

Invictus Games: Team Ukraine

“Yuliia Paievska, better known as Taira, is a civilian paramedic, the founder and leader of “Taira’s Angels”, a volunteer medical evacuation unit. She is a member of Team Ukraine at the InvictusGames

Taira is a front line ‘medical angel’. She has always worked in the most critical flashpoints, taking Ukrainian wounded warriors out of fire. She has more than 500 rescued lives of Ukrainian soldiers to her credit

Taira has rescued more than 500 lives of Ukrainian military personnel, since the beginning of the Russian invasion in 2014. Now it’s her own life that needs to be saved

On March 16, 2022, Taira was captured in Mariupol. There is currently lack of progress in the negotiations on putting her on the list of prisoners to be exchanged

Russian media are using Taira in their disinformation narratives and propaganda campaigns. They publish videos showing signs of psychological and physical pressure used against her. This fact provides grounds for believing that there is a threat to Taira’s life

Having no international community to exert pressure on Russia, it will not be possible to get matters of Yuliia Paievska-Taira’s return off the ground

We urge everyone to join the international #SaveTaira campaign and make demands on Russian to set Yuliia Paievska free”

More details on the link.

“I wish you victory! With love, Letizia.”

Ukrainians have reportedly received a very special personal good luck message from Queen Letizia of Spain along with a delivery of Spanish weapons. The author of this embroidered shirt is Olga Solovey, a woman from Ivano-Frankivsk who emigrated to Madrid long before the war in Ukraine.

Together we are the force. There is the whole country behind every ukrainian © Mariya Loniuk @art.malon

The Ukrainian Film Academy


Аполітичними під час війни бути неможливо. І публічним особам теж.

Російський фігурист Євгеній Плющенко – один з тих багатьох росіян, хто підтримує політику путіна. Зокрема, він розділяє ідею військового вторгнення, порушення суверенності іншої держави, терору та геноциду. Фігурист відкрито заявив, що підтримує “спецоперацію”, як росія називає знищення українців. Крім того, спортсмен планує провести льодове шоу у “ДНР”.

Доки російські фігуристи фантазують, бо не можуть виступати на міжнародних змаганнях через політику свого “царя”, українські спортсмени, ризикуючи життям, їдуть на чемпіонат світу. Так, Максим Нікітін з Харкова діставався до міжнародної льодової арени під обстрілами у рідному місті. Доки росіяни продовжували бомбити Харків, дует українських фігуристів Максима Нікітіна і Олександри Назарової без підготовки у тренувальній формі виступив під нову музику. Перформанс українців під мікс пісень Джамали “1944” та “Ой у лузі червона калина” у виконанні Андрія Хливнюка, змусив глядачів затримати подих, а саме відео виступу стало вірусним.

У війні росії проти України винен кожен росіянин.

І поки російська культура підтримує дії своєї влади і працює на неї – вона винна теж.


It is impossible to be apolitical during the war. And public figures too.

Russian figure skater Yevhen Plyuchchenko is one of many russians who support putin’s policies. In particular, he shares the idea of military invasion, violation of the sovereignty of another state, terror and genocide. The figure skater openly declared that he supported the ‘special operation’, as russia calls the destruction of Ukrainians. In addition, the athlete plans to hold an ice show in the 'DPR’.

While Russian figure skaters are fantasizing that they cannot compete at international competitions because of their “tsar” policy, Ukrainian athletes, risking their lives, go to the world championship. So, Maxym Nikitin from Kharkiv got to the international ice arena under shelling in his hometown. While the russians continued to bomb Kharkiv, the duo of Ukrainian figure skaters Maxym Nikitin and Olexandra Nazarova performed unprepared in training uniforms to the new music. The performance of the Ukrainians to the mix of Jamala’s songs “1944” and “Oh, the Red Viburnum in the Meadow” (Ukrainian: Ой у лузі червона калина) by Andriy Khlyvnyuk made the audience hold their breath, namely the video of the performance became viral.

Every russian is to blame for russia’s war against Ukraine.

And as long as russian culture supports the actions of its government and works for it, it is also to blame.



Serhiy Volyna: “At night there was a direct hit of an air bomb in the hospital. The operating room was destroyed. Many guys died"
