


Zutara Week 2021 Day 3: Glowing

Happy Zutara Week Everyone!

I have this whole scene expanded in my head with a conversation with Suki and everything, but it turned out to be bigger than I’m able to make at the moment and would sort of move away from today’s theme. So I’m saving it for another day when I have the wherewithal to give it the attention it needs to be good. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy this comic! <3


the target audience for my art is me at age 12


wanted to capture the moment before they reunite after some time. i like to imagine katara spotting zuko across the room first, finding herself taken aback for a little while


“Um, I could use a little help paddling here!”

Yeah, it’s hard to be the canoe thirdwheel, isn’t it, Sokka? ‍♀️

(First zutara fanart of the year! Hoorah!)


zuko and katara with dragon + tui and la tattoos


Inspired by an ask from @ap-kinda-litto@zutaras-where-its-at the idea wouldn’t leave me alone….. this is the moment they meet



comfort ship doodles 2.0 :’)


A commission I did for @fiyazu-lorko It’s from a scene in her fic Countdown. Thank you again for commissioning me I had fun with this one

‍♀️ My commission info ‍♀️ My gumroad‍♀️


In celebration of me actually working on a fic, I made y’all an ask game instead of continuing to work on that fic. Pls enjoy.


What do you like most about your own writing?

What embarrasses you most about your own writing?

What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?

Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?

What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?

✏️ Do you write every day?

Post a snippet from a current WIP.

What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).

Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?

 What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?

Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?

Current number of WIPs

‍‍ Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? 

Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?

What is one growth area you have for your writing?

Do you read your own fic?

What inspired you to write [insert fic here]?

What is the hardest part of writing fic?

What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?

Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?

✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.

What is a headcanon you have about your own work?

Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).

‍ If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?

⏰ Do you spend more time reading fic, writing fic, or do you do both equally?

[Freeform - what is something you want to know about one of poster’s fics?]

Thanks for the tag @ifyouwereamelodymeg!!

The 20 most recent first lines…. Hmmm… I’m not sure how accurate this will be, but I’ll try my best.

1. deny thou bear’st love for any ( working title); dramione; one-shot:

You have to promise me, Hermione.

2.Sonnet 14; dramione; second vignette:

His feet crunch across the frigid fallen leaves, away— away from her— and she acts without thinking. A dart, and she grabs his fisted hand, stopping him in his tracks. Their extended arms are a single bridge across an expanse of wet, frosty peaks of orange, yellow and brown. He glares at the connection, but doesn’t send his steely gaze to meet her eyes.

3.Sonnet 102; dramione; first vignette:

It was a challenging subject masquerading as a simple question.

4. As the thread of my breath (working title); dramione; one shot:

Looking back on it, he shouldn’t have been surprised to see her at the Gala.

5.In the Offing; dramione; one shot:

The surprise of the snow storm is almost offset by the gentleness by which it falls. And falls.

And falls.

6. The Diary (working title); dramione; massive one shot:

It’s the first year that her mum doesn’t cry on her birthday, but the firmness of her hug is enough to tell Cassie that her mum is just barely holding it in. While the party is loud and raucous, overfilling their modest lot and garden, the distraction isn’t enough to keep the birthday girl from regularly checking in on her mum. A small crowd of their closest friends—people practically like family—hover near her, but her mum’s expression remains tight. But when Cassie frowns, lips tight and expression sharp, her mum smiles and makes a silly face.

7.Potentiality; dramione; one shot:

“Why, Draco?” She pulls her arms tighter around her waist, nails pressing into her own skin. “Why are you doing this?”

8. Chapter 2 of Come Away With Me; dramione; multi chapter WIP:

“He was right behind me!”

9.Chapter 1 of Come Away With Me; dramione; multi chapter WIP:

The loud crack of sudden Apparition was still ringing in her ears when she re-emerged on the other side. The Burrow steadily resolved itself into familiar shapes before her fatigued eyes.

10. DHr Coworkers (working title); dramione; one shot:

She doesn’t quite remember when it started, but Hermoine’s fairly certain it was when Pansy started complaining about her ravenous manner during after-work drinks. It isn’t her fault that her schedule is so busy with projects that lunch is often just tea and biscuits. Hermoine’s fairly certain that Padma has something to do with it, but can’t seem to find the proof, outside of her friend’s sly smiles and calculating glances.

11. Auror AU (working title); dramione; one shot:

“This is a bad idea.”

12. Chapter 2 of Fear and Love; Zutara; multi chapter WIP:

Tuesday nights begin to change.

13.Chapter 1 of Fear and Love; Zutara; multi chapter WIP:

When he gets the phone call from Jet, Zuko’s hardly surprised. Jet had already mentioned the girl’s tape, smirked over her expensive photoshoot the last time he had come into his club, and had been waiting for her arrival on the train. But even on the fastest train, it was several days from Cali to the Big Apple.

