

The Roles We Play

Warning: Angst, mentions of blood, injuries, attempted murder and near death experiences. If this makes you uncomfortable I highly encourage y'all to check out my other works!

It’s always the same.

One moment things would be its normal routine, then the next everything would be completely and utterly shaken up. Then again wasn’t everything always this way when it came to him? Wasn’t it always Zenigata who shook things up, whether it be intentional or not? Wasn’t it not always Zenigata who changed the script at the worst time possible?

For as long as he could remember his rival had always been a man who did what he believed was right. Never truly following the rules that applied to the world whenever something of greater importance was on the line. Zenigata was in many ways a breed of his own making. A man who did things many men in his position would do, always following his morals and heart rather than his head when it really came down to it. It was a characteristic that wasn’t seen very often. A characteristic that always to some extent irked Lupin in some way, shape or form.

Especially when it resulted in situations like now.

Lupin gripped the cigarette in his fingers as he leaned on the balcony, trying to clear his head. His hands felt grimy and they were a dark shade of red from blood. His bright red jacket and blue shirt were stained in it as well yet he himself wasn’t bleeding.

No the blood belonged to the very man he was thinking about.

The thief felt his throat tighten slightly as he scrambled to get his lighter. He needed nicotine severely to help settle the underlying anxiety that threatened to overtake him. After searching through his pockets he finally found what he was searching for and quickly lit up his cigarette and took a deep inhale. The burning smoke and taste of tobacco filled his mouth and lungs, giving his senses a much needed relief even if small. Blowing out the smoke in a cloud, the thief stared out into the world below him. The slight bitter chill of the night air bit at him yet he didn’t dare move to go back inside the building where the rest of the gang was. The sounds of vehicles and other things filled his ears as he took another drag of his cigarette. Lupin suddenly tensed as the sounds of footsteps coming onto the balcony filled his hearing. He didn’t dare turn to look at who had joined him, knowing well enough who it was.

Feeling the body of another place itself next to him, he took another drag as he listened to the person next to him get a cigarette as well. It was silent for a beat, a thick uneasy tension in the air as Lupin tried to gather the nerve to speak up.

“How……how bad is it?”

The thief finally asked his usually, confident and chipper tone now soft and unsure.

“It’s……it’s not looking to good. We’re trying everything we can to make the bleeding stop but…..”

A scratchy deep voice, belonging to his partner Jigen, responded to his question. Lupin’s grip on his cigarette and the balcony tightened more his knuckles slightly white from the strain. Light grey eyes flickered over to his companion, meeting somber dark brown eyes filled with frustration and exhaustion. Lupin took in Jigen’s appearance noting that his usual hat was missing, instead his dark black bangs covered his eyes. However they were messy as if they’d been swiped through in the gunslinger’s anxious frustration. His suit much like Lupin’s was a mess of blood and wrinkled to hell and back. His eyes were tired and his expression drawn tight in his irritation.

All in all Jigen was just as much of a mess as Lupin.

“Who’s with him now?”

Lupin asked forcing the shakiness from his voice however it wavered by the end of his sentence. If Jigen noticed he didn’t comment on it.

“Goemon’s with him right now and Fujiko is helping him in my stead for the moment.”

Jigen replied taking a deep drag of his cigarette. Lupin gave a small noise of acknowledgement, knowing that the samurai and cat bulger would keep an eye on the inspector. Turning his eyes back to the streets Lupin couldn’t help but wonder how the night which was once a normal routine heist had taken such a horrific turn for the worst.


It was a simple heist. Just a quick in and out of another rich man’s home with his priceless riches in his and his gangs hands. It was supposed to be a piece of cake.

However it turned out to be much more challenging than it was supposed to be.

The heist had ended up getting complicated, the man who they were robbing having connections to the underworld of crime. The man known as Jonathan McCain wasn’t exactly the innocent man that he’d made himself to be. No underneath the supposed timid and cowardly persona was actually an unhinged lunatic. McCain was nothing more than a crazy man who wore his usual face like a facade and Lupin had underestimated him. This mistake was what made their heist go pear shaped. And to add more to the complex situation the gang had of course been tracked down by the inspector who was quickly thrown into the chaos that had broken out. Pops as soon as he realized the severity of the situation had quickly intervened and teamed up with them to get the group out of the mad man’s home. The group of five had fought through security and hired henchmen to try and get out, the original heist now completely forgotten. It was while the group had finally found the escape route and started to make a break for it that it’d happened.

