

France région PACA (06)

Je suis une Travesti amatrice sexy Salope passive au look trés Pute qui adore le sexe débridé et les Hommes virils Actifs Dominateurs à grosses Queues…

Bonne suceuse à baiser à la chaine ou à plusieurs Mecs, exib, mise à dispo, imposition aux Mâles, envoi à la queue…..ok !

Plus d’infos en me contactent

Bisous xxx

Je suis non vénale

Dispo soirs ou nuits

Plan Hôtel, en ext, ailleurs ok.

✖️✖️✖️ I can’t wait for you to wake up and see the one that brought you sun to you is now gone ✨ . .

I can’t wait for you to wake up and see the one that brought you sun to you is now gone ✨
#passive #brie #lesbian #lesbians #genderfluid #gfstandout3 #androgynous #androgyny #tomboy #tomboys #tomboysww #tomboystyle #tomboystyles #gay #gays #tomboylook #tomboylookbook #tomboyfashion #stemlesbian #stemme #girlswholikegirls #girlswhokissgirls #girlswithtattoos #tomboygirl #tomboyfemme #tomboyswag #lgbt #lgbtq

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Edward nearly finds fulfillment in his work.

Submitted by future-surgeon Also using constructs like ‘he thought that…’ and 'sh

Submitted by future-surgeon

Also using constructs like ‘he thought that…’ and 'she did this in order that he might…’

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Sigil Type: Active/Passive

Method: Hydroglyph

Meaning: “Influence healthy and natural feeling communication”

Planetary Correspondences: Sun /Moon/Mercury

Directional Correspondences: South/East

Color Correspondences: Yellow/Green

Numerology: 2/6/9

As commissioned by a follower who wishes to remain anonymous.

Sigil Type: Passive/Psychologica

Method: Hydroglyph

Meaning: “to help alleviate physical pain”

{I am not a health professional; for legal reasons this is for entertainment purposes only}

Planetary Correspondences: Jupiter/Venus/Mars

Directional Correspondences: East

Color Correspondences: Red/Magenta

Numerology: 1/6/9

Request your own Sigil by visiting this link!

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Sigil Type: Active/Passive

Method: Boolean

Meaning: Assist in muscle growth

Planetary Correspondences: Mars/Sun

Directional Correspondences: East

Color Correspondences: Red/Orange

Numerology: 3/6/9

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 Знаете, где было построено первое метро? В Лондоне! В этом видео (с шикарной графикой) посмотрим немного об истории этого средства передвижения (я так же как-то задалась вопросом: как можно построить туннель для метро под рекой?) В этом видео мне дали ответ! В видео есть субтитры

uproar:гам, мятеж
to dig: копать
to scoff:осмеивать
minister: (здесь) священник
to venture: рисковенное путешествие или дело
relieved:чувствующий облегчение
to lobby: лоббировать
embankment: набережная
to devise: разработать
to bore:сверлить

Раз уж у нас идет месяц транспорта, давайте поговорим о самолетах. Боитесь ли вы на них летать? Меня лично напрягают аэропорты гораздо больше, чем самолеты - вся эта бюрократия, проверки… нет, не мое. А вот летать бояться не надо, и вот, почему:


Fear of flying is its own category of phobia, and it is a common one. However, the facts dictate that flying remains one of the safest ways to travel. The chance of dying in a transportation-relatedaccident in the US, for example, is one in 6,800. The chance of dying in a plane crash? One in 13 million. That doesn’t stop us from being scared when boarding a plane—and yet not think twice about stepping into our car.

Help (and logic) is at hand

Whileturbulenceis what passengers fear most, planes are now built in such a way that turbulence cannot cause a plane to crash. Most turbulence-related injuries are the result of unfastened seatbelts and falling luggage. According to an article in Slate, the last plane crash due to turbulence alone was back in 1966. So turbulence might make you feel queasy, it’s not going to endanger you.

Keep calm and Candy Crush

There are other ways to psychologically prepare yourself for a smooth flight. 

  • Make everything as slow as possible: Going to the airport, checking in, boarding. 
  • Never forget the real purpose of the flight. Is it for vacation? Spending good times with friends or family? Keep your eye on the goal, as the flight is usually a means to a happy one.
  • Beoccupiedinstead ofpreoccupied. Try to do some art therapy, play games or chat with neighbors.

to board a plane: сесть в самолет (дословно - зайти на борт)
to step into a car: сесть в машину (дословно - зайти в машину) 
turbulence: турбулентность
unfastened seatbelt: расстегнутый ремень безопасности
to check in: зарегистрироваться (на полет)


Мы продолжаем неделю транспорта, и я тут наткнулась на интересную статью. О системе машин напрокат, например, всем известно. А велосипедах, допустим, тоже. А как насчет самокатов? Это что-то новенькое! А они, в каком-то смысле, все равно завоевали город. Давайте почитаем:

Bird, a startup run by former Uber executives, launched the scooters in Santa Monica last September. Hundreds weredeposited around the city overnight, the devices soubiquitouspeople literally tripped over them. Since then, they have taken over the town. Download an app, scan a scooter’s barcode and go. You leave the scooter on the pavementfor the next rider.

