

魔道祖师经修版(Mo Dao Zu Shi revised edition) – The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/The Founder of Diabolism

Chapter 95 – 爱洗澡 (Ai Xi Zao) – Love for baths

Lan Wangji ignored it and watched him closely, as if Wei Wuxian would flee if he blinked even once. As Wei Wuxian reached out in covering his eyes, he submerged the lower half of his face into the water and blew bubbles. Laughing happily, Wei Wuxian gently pinched his cheeks and asked, “Er-ge ge, how old are you already?”

He picked up the case of soap and wash-cloth by the side, lathering downwards, along Lan WangJi’s face, he came to a halt.

Earlier, when Lan Wangji removed his forehead ribbon and hair tie, his loosened black hair had fell and masked his upper body. However, now that he had helped Lan Wangji in brushing aside his dampened locks, the thirty-over discipline whip lashes and the seared branding mark on his chest were left completely exposed.

The whipping scars strewn across Lan Wangji’s back had spread to his chest, shoulders, biceps and were intertwining on the large area of bright, pale skin. These sinister-looking scars had liberally destroyed what could have been the perfect male specimen of a body.

“… …”

In his abrupt silence, Wei Wuxian lowered his head while he dipped the wash-cloth into water and wiped across the scars.

He cladded his movements in gentleness, despite the fact that these old scars had already scabbed over, no longer causing pain. In fact, even if they were fresh wounds, knowing Lan Wangji’s personality, he would definitely not show even the slightest bit of weakness in his most painful moment.

Wei Wuxian was thirsting for answers in this opportune time. The only people with authority over Lan Wangji to deliver him punishment in the Lan sect were Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren. What exactly could have been the catalyst that forced his dearest elder brother or his uncle who raised him single-handedly, as his pride and joy to deal such a heavy hand? Also, what about that Wen sect branding mark which he had no impression of ever being there? And, the question which he is the most concerned and curious about –

Han Guang-jun, what exactly do you see me as?

However, whenever the question is on the tip of his tongue, he’d find some reason or another to swallow it back in. What with, this not being an urgent matter, it could wait till after we’re done fooling around to ask; what with, this shouldn’t be a casual question, it should wait till we sit down to talk over it seriously; what with, maybe it won’t be taken seriously while we’re drunk.

All of the above excuses had allowed this to drag on, as for the real reason, he had already known for a while.

He was probably just a coward.

He feared that the answer he received would be different from his expectation.

Lan Wangji turned his body abruptly and threw him a glance. At that, Wei Wuxian had only just realized that he had been so lost in thoughts he scrubbed a patch of skin on Lan Wangji’s back red and raw, as if he was smacked. Wei Wuxian asked inwardly if Lan Wangji was dissatisfied with his service? He hurriedly paused his motion and apologised, “Sorry, sorry, are you hurt?”

Without a word, Lan Wangji shook his head. Seeing him sitting meekly in the bathtub and thinking that he looked slightly pitiful, Wei Wuxian hooked a finger to scratch his lower jaw as pacification. Unfulfilled at just scratching his lower jaw, Wei Wuxian was also tempted to poke at Lan Wangji’s abdominal muscles. As his hand reached out, Lan Wangji abruptly gripped his wrist and warned with a deep voice, “Stop squirming.”

His delicate features and eyelashes were still outlined with a trace of clear water droplets, his expression appeared icy cold, yet his gaze was scalding hot.

Having been tolerated by Lan Wangji over his slights countless times for the night, Wei Wuxian had taken Lan Wangji’s endurance for granted, although he had been stopped this time, he brazenly challenged, “Why? Haven’t I been touching you all over for this long already?”

Lan Wangji sealed his lips tight, not letting a single word slip, making it hard to discern if he was angered or not. Seeing so, Wei Wuxian felt a pang of guilt and said, “Alright then, I won’t touch you anymore, clean yourself up.”

After which, he flung the wash-cloth aside and made an attempt to flee. Unexpectedly, instead of allowing his escape, Lan Wangji had tightened the grip on his wrist, commanding, “You can’t leave.”