Lupin was running, the priceless thing that he’d stolen in his inner jacket pocket after having managing to nick it while dodging bullets. He had managed to make a jump only for it to fall out of his pocket. Lupin hadn’t really thought about it, despite hearing Jigen’s shouts telling him to forget about it. He’d went to go and grab it again not noticing the gun that had been aimed at him. But the others had. He’d heard Fujiko scream and Jigen and Goemon’s shouts of his name as the loud explosive bang of the gun going off filled the air. It was at that moment that everything seemed to slow down. The thief turned realizing that he wouldn’t be able to get both the treasure and dodge the bullet, an uncharacteristic split second of hesitating on his part before his vision was filled with browns and tans covering a familiar figure.


The sound of a bullet ripping through flesh and bone, the strong scent of blood filled the air, shocked dark brown eyes widening before the sight of Zenigata’s body beginning to fall filled his vision. Lupin felt like everything came to a halting stop and his body moved forward as his vision tunneled.


A scream tore from him as he went to catch the collapsing inspector. The thief barely managed to catch him as the two began to crumble to the ground. Lupin’s gaze frantically looked over the injured man and he swore his heart dropped out of his chest.


Pop’s chest was stained in it, a horrible painting of crimson growing on his shirt at a rapid pace. His usually tan face was extremely pale and his eyes were filled with agony. Lupin stared at the sight, his entire being suddenly filled with a rage that he’d ever rarely felt. Sharp grey hues snapped up in the direction where the shooter was, seeing the hitman who had committed the deed. Lupin didn’t think, he only reacted on pure instinct. The hitman didn’t even realize that Lupin was already moving until the tall, monkey like man tackled him in a vicious and brutal manner. He didn’t notice his surroundings, didn’t notice that Jigen, Goemon and Fujiko had rushed over to them. Didn’t notice how Fujiko and Goemon had went to try and stop Zenigata’s bleeding. All he noticed was the man in his grasp and the ungodly need to make him suffer for what he’d just did.

‘He shot him. He shot Pops….’

The thought vicious and poisonous hissed in his head making the thief strangle the man under him.

'He hurt Pops, he hurt one of mine. I’m going to kill him with my bare hands-’

The murderous thoughts swirled as his body went into autopilot. Lupin would have killed him if he wasn’t grabbed from behind and yanked off of the gunner. With a livid snarl the thief struggled against the arms that were holding onto him.

“Lupin-!LUPIN STOP!”

A voice shouted in his ear making him pause in his fury driven actions.


It was Jigen talking to him. Jigen holding him back and dragging him away.

“Come on man we’ve got to go, we’ve got to get Pops out of here!”

Jigen said his voice gruff and filled with a hard edge as he dragged Lupin away from the now unconscious hitman for hire. Lupin turned his head angry that Jigen would even allow this scummy bastard off the hook when he caught sight of the gunman’s face. Jigen’s expression much like Lupin’s was filled with an ungodly fury, his dark gaze staring at the unconscious shooter with a look of pure disdain.

“We’ll get what’s ours later, but we need to go boss.”

Jigen said his gaze finally landing on the man in his hold. The gunslinger’s expression was full of a dark promise, one that the thief had only seen a few times during their partnership over the years of working together. It was a look that told Lupin that McCain would not get away with this, that he would pay for this. McCain would get what was coming to him, because Lupin knew that if he didn’t get to the rat first then Jigen most certainly would.

It was that reassurance that made Lupin stop his struggles against Jigen’s hold and allowed him to turn his back on the unconscious form. The duo rushed to the trio that was waiting for them. Goemon was pressing down on Zenigata’s chest where he bled out while Fujiko watched over them should anything else happen. Once they saw Lupin and Jigen coming back to them they relaxed a bit. Four pairs of eyes met before the group worked quickly to grab Zenigata and help him out of this God forsaken place. After that it was a bit of a blur to Lupin, just flashes of moments that would haunt him forever.

The Fiat speeding through the streets to get to their safe house.

Goemon’s hands overlapping his as they both pressed down to stop the bleeding.

The growing puddle of crimson that stained the seats and his hands.

Jigen and Fujiko’s voices speaking rapidly about what they would do once inside the safe house.

