he tried to hide it, his extreme curiosity coated his words.

“Hmm. Perhaps [y/n].” He begins to pet the cat again, and it lets out a contempt chirp. “Yes, as I think about it, I believe it is correct.” He beams at Genji. “Thank you.”

“It is no problem.”

Good friends, to Genji, were hard to come by. Sure, he had many acquaintances, but not many people above that.

It took maybe a day of knowing each other to move into friendship. He was ecstatic, to say the least, to find someone so fond of his presence, and who would also laugh at his lame jokes (to which he told a lot).

“High five!” You boast, and he complies, following it up with a fist bump. Childish, he knew, but he was allowed to be such. “Haha! Nice.”

“No fair!” Lúcio fakes a huff. “I’m not used to going on three! I panicked!”

“Okay, my turn.” You place your fist in your palm, determination in your eyes, “Me and you, death match.”

“I will not lose to you again!” He readies his stance, Angela counts down, and you both release your weapons.

“Paper beats rock, Genji wins.” She announces.

Lúcio knowingly sets his hand on your shoulder as your head falls. “Looks like we got cleaning duty.” You groan loudly and he nods solemnly, “Me too.”

“It’s best to get started now.” Angela starts, shooing the two of you out. “The storage room needs a lot of work.”

“We know,” you sigh and turn to leave, “c'mon Lúcio.”

As soon as the door shuts behind you, Genji begins his speed walk out, only to be stopped by Mercy’s expecting hum.

“You weren’t expecting to leave without giving me an update, now were you?” His shoulders droop, knowing he’s already lost.

“No, of course not Doctor Ziegler.” Curse his polite nature! He knew she only wanted to gossip, but he couldn’t find it in himself to be rude enough to lie in order then leave.

She clasps her hands excitedly and smiles wide. “So, any new developments?”

“No, nothing has changed.” Her smile disappears slightly.

“Still nothing?” He nods and she frowns, “Genji, I thought Saturday was the day!”

“It was.” He crossed his arms, pausing his thought, carefully choosing his words. “Until I accidentally spilled juice on them.”

She was struck with silence. “I- and how did that happen?”

He places his head into his hand, “I was……….showing off…….”

“Genji,” he hears her scolding him, “we talked about this!”

“Yes, I recall.” He runs his hand down his faceplate, “I was nervous and not thinking. I did apologize, but that may have made things worse.”

“Is that why there was broken glass on the floor?”


She let out a short sigh, “You do tend to make a big fuss around them.” Steam leaks from his shoulders and he turns his head away. She shakes her head, tapping her foot against the floor. “Maybe it would be easier if you didn’t try so hard. I’m afraid, at this rate, you might end up really hurting someone.”

He shifts on his feet and nods slightly. “You are right. I should try to handle this less forcibly.”

“Do you want me to brain storm ideas with you?” She offers.

He perks up a small bit, “It would be most appreciated.”

It was no secret that you were immediately shy upon meeting the cowboy. But there was something else about you, something……..odd.

Maybe that wasn’t the best way to put it- yet he didn’t know what else it would be. So, his curiosity drove him to you. He needed to know what it was.

Now, believe it or not, Jesse was a smart man; and when feelings started to occur, he immediately started to distance himself, only to realize that he was in too deep.

For him, a fling was something he could handle. Real romance? Haha! No.

“Hey! Mr. Jesse, any chance I could talk with you?” Oh, it was that Lúcio kid. What could he want to talk about? They weren’t exactly friends; more like acquaintances.

“Sure, I guess?” He shoves his hand into his pocket, and uses the other one to scratch his beard. “‘Bout what, exactly?”

“[y/n]-” Why you? What about you would he want to talk about? Oh. Oh god! The jig is up, he knows; he’s gonna tell you! Abort, ABORT.

“You doin’ okay over there, buddy?” Lúcio sways slightly on his heels, “You’re getting a little pale.”

He coughs in his hand to rid himself of nerves. “Yeah, just dehydrated, I reckon.” His body feels a bit more clunky, “I didn’t quite catch what you said there before.”

Moment of truth. He knew this day was coming, but did he prepare for it? No.

“If you say so…” He wasn’t entirely convinced; it was written all over his eyes.

He distantly remember you telling him that Lúcio was incredible at reading people, and that wasn’t helping him calm down one bit.

“I was just asking what you thought I should get for their birthday?”


Well, doesn’t he just feel like an idiot.

“I’m sure whatever’s fine.” He wanted this conversation to end so that he could go to his room and scold himself for getting so worked up over nothing.

“Are you sure your okay? Nothing’s up?” There was a pause, not long enough for him to respond. “Is it about [y/n]?”


“It is!” He exclaims, pointing. Man, he was good at reading people.

“No, it’s not!” Jesse crosses his arm, glancing around the room. He’d rather not talk about this in a public place.

“I promise I won’t tell no body!” This boy was getting excited. He shuffles over to him and jokingly jabs his side with his elbow. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll be my present to them, huh?”

“Now that’s just ridic-”

“Oh my god. I was just joking! I didn’t know that you actually liked them!” How much more excited could this kid get?

“Look, I don’t really want to talk about it.” He lifts his hat off his head, runs his fingers through his hair, and places it back on his head. “Not here, anyway.” He gestures to the open, and thankfully empty, lounge.

“Oh yeah, got it!” The Dj whispers at him with a wink. “I’m totally willing to help you out, dude!”

“I….. just might take you up on that offer.”


“Not if you keep shouting!”



I really like writing Lúcio……. Can you tell?

(I’m also really tired, so please excuse my mistakes ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ)

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