14. A Heart Twisted; Zutara; multi chapter WIP, unpublished:

They arrive in the city like a rising tide; quiet, steady and merciless. While their intent is not to draw blood, they do not pause when they strike down the Fire Lord’s personal guards. They do not hesitate to grab the nearest of the house staff and hold sharp short blades to their throats. And they do not stop until they stand before the Fire Lord and his council, eyes full of venom and teeth bared.

15. Original work, untitled:

It’s a land of islands. Some are mere specks on the map, an accumulation of sand among a never-ending blanket of blue. Some are vast monoliths rising from the seafloor to herald civilization’s dominance over the earth.

16. My Whole Life Alone. Loving You; Zutara; multi chapter WIP, unpublished:

The news hit the nations with uproar. Aang and Katara, despite their three children and multiple years together, were no longer married.

17.Edge of the Ice; Zutara; one shot:

Legend speaks of a man who lives at the edge of the ice. Every child of the south had heard the stories growing up, whispers of fires that burned without fuel and eyes that glowed like the sunset.

18.Forever Together, Eternally Apart; Zutara; multi chapter WIP:

There once was a story so rich and deep, of two loves, two halves becoming one whole. Their tale is rich and full, an epic love kept under the cover of dark to avoid the prying eyes of those who would tear them apart.

19. Me and You, We Got More Yesterday Than Anything; Zutara; one shot:

It was food poisoning, he was sure. Not something uncommon in some of the further reaches of his nation, where water was not as purified and food was stored for too long due to scarcity. With only a handful of staff at his side, the rest relief workers that he had been sprinkling behind him, he often fended for himself, the many years of banishment resurfacing in his memory. Though no longer banished, he was once again wandering down roads on a mount, moving from village to village, trying to help where he could. It was completely unheard of, this type of action by a Fire Lord, but Zuko had been everything but a typical one.

20. The Fire Festival; Zutara; one shot:

He should have known. After all, it wasn’t like before, where he could just make a plan, and go. Now there was paperwork, appearances, schedules to work around. Four years away had comfortably pushed those expectations far away in his mind. So when his friends had mentioned the Fire Festival, Zuko had agreed. All he needed to do as Firelord was make an appearance at the beginning to bless the activities of the night, and then he would be free to escape and slip into the crowd and join his friends.


Hmmm… patterns: I’ve gotten more succinct over the years? As for my favorite, I’d say probably any of the Scorn to Change My State with Kings intros, just because they’re an immediate image or sensation. And the beginning of Come Away With Me throws you into action right away. So more of my recent writings, I guess. Lol.

I’m tagging…. @gemgirl28 (if you haven’t already done it), @bulletproofteacup,@cablesscutie, and @neincraff❤️


A doodle I made while I was sick!

Katara confiding in Toph after she was having issues while the Fire Nation council/public approval over her and Zuko’s relationship

Your hand should have been holding mine
Pairing: Jet/Zuko, one sided Katara/Zuko
Rating: T
A/N: because jetko endgame is the best endgame

She should have known a long time ago.

Rationally, that’s how she sees it now—based on the way Zuko had always acted around her, based on the way he only ever held her eyes for seconds and the way he hesitated to touch her—she should have known. But he didlook at her once in a while, and he didtouch her, sometimes—her arm, maybe her shoulder, to pull her back from something or to give her quiet, reserved advice. But that was it. That was all he ever did for her.

Still, she convinced herself that he loved her. 

It was easy; his eyes were quiet but expressive, she thought, and since they looked at her, sometimes, she figured that it musthave been because he loved her. And it was easy to fall for him, almost tooeasy—his hair looked soft and his smile was nice (forced, usually, but nice anyway), and his arms were strong. Nice. He was very nice looking, Zuko. She’d pictured the two of them together more times than she could really count, pictured them walking down flowered paths hand in hand, laughing and smiling and being in love.It was the most idealized idea of love she’d ever had, but she clung to it, because Zuko looked beautiful when he held her eyes for just that one second he always did.

There was Jet too, of course.

In her most secret fantasies, she pictured Zuko and Jet fighting each other over her. They both seemed the type; they were hotheaded and angry and handsome, both of them. Usually, it was Zuko who won, but sometimes she liked to picture Jet winning too, holding out his hand to her and smiling with all of his teeth and his lips curled back, like she remembered him always doing.

But mostly, she just pictured Zuko.

When she’d been busy thinking about Zuko kissing her, Zuko was in the courtyard, training with Jet. It was good for them to work together, Zuko had said, because Zuko had formal training that Jet had never had, and Jet had sharp instincts that Zuko didn’t have. “We’re good for each other. In that sense,” Zuko had told her in short, halting, awkward sentences. She didn’t think anything of it. But once in a while, she would go and watch them, and pretend they were sparring for her hand.

