#zombies speak


Some updates

I wrote the 27hp sequel fic it is currently being beta’d (8k+ words goo boy)… I am also outlining the rest of TWMaR + currently in the middle of writing that ALLHP fic ^\\^

Why do people think blocking is such a bad thing,,, if you feel that way then you probably shouldn’t be on the internet wtf. It’s literally all a matter of creating my online space / what I want to see.

“It might be traumatic for someone to see a person they look up to to block them, sometimes without any explanation”

I don’t fucking care? I’m a stranger on the internet I don’t owe anyone an explanation And don’t say that shit is traumatic

People need to stop taking these like personal attacks… “I have never interacted with you why did you block me” THATS THE POINT

I’m here to enjoy the shit I like not see whatever the fuck i think is gross shit.

Anyway this post again:

Notion Fic Organization Template

I was finally able to try my friend’s fic organization template out and AHHHHDJDBBF I LOVE IT… I have never used Notion like.. ever but it was pretty easy to use and get the hang of since the template was set up so well. :0

I customized everything through desktop. Mobile version is a bit wonky cuz some stuff don’t copy/paste well. You can change the type of tags, fandoms, remove items you don’t need, etc. It also lets you embed Google docs!

If ppl are into fic writing I highly recommend trying!!! The free resources provided alone + organization is sooo good…

Hrggrrg sorry if anyone tries to reach me through Twitter btw,, I’m gonna be on a little break bc of exams

The quality of these pictures are awful but anyway here’s My TMRHPLV merch collection ^__^ + the big bois… need to get more plush dolls and DJs

Sorry for not answering some asks aaaa I’ve been resting my hand bc it’s tired from drawing so much LOLL. I’ll get to them <3

can the hp magic awakened game release in my region already I’m so thirsty scouring for crumbs from international fans I feel insane

If you’re going under my art commenting things you find wrong with it, then maybe my art isn’t for you. If you have a problem with my portrayals simply don’t consume or look at my page.

It’s ok if you had 0 ill intent and try to fix it, but blatantly disregarding the artist’s feelings on the matter and saying this feels like a joke etc is rude. If you can’t understand when artists explain why you commenting your unwanted opinions about their art can be rude, and treat their concern as them being “too sensitive” when it’s their OWN work in the first place, then that’s a problem you have to fix.

Keep your unwanted opinions to yourself, thanks.

I normally just let people be because people can have their own portrayals / headcanons etc. like that’s totally fine. But nitpicking under an artist’s work (more than once) about what’s right / wrong, and thinking that the artist finding offense with those comments is funny / stupid is not a good look.

So the new HP Japanese merch drop includes a Tom Riddle Keychain…


WHICH IS CRAZY AND BIG NEWS! Since the last time there was any new TMR merch was in 2017 5!!!! FIVE YEARS— HALF A DECADE AGO

But… it’s part of a blind bag / and the whole set costs about 73 USD which means scalpers will hoard and overprice them with selling ‍♂️ good luck just trying to get two

I wish they made a voldemort one

Not to get political but If you see Filipino mutuals posting about how fucked their elections turned out please let them be / send comfort if you can because it sucks. To make things short, it’s a corrupt system, the “results” are likened to if Germany were to elect Adolf Hitler Jr.

Here’s a good run down thread of the situation + context.

All the marcos supporters have to say is that they’re happy to see the opposition cry as if the tears are more important than the state of the country.

Statements of “leave the country if it bothers you haha” are annoying too. Some people don’t have the means to do so or have relatives that can’t be moved, it’s always the ppl with privilege saying this shit and rubbing it in ppl’s faces when they know NOTHING of what it’s like

Anyway @ bbm supporters TANGINA NIYO lahat bawal kayo dito you don’t even care about the country except just winning over Leni / don’t understand how privileged you are compared to the rest of the citizens. Leche kayo.

back on my Everyone x Bottom HP bullshit… I want hawwy getting railed by Edward, Bruce, and Cedric.

wahhh it feels like I haven’t been here in so long I miss hawwy LOL sorry I fell back into my 2016 bts rabbit hole and started drawing for bttm jk LMAO @personamjeon on here and on twt if anyone’s interested (rpf/rps warning)