It aims to solve the “last mile” problem: a distance too far to walk and too short to drive. Marlon Boarnet says scooters canfacilitate these short trips.

The Guardian tried them out last week. The longest journey was three miles. It took 17 minutes and cost $3.55. The experience was positive. Scooters were easy to find with the app’s map pinpointingdevices left by trees, parking meters, benches and doorways. In addition, since both hands are needed to steer it is difficult to text or fiddle with your phone.

Riders are supposed to belicenseddrivers, helmeted and are meant to ride on streets. Still,improperuse abounds.  Few wear helmets in Santa Monica. It is common to see children riding scooters, two people on one scooter, parked scooters cluttering sidewalks etc.

But there’s another concern. Won’t people have even less incentive to walk and exercise? Let’s hope not. With the scooters at least you have to stand.



deposit: (здесь) оставить, откладывать
ubiquitous:встречающийся повсюду
to try something out: попробовать что-то 
to pinpoint: определить
to steer: направлять, управлять рулем
to clutter:загромождать

И последнее видео в этом месяце животных - два человека решили навестить тренера морских животных и проследить за его рутиной. Видео безумно интересное - например, вы знали, что некоторых животных кормят через “лабиринт”, чтобы как-то стимулировать их ум? Посмотрите!

honking: сигналить, гудеть
behind-the-scenes:за кулисами
sneak-peak: взглянуть, посмотреть
bat:летучая мышь
conservation: охрана природы
hand-sort:сортировать что-то вручную
blubber: ворвань, жир
toss: кинуть, бросить

Признавайтесь, как часто в залипаете на картинки и видосы с миленькими животными? Я вот постоянно так делаю. Оказывается, это очень для нас полезно - подтверждено наукой ;) Читайте:

Now new research has revealed that looking at cute images of baby animals doesn’t just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, but can actually improve your work performanceand help you concentrate.

Through three experiments a team of scientists found that people showed higher levels of concentration being shown pictures of puppies or kittens. The participants who were shown images of puppies and kittens performed their tasks better than those who looked at cats and dogs or sushi and pasta. Performance scores improved by 44%. 

This finding suggests that viewing cute images makes participants behave more deliberatelyand perform tasks with greater time and care,’ said the researchers, according to the published paper. It also improves carefulness, possibly by narrowingthebreadthofattentional focus.’

The study’s authors write that in the future cute objects could be used as a way to triggeremotions ‘toinducecareful behavioral tendencies in specific situations, such as driving and office work.’


fuzzy: буквально - “нечеткий, пушистый”, но в сочетании с warm and fuzzy inside означает что-то близкое к “греть душу”, “теплый и пушистый”, в зависимости от контекста
performance: здесь - результаты, показатели
task: задача
deliberately: cознательно, умышленно
to narrow:сузить
attentional focus: внимание
to induce:побудить
tendency: тенденция

Мы нашли для вас статью, которая расскажет, как сказать на английском “олененок”, “утенок” и “гусенок”. Расскажите, знали ли вы эти слова раньше?


Youngeagles(орел) areeaglets,owls(сова) are owlets. Ornithologists often call young birds chicks, nestlings or fledglings, but swans(лебедь),geese(гусь) and ducks(утка), have a specific word —cygnets,goslingsandducklings, respectively.


‘fawn,’ the word for deer(олень) young, comes from the Old English word for ‘glad’. 


Why are baby fish(рыба) called fry? That’s not a great word for the future of those fish, is it? Brian Sidlauskas, associate professor at Oregon State University says it’s an Old Norse word, “frío, freó, fraé meaning seed or offspring.” At one time it was used to refer to young of all kinds, including humans and bees as well as fishes.


Интервью с Билл Гейтсом завершает наш месяц технологий, потому что как его не завершить, если не размышлениями о будущем и вообще, на что способно человечество? Вот, что Биллу есть сказать по этому поводу:

charitable: милосердный
blint: (здесь) глупый, грубый человек
polio: болезнь полиомиелит
pick your brain: (здесь) устраивать опрос, спрашивать кого-то очень подробно

Add me babes❤️(lilbootyboy420)

Fuck me

Fuck me

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Anyone wants to fuck me doggy

Anyone wants to fuck me doggy

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 The heliodome is a passive house made in Alsace, France, by Eric Wasser.Article with video (in Fren The heliodome is a passive house made in Alsace, France, by Eric Wasser.Article with video (in Fren The heliodome is a passive house made in Alsace, France, by Eric Wasser.Article with video (in Fren The heliodome is a passive house made in Alsace, France, by Eric Wasser.Article with video (in Fren The heliodome is a passive house made in Alsace, France, by Eric Wasser.Article with video (in Fren

 The heliodome is a passive house made in Alsace, France, by Eric Wasser.

Article with video (in French) : https://www.18h39.fr/articles/la-maison-passive-ultime-lheliodome.html

Hey, wouldn’t you like living in a reverse coconut chair? :-D


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