All of it burned into Lupin’s mind as he and his gang moved the now unconscious inspector out of the car and into the building. As soon as they were through the door Jigen and Fujiko were on the move. Goemon helped Lupin set Zenigata down so the gunslinger and samurai could get to work. Fujiko had went to grab the medical supplies from the bathroom cabinet while Jigen and Goemon tore off Pop’s trenchcoat and shirt. Lupin meanwhile just watched, his mind unable to believe that this was actually happening. Grey hues zoned in on the large body of his rival. After years of being chased by Zenigata it seemed almost impossible that something like this could happen to him. Zenigata was in a way larger than life, his presence was lively and always demanded attention in some way. A man who had been through hell and the ends of the Earth to chase down Lupin and the gang. He was almost invincible in some way. Yet now Lupin was having the harsh realities of the world being thrown into his face. Pops once full of life was now extremely pale. His lips were stained copper colored, and his chest rose and fell in light and uneven ways. His eyes were closed, and he was covered in blood, the bullet wound bleeding and not seeming to stop anytime soon.

'He’s going to die…..’

Lupin felt his stomach roll as the realization hit him. Suddenly the room felt too crowded, felt too small and before he even thought about it he was already leaving the room.


Lupin jumped when he felt Jigen touch his shoulder.

“Hey……you’re uh….”

The gunslinger started to say gesturing to his face. The thief blinked and went to wipe at his face only to come to the realization that he was crying. Tears, large and fat rolled down them silently, making Lupin embarrassed. He didn’t cry, he shouldn’t be crying and yet……

He thought about Jigen who always stood by his side no matter what. He thought about Goemon who stayed with them and kept them safe. He thought about Fujiko and how she watched over the three of them. He thought about Zenigata and how he was always there whenever they needed him.

Zenigata who chased him to the ends of the Earth.

Zenigata who was the kindest man Lupin had ever met.

Zenigata who was always doing things like protecting him and his gang from harm.

Lupin felt the tears run faster as a sudden bitterness hit him. Zenigata was always shaking things up at the most inconvenient of times. He was always doing things that threw Lupin through a loop and threw him off kilter. Zenigata had a role that he needed to play, a role that no one else could ever fill. He was supposed to be the inspector who was in charge of arresting him, he was supposed to be the cop who didn’t care about him other than to throw him behind bars. Not the man who would die for him and the gang, not the man who cared about a group of criminals.

Yet he did.

Zenigata Koichi was the man who cared as well as the cop, the man who would die for him and the others because he followed his heart more than the supposed rules made for their roles.

And it was because of this that Pops was possibly dying right now in the next room.

Lupin sucked in a sharp breath and wiped at his eyes more trying to get the tears to stop but it wasn’t possible. Not when a member of his group was dying, not when he was losing someone who was so important to him.

Not when he was the one who put him in this position.

The thief crumbled a bit and Jigen didn’t hesitate to go and steady his companion. As soon as Lupin was within range the man clung to his partner. Jigen stiffened for a second before wrapping his arms around Lupin. The two stayed in this position for a while, with Lupin breaking down silently while Jigen gave him the support. The gunslinger didn’t comment on it, knowing that Lupin wasn’t taking this easily. Hell none of them really were. Much like the gentleman thief, Jigen, Goemon and Fujiko were just as messed up. The older inspector had grown on all of them and the thought of him no longer being there was a thought they didn’t ever want to become a reality. Yet tonight it seemed as if their worst nightmare was coming true.

After what felt like an eternity Lupin finally pulled away from Jigen, his eyes puffy but nevertheless he was pulled back together. The gunman patted his partner’s arm.

“It’ll be okay. Pops isn’t going to up and die on us. Not when he’s got Goemon on his case.”

Jigen said to try and reassure the other man. They both knew that there was no guarantees of Pops making it but it still brought them both a sense of comfort.

“You’re right…..he’ll be okay…..”

Lupin muttered offering a smile that was more of a grimace. Jigen took it anyway and gave him a smile back before they both jumped slightly at the sound of the door opening to the balcony. Heads snapping up their gazes landed on Goemon and Fujiko. The samurai’s white kimono was stained red, his sleeves splashed from him pushing them up while he worked. His gaze was tired yet calm as he spoke.

“We got the bleeding to stop. He’s going to be okay.”

The samurai stated yet his shoulders and gaze showed just how relieved he was. Lupin and Jigen seemed to collapse into themselves, the thief letting out a relieved yet slightly wet laugh while Jigen ran his hands through his hair a small smile on his face. Fujiko stepped around Goemon and went to stand next to Lupin while Goemon went to step next to Jigen.

“He’s very lucky to be alive. I honestly thought that….”

Fujiko said trailing off quietly, her sentence being left unsaid to the men around her. But they all knew what she meant and had shared her fears of nearly losing Zenigata. Lupin looked at her and noticed that she too had puffy eyes. It sent a shock to his system to know that he wasn’t the only one who broke down. The thief was interrupted from his revelation by Jigen.

