


6 weeks

Since I’m not an establish patient anywhere the doctor’s office I called couldn’t get me in until October 8th, and my insurance is changing October 1st and I won’t be able to see them. So now I have to wait until October to even make an appointment. Which is ok, but I couldn’t go that long not knowing hard far along I was. So we paid for an ultrasound at an outside location. The tech measured the gestational sac and crown to rump length and they both estimated me at 6 weeks. This could very well change, but he said it’s a good indication since both measurements were giving the same date.

So that gives me a approximate due date of May 8, 2019. Bill’s dying for them to be born on the 4th and have a Star Wars baby. And as I am typing this out I feel a little tickle of excitement, which has been lacking so far.

We got to hear the heartbeat, which was 117. Kennedy’s was 127 at the first ultrasound so I don’t think that’s an indication of the sex yet. Here is some pictures of the little tiny squish.


This was two years ago. How was this two years ago. My baby boy Liam who didn’t get to come home. The only parts of him the exist are in the few photos we got. I was so unhappy being pregnant. Liam was my lightning baby. Lightning rarely strikes twice and he was an unexpected miracle. But I was sick and exhausted and scared and I didn’t appreciate it while I could. I took hearing his heatbeat for granted and I didn’t realize it until we couldn’t hear it anymore. I have so much regret over that time. I couldn’t have known, and obviously being happy isn’t something you can control, but I was so terrified about loving another child enough. I worried that I didn’t have room in my heart. I wasn’t ready to share myself with any child besides Kennedy. And in the end I was so wrong. There was more than enough of me for both my children. When I held him I was bursting with love. My heart had so much room for him and I’m thankful for that, because that’s where he lives now.

One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. Yes it’s me. Yes it’s real velvet. @

One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. Yes it’s me. Yes it’s real velvet. @telemetry101 knows how to give a gift! #Elvis #elvispresley #velvetelvis #velvetpainting #TCB #⚡️

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Baby Zenitsu⚡️

from my sixfanarts piece I did a while ago

(I’ll be posting all of the characters with their own individual backgrounds so stay tuned☺️

@thundastrike666 imagine bannard goes to sleep and youre like ”finally some peace and quiet-“ and then he immediately lets out the LOUDEST snore youve EVER heard

(Yes they are im fact sleeping on the floor of a cave. where else would korathius live /j)

Last #Kaynouna was #⚡️ • • • • @kaynounaofficial #Music #Dance #DancingWithLightening #FiberWhip #Pi

Last #Kaynouna was #⚡️

@kaynounaofficial #Music #Dance #DancingWithLightening #FiberWhip #PixelWhip #Fun #Dubai #MyDubai (at Kaynouna)

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Does anyone ever feel like when they cofront with another headmate they sorta blend or fuse?

There is usually more than one of us up here and we honestly feel like a gem fusion from Steven Universe. Like whether it’s Kip and Ghost or Margo and Parker or Kip and Alucard or Margo, Ghost, and M, or any combination of two or more of us. When we’re fronting we’re either sorta combined to make a new (but sorta the same) entity or we feel like pilot and copilot working together to pilot a mech (the body).

Like Margo might be talking with a customer on the phone, but Parker is listening to what they say and writing down useful information. Kip might be making dinner while Alucard is singing MCR. In a conversation with Parker and Ollie, Ollie might be talking for the most part, and Parker might chime in with just a sentence or two. Margo might make happy stimmy sounds while Ghost is washing the dishes. It’s much harder for us to function when there’s just one person fronting. Everything becomes so much easier when we cofront, no matter who’s up here.

Just thought we’d share this in case any systems have similar experiences!

We do! Specifically I (⚡️) and recently formed a Blend, where we have our own name and switch between both our pronoun sets! We can also totally be cofronting without Blending though, so I think our experience is different than y’all’s on that front.