After his futile attempt at shoving away, Wei Wuxian was again emboldened, “Han Guang-jun, now you’re in the wrong. First you ordered me to help you wash up, then you wouldn’t let me touch you, and now you wouldn’t let me leave. What exactly do you want from me?”

“… …”

After a moment of silence, Lan Wangji spoke in an unreasonable tone, “Anyway, you’re just not allowed to leave.”

In provocation, Wei Wuxian splashed two handful of water unto Lan Wangji’s face and said, “Take a look at yourself, you’re being super unreasonable and a tyrant!”

Without even trying to avoid, the water splattered onto Lan Wangji’s face, “I told you to stop squirming around.”

That was a warning. Due to the strength of the alcohol, Wei Wuxian’s temperature rose.

Wei Wuxian lifted one end of his lips, “If I insist on squirming, what are you gonna do to me? Disciplinary scripture copying? House arrest? Or seal my voice, eh?”

Lan Wangji returned a deathly stare at him, a spark of hurt seemed to flash across his eyes.

This face, this kind of expression, this type of gaze, this sort of situation, this person. Wei Wuxian inhaled a breath of cold air.

Akin to being set ablaze, he fired up and went all out to exclaim, “Han Guang-jun, don’t tell me, you don’t like me touching you in this way!”

The incessant, nonchalance exhibited by Wei Wuxian had finally unhinged the other party.

Similar to having been bit by a venomous snake, Lan Wangji violently jerked his arm, and Wei Wuxian sensed a terrifying might pulling him over.

Water splayed across in an irreparable manner. It was unclear of who the instigator was, but when Wei Wuxian gradually sobered up, he was already sitting on Lan Wangji’s lap.

Right in this position, in a tight embrace, they lingered on as they kissed feverishly. Wei Wuxian interlocked his arms behind Lan Wangji’s neck, loathing to part, he wantonly carried on. Suddenly, he let slip an “ah”, opened his eyes and swiped blood off his lips with a finger and scolded, “Lan Zhan! Why did you bite like you’re a dog?!”

Initially, having already been kissed raw, the added effect of the bleeding lips had increased the provocativeness of the situation. And in response to his untimely complaint, Lan Wangji bit down again. Under the biting and sucking, Wei Wuxian creased his eyebrows in slight pain and in retaliation, he reached a hand under and gave it a firm stroke.

No one had ever committed such a shameless and audacious act against Lan Wangji and not just once, it was done again, the colour on his face abruptly changed, his arms enveloping Wei Wuxian constricted, leaving a streak of imprints behind. Wei Wuxian laughed as he panted, he went for a peck on Lan Wangji’s lips and spoke next to his ear, “So, are you mad yet? Did you know, Lan Zhan, I really like it when you get angry…”

In the warm embrace, Wei Wuxian was drained of energy from the tips of his finger to the top of his scalp, in the daze, even his fingers refuse to curl up in the slightest. It took a while before the two managed to return to their normal breathing rate.

Albeit being heavily pressed down, his heart was simultaneously in tranquility and turmoil. Wei Wuxian planted a chaste kiss along Lan Wangji’s hairline. Wrapping around the two was the dull scent of sandalwood and a light fragrance of soap from the bath. The promiscuous aroma had diluted.

Wei Wuxian had buried the question he long wanted to ask Lan Wangji deep in his heart, afraid to ask it, until this moment as they reclined here basking, he finally gained the confidence and spoke in a low voice, “Lan Zhan… are you listening?”

After a pause, Lan Wangji responded with an “en”. Wei Wuxian then spoke again, “I have something to say to you.”

Breathing in lightly he opened up, “Lan Zhan, thank you.”

With a million things to say, he had no idea where he should begin.

If he hadn’t met Lan Wangji upon his return, Wei Wuxian had no idea what state he would be in right now. To be frank, even if he were to make do with just himself, it wouldn’t have been the worst.

However, no matter what, he believes, it would not have been better than this right now.  

He had not notice that after hearing that, Lan Wangji’s body had stiffened up.

