#thanks so much


Persephone appreciates her approximately 1,200 followers! She can’t believe that there are over a thousand little lizard admirers that love her enough to follow her! She loves every one of you!

Spiky cuddles & sticky lizard licks!


This scene from the fic “The Worst Prisoner” by @emletish-fish is so cute and adorable, Zuko high on painkillers just saying everything on his mind, while Katara are healing his wrist.

So adorable!

mahogonygreensims: Starting to see posts about some of you finishing school and/or another school yemahogonygreensims: Starting to see posts about some of you finishing school and/or another school ye


Starting to see posts about some of you finishing school and/or another school year and guysssss way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously so proud of all of you, for making it so far in something so challenging and huge and… just… I know how all the due dates can bottleneck… and even if you’ve got caffeine on your side, sometimes you’re more tired than you’ve ever been in your life… and some days, school knocks the wind out of your confidence in yourself… or in your future, because this is what you’ve been working toward your whole life… just…

GUYS.You’ve done it. You’re doing it. Go grab your grad cap and throw it again!!! You are conquering something amazing. YOU are something amazing.

Post link



does anybody know some really good peter parker or steve rogers aus? i’ve been trying to find some but struck out, i beg you to drop some recs pls

Ooh for Steve, Lifelineby@anagentinwriting is an incredible first responder AU! Love is Not Forcedby@just-dreaming-marvelandBring Him Lightby@speechlessxxandPsuedo Princessby@shreddedparchment are really good royalty AUs! Save Meby@captainrogers-ass is a lifeguard AU that I have read at least three times.

Those are all series, but A Misunderstandingby@kinanabinks is a fabulous college AU one shot and With You , I’m Homeby@sweetascanbee is an adorable modern AU one shot!

Thanks for the rec! I’m glad you liked it enough to share!


Firefly’s Fic Recs - June

Sorry for the delay on this one - been having a few issues with Tumblr and been very busy with work. But without further ado…

Here are the amazing stories that I have read last month - as always, please check the tags and warnings, comment and reblog the fics, follow the writers for more fantastic content.

Appreciating the hard work and dedication of these writers just makes their day a little brighter!

Fic Recs 2021

Angst Fluff Smut Warnings ❗️ Series Favourite ✨

Keep reading

Thanks so much for including me along with all these other talented writers!! This made my day!



Summary:(First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?

Pairing:Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader

Word Count: 5700+

Warnings: Angst, hospitals, injuries, fluff

Lifeline Masterlist/Main Masterlist


Keep reading

It was so nice to see everyone interacting with her for one last time!

I I wish Steve could see her sooner but him trying to sneak into her room was hilarious and Bucky helping him

I’m so happy they got the happy ending they deserved!

I’m really sad to see this story end but it was such a joy to read and I’m glad I could be a part of your journey of writing this amazing story. You gave me something to wait for every week for a long time. Thank you for writing it and blessing us with your talent!

I’m glad you enjoyed everyone coming to visit her one last time. I thought it gave it a nice closure! And I had to make it a struggle for him to see her again while still keeping it entertaining! Then, Bucky having no choice but to help out his pal! And those two deserved a happy ending with what I put them through! I’m sad to see this story go, but more will get written…eventually, whenever it happens again! Haha! Thanks for reading, enjoyed reading all your comments! ☺️



Summary:(First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?

Pairing:Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader

Word Count: 5700+

Warnings: Angst, hospitals, injuries, fluff

Lifeline Masterlist/Main Masterlist


Keep reading

What a brilliant final chapter!!

It was great to finally meet Loki and have him and Thor have a little moment together, especially with processing everything that happened.

I LOVED THE ESCAPE PLAN that came from Steve and the fact Bucky did actually help

I really enjoyed this series and how they finally got a happy ending

Yay! I’m so glad you liked it! It was a fun story to write. Originally I didn’t have a moment where Thor and Loki had their little chat, but then I thought it was necessary for them to have there bro moment! I’m so happy you love the escape plan. I knew I had to make it challenging for Steve to get to her, and return him back to his troublemaker ways! And of course Bucky, having no choice in the matter, has to help him! Thanks so much for reading, enjoyed reading every one of your comments!


OKAYYYYY!! Wow, I have to get this off my chest!! I feel like I’m going to go crazy if I don’t write out this idea for you guys! AND PLEASE….if you have any suggestions I would LOVE to hear them!!!!  Here goes….how would you guys feel if I did a….

BTS One Piece au???

Like I’ve had this idea for quite some time and it would definitely be something that wouldn’t be created until after the completion of Spring Day’s redone series. But like here is the general idea behind it and I’m sorry this might get long!! Also, there might be some spoilers for the actual story of One Piece so please read with caution.

A LONG LONG LONG time ago I created an OC for the One Piece universe who I developed SO MUCH content for. I ended up making over a 100 page fanfic about her insertion in the series and her relationship to the characters. I was so proud of the concept but then it kinda just died out because One Piece started irritating the hell out of me with how the story was continued and my love for it kinda died out. But that never ceased my admiration for many of the concepts that Oda created to this day. Anyway, I stumbled upon the fanfic I wrote about the OC and started thinking how interesting it would be to use this concept for a BTS version. And that’s kinda how we got here lol.

