#английский язк


Признавайтесь, как часто в залипаете на картинки и видосы с миленькими животными? Я вот постоянно так делаю. Оказывается, это очень для нас полезно - подтверждено наукой ;) Читайте:

Now new research has revealed that looking at cute images of baby animals doesn’t just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, but can actually improve your work performanceand help you concentrate.

Through three experiments a team of scientists found that people showed higher levels of concentration being shown pictures of puppies or kittens. The participants who were shown images of puppies and kittens performed their tasks better than those who looked at cats and dogs or sushi and pasta. Performance scores improved by 44%. 

This finding suggests that viewing cute images makes participants behave more deliberatelyand perform tasks with greater time and care,’ said the researchers, according to the published paper. It also improves carefulness, possibly by narrowingthebreadthofattentional focus.’

The study’s authors write that in the future cute objects could be used as a way to triggeremotions ‘toinducecareful behavioral tendencies in specific situations, such as driving and office work.’


fuzzy: буквально - “нечеткий, пушистый”, но в сочетании с warm and fuzzy inside означает что-то близкое к “греть душу”, “теплый и пушистый”, в зависимости от контекста
performance: здесь - результаты, показатели
task: задача
deliberately: cознательно, умышленно
to narrow:сузить
attentional focus: внимание
to induce:побудить
tendency: тенденция
