#zero fucks given


I have decided society isn’t real so I’m drinking iced tea directly from the carafe.

If you’re not watching WOLF HALL, you should be, and here’s why: Mark Rylance as Thomas Cromwell is the Supreme Ruler of Giving Absolutely Zero Fucks and you could learn so much from him.

Ithought I gave zero fucks.

After watching WOLF HALL, I realize I was wrong. I was SO goddamn wrong. I’ve been giving way too many fucks.

We are all but squires.

And Mark Rylance is William fucking Marshal.

Here he is, failing to find any fucks after doing a quick scan of the floor.


Sassmaster Cromwell, First of His Name, Father of Being 100% Done.


“What’s in this leather satchel? Oh, just my PhD in Giving Zero Fucks.”


Just doing a cursory check of His Majesty’s brocade vest to see if he left any fucks in there (he didn’t).


Looking directly into camera, attempting to locate any fucks a la Jim Halpert.


Trying, and failing, to find even one single fuck to give.


Foreground there just insulted him and he’s just like, “Bruh. You have no chill.”


“You were looking for someone who gave a fuck?”


The other dudes are giving all their available fucks away like candy on Halloween; meanwhile Cromwell’s all, “When will my fucks return from the war?”


“These are the books where I record all the fucks I give. They’re empty, FYI.


Bonus Cromwell:

Were you also maybe looking for swagger? Well, you fucking found it here too.
