#zodiac signs


The Signs as Things Straight People Say

Aries: “So are you sisters?”

Taurus: “OMG! I have a friend who is gay!! Do you know them??”

Gemini: “I don’t mind at all! Just don’t flirt with me haha ;)”

Cancer: “OMG yay! Me and my boyfriend have been looking for another girl for a threesome!”

Leo: “Is he… you know..?”

Virgo: *tries to hook you up with their token LGBT friend*

Libra: “Girl/boyfriend as in… friend?? or.. like..”

Scorpio: “Omg i had no idea you don’t even seem gay!”

Sagittarius: “YAAASSS SLAY!!!”

Capricorn: “I’d TOTALLY go gay for you.”

Aquarius: “Ugh, i hate men. I wish i could just be a lesbian.”

Pisces: “You just haven’t had good dick/pussy yet!”


you can’t help but read several sections of an astrological sign compatibility post because you’re involved with Taurus, and Sagittarius, and Virgo, and wait… What was his sign again?

Lol, I thought I was the only one who did this!

The loyalty and the depth of the roots their love goes to is also very under-looked sometimes. I am talking about Aquarius Venus & Capricorn Venus.

Aquarius being a sign (previously ruled) by Saturn as well as Capricorn - which means they are gifted with such nobility tinted with innocence enabling them to actually love so deeply and go very far with their pledged loyalty to theirpeople.

Also Saturn puts them through trials and tribulations and sometimes it takes them a bit longer to get there - both in different ways, but once they find their people (romantically or not), they know exactly what to do.

Very out of character for Aquarius Venuses, but if they’ve never had previous experiences with serious relationships, they might even have a bit of co-dependency issues or have trouble expressing their love (because it runs so deep and it’s all new to them), or even be a bit clingy. They are very affectionate.

earth moons are such softies, people just don’t get it man

I feel like they do not get enough credit for when they are emotionally developed and are actually trying their very best to deal with emotions and be the most decent person and more for their loved ones.

-,’ the zodiac signs as pretty things ,’-



gemini: the clouds

cancer:the stars

leo: the northern lights


libra: the sky

scorpio: the moon


capricorn: old libraries

aquarius: the ocean