So, that being said, let’s talk about You (aka the Reader). You are a child of Primm, a clan that was put on the earth to protect those who were marked with “The Will of D”. In the BTS version it wont be called “The Will of D” but it will be something else similar to the idea. Because of this purpose, all members of the Primm family have an obscene amount of physical strength and intelligence that exceeds even the Mink Clan. They are immediately trained from a young age having mastered all forms of Haki and they are put through physical and mental exercises to increase their agility, combat power, and speed. If someone from the Primm family fails to protect the individual marked with D, they will be sentenced to death having tarnished the purpose of the clan. 

In the OC’s case, she was supposed to protect Ace and Luffy and well….Ace died, indicating that she failed part of her purpose. However, seeing as she was also tasked to protect Luffy, she was put in a position where she was banished from the clan until the rest of her purpose was fulfilled. In this case, she can no longer come back to the clan until Luffy has fulfilled his dream. As long as he can do that without dying then the OC will be allowed back in. However, this is not without its limitations due to her allowing Ace to die still. In addition, the OC ends up becoming a liberator and captain of her own crew, someone who is similar to the Revolutionary Army but works according to their own agenda. Her main purpose is to free the slaves from auctions and household even if it means becoming one, especially World Nobles (something SUPER illegal). She incurred a crazy bounty having succeeded multiple times and was put on a watch list not only for her lineage but also for being a non-pirate for having such a huge bounty.

In the BTS version, all 7 members will be the ones You (the reader) have to protect. They all bare “the mark” and you are supposed to ensure their safety at all cost. What makes that so difficult for you though is how all 7 of them are associated with various groups, some of which oppose each other greatly. Your need to travel around and help slaves is how you managed to find and meet all of them at one point or another.

So lets talk about what that means!! 

Lets start off with the pirates. I LOVED the relationship between Ace, Luffy, and Sabo. Like, I wish Oda could’ve fleshed out their relationship more into their teen/adult years instead of cutting it so short when they were children by “killing” Sabo, separating Luffy and Ace, reuniting the two to actual kill Ace off, and then bringing Sabo back so suddenly after the major time skip. Like damn, my heart hated that the three of them couldn’t reunite but it is what it is and I’m going on a tangent at this point. 

So, if it wasn’t obvious, Ace, Luffy, and Sabo are going to play a critical role in this. I figured Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin could take the honors of filling those roles! However, it’ll be a bit different.

Jungkook is going to fill in for Ace. Taehyung for Luffy. And Jimin for Sabo. A majority of the concepts of Ace, Luffy, and Sabo will carry over to Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin but there will be major differences as well. 

For example, like Ace, Jungkook’s father will have been an infamous well renowned pirate king who put JK’s life through hell and who JK hates with a passion. But Jungkook will not die like Ace and will actual become the main captain of the main pirate crew. 

That being said, Taehyung, unlike Luffy, will not be the main pirate captain and will also not be clueless and stupid. He, like Luffy, will have an infamous reputation and encounter crazy strong individuals who he always manages to beat. 

Jimin, like Sabo, will come from a stereotypical richy rich noble family who tries to control his every waking move. He runs away, meets JK (and later Tae), and they become sworn brothers, promising to be pirates of their own crew. Unlike Sabo, he will not get his ship blown up by a World Noble nor will it take 80 billions chapters to write him back in the story. There will be an incident that separates the 3 but it’s nothing dramatic. Jimin will join the Revolutionary Army, Jungkook will become a 1 man pirate crew (for reasons), and Taehyung will become a pirate captain of his own crew. How Ace, Luffy, and Sabo met and grew up will be almost identical with JK, Tae, and Jimin. 

Now, how do you play role in this?

In the OC story I made, she gets dropped off at Dadan’s hut where Ace is staying. This is before Luffy shows up and after Ace meets Sabo. Ace did not like the OC for quite some time but eventually warmed up to her and developed feelings for her until the day he died. Sabo knows of her but doesn’t physically meet her until after he meets Luffy and also develops feelings for her as well. Luffy only ever saw her as a big sister figure and loves her deeply in his own way. For the BTS version, it will be the exact same thing except all three of them fall in love with You (the reader).

Let’s go to the Marines!!! >:D

The rap line….our lovely rap line will be the marines in this story. But not just any type of marine, they will take the role of the 3 most well known Admirals from One Piece. So Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok will have a very similar role to Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru respectfully in that order. Those 3 are so overpowered it’s not even funny and even though they are literally bad guys (Aokiji being an odd unknown in that sense) they had this cool badass aura to them that lowkey made them kinda cool even though personally I really don’t like Akainu and I REALLY don’t like Kizaru. Anyway, Smoker is my personal favorite marine (a few others too, like Fujitora and Garp and so on) and the ideology of him and a few of the other marines who are bit less rigid in the marine ideals and realize that they’re not as righteous as they come across will be very prominent with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok. So really the only similarites they share with Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru are their title, their strength, and how cool they come across (even thoguh they suck).