She usually didn’t see the way their eyes met and held, and the way that Zuko’s hands stayed on Jet’s dark skin far longer than they ever stayed on hers.

So really, thinking back and thinking about all of that now, she really should have realized it long before this.

Katara stands there in her best clothes, the corners of her mouth pressed up into the smallest of smiles (forced, this time). Sokka is next to her, and Aang on her other side. It’s hot, and the Fire Nation court is beautiful. There’s a hard, bitter feeing curling in her chest. 

It’s Zuko and Jet. Zuko is in his sweeping, deep red robes and Jet’s in clean, pressed Earth Kingdom robes that look far too elegant for him. His hair is brushed, and he barely even looks like the Jet that Katara knows—but he’s wearing that smile, the one with all the teeth, something wicked and devious glinting in his eyes. She knows it. She knowshe’s wicked, standing there with Zuko like he is.

Katara watches them, and tries to remember everything she missed, tries to pull all the pieces that she’d turned a blind eye too, back when they were still fighting in a war and back when she thought Zuko loved her. Zuko and Jet training, Jet always sitting next to him, always keeping in step—Zuko hardly ever looking away from him, Zuko frowning and picking leaves out of his hair, touching the bandages on his fingers and asking him if he was alright. 

They were in love, Zuko in Jet.

They’d been in love for such a long time.

Katara swallows and watches Jet put his hand in Zuko’s.

It’s a big ceremony—of course, the Fire Lord getting married is always a big deal, and getting married to someone with absolutely no noble blood is so incredibly uncommon, so almost everyone in the Fire Nation has turned up to see how this wedding will turn out. It’s beautiful. It’s bitter. It feels both sweet and terrible, to her.

She’s not listening to the ceremony, the words feel like a dull drone in her ears, but the drone stops and Zuko pulls Jet closer and then they kiss. In front of everyone. Jet puts his hands on Zuko’s beautiful, carved face, and the tips of his dark fingers brush the rough edges of his scar and Zuko doesn’t move his hand away.

It’s such a quiet, intimate kiss that Katara almost feels like she has to look away, to give them space. She feels sad, and she doesn’t know if that’s because she wants Zuko or what Zuko has—if it was really ever Zuko, or just what Zuko represented. 

Katara supposes it doesn’t really matter, now. Zuko is Jet’s, and Jet is Zuko’s, and they will never fight each other over her.

chubs-deuce:I’ve always found it a bit weird that Katara was so… calm after the whole Yon Rha thing.


I’ve always found it a bit weird that Katara was so… calm after the whole Yon Rha thing. I feel like once the adrenaline fades, the reality of the situation would sink in and would emotionally absolutely overwhelm anyone in her position…

Then again, we’ve never seen what happened between when they turn to take their leave and the others arriving, so who knows :o

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aequa: ❝“You can’t love someone until you love yourself first,” bullshit. I have never loved myself.aequa: ❝“You can’t love someone until you love yourself first,” bullshit. I have never loved myself.aequa: ❝“You can’t love someone until you love yourself first,” bullshit. I have never loved myself.aequa: ❝“You can’t love someone until you love yourself first,” bullshit. I have never loved myself.aequa: ❝“You can’t love someone until you love yourself first,” bullshit. I have never loved myself.aequa: ❝“You can’t love someone until you love yourself first,” bullshit. I have never loved myself.


“You can’t love someone until you love yourself first,”


I have never loved myself.

But you. Oh, God.

I loved you so much

I forgot what hating myself felt like.“


Post link


This scene from the fic “The Worst Prisoner” by @emletish-fish is so cute and adorable, Zuko high on painkillers just saying everything on his mind, while Katara are healing his wrist.

So adorable!


When an author says they are going to post on Thursday but it’s been three months:


When you try to decide between contacting the author anonymously or with your real username:


When you type a billion different asks and you don’t know what to say because you don’t want to annoy the author cause you love them so much and you want to be friends and for them to know you are their biggest fan and your grammar sucks and you don’t know if you sound loving or mean and–:


When you ask if the author if they are okay:


When the author responds that they are having a big case of writers block but–


(and you say that to be encouraging because you want them to know they can do anything cause they are super talented and you love them)

When someone posts a mean review or messages the author anonymously something rude:


When the author starts to post again:


When the author starts posting more than once a week:


When the author writes a very emotional chapter:


When you are just so proud of the author for getting through their writers block and for continuing to write and so happy they share their talents for free to the world and you get to go on the journey with them:

Zutara week 2021Day 5 - MendSuddenly again Southern Raiders

Zutara week 2021

Day 5 - Mend
Suddenly again Southern Raiders

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