“So now that Pops is going to be okay, I think it’s best to discuss something.”

The gunslinger stated his tone serious as he drew the attention of the others to him. A shared look of understanding passed between the four of them as they tensed.

“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m thinking that McCain needs a talking to of sorts.”

Jigen said his expression hard as he said McCain’s name.

“I agree with you gunman. He can’t be allowed to get away with what he’s done.”

Goemon spoke up his own voice sharp. It was rare for the usually calm samurai to sound so angry but given the circumstances it was understandable.

“Honestly he really deserves it. He was the fool who went for a thief’s prized possession.”

Fujiko said her tone light yet the three men knew that underneath it laid a hard edge that unless you knew the female thief you would have missed it. The three criminals turned their gazes towards Lupin, waiting for his thoughts to their unspoken question. Lupin placed a finger on his chin in thought, seemingly thinking about it.

“Ya know, I think you all are absolutely right. McCain needs to learn that messing with a thief and what’s theirs isn’t the wisest decision.”

Lupin said his tone professional and chipper in a way. Yet it was quite clear that the look in his gaze was hard and sharp. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, the lanky man was barely keeping that earlier fury he’d experienced before at bay. The four exchanged sharp and deadly looks to one another, a silent agreement between them.

“Till then we’ll just have to take care of Pops and make sure that he heals up alright.”

The gentleman thief said pushing himself from the balcony he’d been leaning against and starting to make his way inside. Jigen followed close behind him as well as Goemon and Fujiko. Once they were all inside Lupin locked the door to the balcony and made his way towards Zenigata’s room. He had to see for himself that he was okay. The others went their separate ways, leaving the thief be as they retired from the rough events of the evening. Lupin stepped into the room and quickly scanned it before finally landing on the limp form of the inspector. Zenigata was laying on his back, his chest naked and covered in bandages. The medical supply kit was sitting beside the small bedside table, having been put away back in its box. Lupin stepped further into the room grabbing a chair and setting it up beside the bed. Once seated the thief gently reached over and grasped one of the in inspector’s hands and looked him over.

Pops was out cold, his breathing still light and wheezing but it was easier than it had been. His face was still pale and his hand felt cold, yet the movement of his chest put Lupin at ease. Zenigata was okay, and that was all that mattered to him. Gazing at Pops with a small heartfelt look Lupin ran his thumb over the hairy knuckles of his rival in a soothing manner.

“It’s going to be okay now Pops. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

The younger man said softly, bringing the hand his was holding up to his lips and giving it a gentle kiss. It was always the same when it came to them. Yet at the same time it never truly was. They had their roles that they played, their games of cat and mouse that they had between them. They were each other’s rivals in the world and yet at the same time they had other roles too.

Zenigata was the cop who chased Lupin. He was also the cop who followed his heart, and did what he believed was right. Pops was the man who cared too much at times and who always had his back whenever things got too bad for him to handle alone. The unassigned shadow that always watched over him and made sure that he was safe. The man who was kind to him even when he didn’t deserve it. Yet he wasn’t the only one who got this protection and kindness.

His partners got it as well.

Jigen, Goemon and Fujiko were also in this category for Pops. They too were apart of Zenigata’s protection and watchful eye. They all where under the care of Zenigata Koichi when it really came down to it.

And just like Lupin, his partners also shared his feelings towards the inspector.

Lupin squeezed the older man’s hand and placed another kiss onto it, recalling the faces of his gang on the balcony and their unspoken agreement.

Jigen whose eyes were hard and sharp, holding that deadly promise of making McCain pay for hurting Pops.

Goemon whose entire being hid the raging hurricane of vengeance on behalf of the inspector.

Fujiko whose eyes held pure disdain and disgust for the man who had caused Zenigata to nearly lose his life.

All three of them wanting nothing more than to make the man suffer in some way or another. Just as he wanted to.

Zenigata may have their backs but they too had his back.

And it’d remain this way till the end of time.

After all……

It was one of their roles to play.

*OT5 make brain go brrrrrrrrrr. Okay so honestly I kinda just wrote this up to kinda get a feel for writing for these five wonderful fools. And I also wanted an excuse to write protective Lupgang over Pops because I absolutely live for it sue me lol. Also it’s implied that the five of them are somewhat romantically interested/involved with each other yet for the most part I focused on the LupZeni, JigLup and ZeniJig in this. (I’m not used to writing for so many pairings please bare with me). Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!!*