What’s your role in this?

They are VERY WELL aware of you. You being a liberator and having a crew who aids in your successful work, you are SUPER wanted. You are on a watch list and the marines do everything they can to try to hunt you down on numerous occasions. Because you are so evasive, the Ruler and Elders have instructed the 3 big admirals to come after you which is how you’ve met the rap line so many times. You have an odd relationship with them, in many cases you’ve had to work together. This has happened so many times that they’ve all grown a soft spot for you followed by serious romantic feelings. The three also have a weird love-hate relationship with the maknae line as well, having grown accustomed to them too.

Lastly, the Mink Clan!

So, personally I think the Mink Clan is so cool and so unique compared to some of the other characters Oda has created. It was refreshing, to say the least, and I wanted to play with that a little because I think there’s a lot of wiggle room there too. So this is where Jin resides. I played with the idea of him being a marine but I wanted to do more and remembered the Mink Clan! 

In Jin’s case, he is the next in line to be the ruler. I haven’t decided what kind of animal he’s going to be but I do know that he’ll be a bit different from many of the other minks, especially the males. The females are more humanoid and the males are more beast. But they all have fur/mammal-like qualities. Humans, to the minks, are known as lesser-minks, and Jin is going to be an odd mix of the two. He has the hybird characteristics of a mink but he has no fur like a human. He was born that way but was never looked at as less than. His mother was a princess of the minks who was beyond beautiful and his father a handsome human. Jin just came out as a hybrid of the two. Despite that, that is about the only human characteristic about him. He still goes through Sulong when the full moon comes out and he is said to be one of the strongest minks in the tribe.

He meets you a few times on many occasions. In this story, minks go for an outrageous price at auctions. You had freed many of his people and personally brought them back to his homeland. He had helped many many time in the process. It didn’t take much for him to fall in love with you and has since tried to court you.

Now that this has all been played out, the really fun thing I want to do is eventually have them all join the same crew. There will be a series of events that brings all 7 of them together to join one crew, even though that requires 3 of them betraying the marines. You will be there right along with them and it will be a poly adventure romance story. They all, except you, will have a devil fruit but, again, I haven’t thought of that yet. This has so many things that need to be figured out and if you’ve read this far, I would love to hear your ideas on different things. Like a devil fruit for each of them, or the mink breed Jin will be. Stuff like that. Only if you want. I would also love to hear if any of you would even be interested in a story like this and any other feedback! Sorry this is so long but I wanted to share it with you all so badly. It was eating away at me like crazy lol.

Anyway, thanks so much and please enjoy the upcoming chapters of Pied Piper!!!



Little something for @smkfan99 birthday WISH HER GOOD BIRTH!! Thanks :)

Sorry forgot to check my notifications! Anyways thank you so much ☺️ I love this


Halloween Heist: Chapter 3

Chapter III: “Spooky, Scary Skeletons”

Summary:Joy and Nina spend their first hour alone maybe ever. Mara and Amber have different ideas about how to spread the word about the party, while KT’s good ideas get steamrolled. Willow dreams of winning the costume contest. Meanwhile, Mr. Sweet catches a hint of something suspicious.

Link to AO3


PLS the scott pilgrim thing is so funny lol

I just realized that this blog broke 8,000 followers sometime this week

That means there’s 8,000 nalu fans at least

And, there are so many more out there


I appreciate you…

I still have over 500 followers. Thanks so so solo much to those of you who stick with me through my times of inactivity. I truly truly need you in my life. Things have been very hard lately l, and so many times, I’ve thought my tumblr was just gonna completely fall under because I go through these periods of just being completely unable to bring myself to make quality posts or even just mindlessly fill my queue. Well… Anyway enough of my rambling. I just wanted to say thank you. You guys are the true MVPs.


Chapter 39 - A Lack of Compassion ★★NEW CHAPTER COMING SOON★★

Thank you so very much, my anonymous friend. You are too kind. *happy tears*

I truly hope everyone enjoys the new chapter. I will be posting it in a few more days. *hugs*

My mom and dad: “Make yourself pretty [by putting on make-up]”. 

Wow thanks.
Thanks for telling me that I can only look pretty when I’m wearing make-up.
Thanks for telling me that women can only look pretty when they’re wearing make-up.
Thanks for making me feel insecure.
Thanks so much.

flamebeetle:Go check out @pokebreeder, they make some of the best crossbreeds I’ve found, and has


Go check out @pokebreeder, they make some of the best crossbreeds I’ve found, and has a wonderful art style.

This one of their crossbreeds, Spitfire Drugidon, (Magmar+Drugidon).

Post link


Ok maybe a month late, but never wrong to try and send healing gremlins to a friend. He’s doing his best.

Hope you’re doing better @zmistress



200 of you. Thank you. :)


Gif for @lihichi

I took a screenshot and drew it

Ỏ mỷ idol cụa iem chúc chị năm mới zui zẻ nhoaaaaaa~(^ω^)

There are pixels too( ◠‿◠ )

awww thankss

chúc mừng năm mới em nhé (*´ω`*)




so two trucks by lemon demon has a bpm of 114…