The surging emotions he had were still gradually dissipating, leaving Wei Wuxian in a trance and he blurted incoherently, “In these two lives, you’ve helped me out a bunch. I know you’ve been very nice… to me. You’re especially nice! Besides thanking you, I’m not sure what else I should say to you… anyways, to me, you… you…”

However, this wasn’t even the main point. Wei Wuxian had never fully confessed these feelings to anyone before this, regardless of his shamelessness, he’s a person who also has his limits, so he could only throw out a few random things to say for now. He was still pondering over the right way to express his sincerity when Lan Wangji unexpectedly pushed him away in one swift motion.

Caught off-guard, Wei Wuxian was knocked over breathless.

He widened his eyes in stunned confusion. Meanwhile, Lan Wangji had sat up, his chest rose and fell, and his breathing was rushed.

The pair sat in a still silence for a brief period and the first to make a move was indeed, Lan Wangji.

His face flushed a pale white, but his eyes were clear. He first picked up the white undergarment off the floor, used to cover Wei Wuxian’s body before looking for his own clothes.

Wei Wuxian remained in his state of confusion, unable to believe all of which had happened.

This single shove resembled a beautiful dream which had instantaneously turned into a horrible nightmare and resembled being doused with a bucket of cold water, chilling the bones from head to toe; or resembled more like a fierce slap across the face, rendering him dizzy from the strike. After mustering enough strength to re-open his mouth, in a hoarse voice he tried asking, “Lan Zhan, you’re… sober now?”

Lan Wangji had already completed dressing himself and was sitting a distance away, he lifted his right hand to rub at his forehead while he faced the mess infront of him and his back against Wei Wuxian. After a long pause, he then responded in a low tone, “En.”

Even though it was unclear when he had awakened from his drunken stupor, but since he was now awake, Lan Wangji’s action was the one thing that was clear.

For their play earlier, he doesn’t wish to continue with that. And for the conversation with Wei Wuxian, he doesn’t wish to continue with that either.

Wei Wuxian had finally come to realise, just how inappropriate his actions were earlier.

Translator’s note on the phrases in bold

Er-ge ge – Literally, second brother; as LWJ is the second born of the sect master. (Hope yall already know this by now)

gave it a firm stroke – “it” is referring to LWJ’s reproductive organ. WWX stroked it. (Hehe)

Translated by @froliczxc

Requested by @kathleenrowlandkolmer


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Links to: Chapter 100|Chapter 111|Chapter 111 (NSFW)

魔道祖师经修版(Mo Dao Zu Shi revised edition) – The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/The Founder of Diabolism

Chapter 100 – 表白 (Biao Bai) – Confession

The strand of Guqin string was impeccably thin, further coated with a particular varnish, it was near impossible to catch with the naked eye. Adding on the fact that Wei Wuxian was previously in a state of mental turmoil and in no mood to pay attention to others, was the string then able to wrap itself around his throat.

Wei Wuxian exclaimed, “Lan Zhan, don’t! Don’t retreat!”

Yet, within an instance, Lan Wangji had without any reserve, already taken five steps back.

Jin Guangyao commended, “Perfect. Then, moving on, if you could please put Bi Chen back in its scabbard.”

With the clang of metals, Lan Wangji had again, immediately done as he was told. Wei Wuxian spat in rage, “Don’t push it you!”

Jin Guangyao responded, “I’m ‘pushing it’, with just these little requests? I was going to continue by asking Han Guang-jun to seal his own spiritual core, what would you call that then?”

Wei Wuxian angrily exclaimed, “You…”

Before he could finish, an acute pain akin to the slicing of his flesh could be felt around his throat, accompanied by a sensation of a thick liquid substance sliding down his neck. Seeing that, Lan Wangji’s face flashed a deathly white while Jin Guangyao continued, “How could he not obey me? Think about it, Wei-gongzi, his life is currently in my hands.”

Lan Wangji clearly bit, “Do. Not. Touch. Him.”

Jin Guangyao maintained, “Well then, Han Guang-jun, you know what you should do.”

After a moment, Lan Wangji replied, “Okay.”

Lan WangJi heaved a deep sigh. He raised his hands and in two heavy gestures, he sealed his own spiritual core.

Jin Guangyao spoke gently with a smile, “This is honestly…”

Lan Wangji continued to stare motionlessly, “Let him go.”

Wei Wuxian interrupted, “Lan Zhan! I, I have something to say to you.”

Jin Guangyao commented, “You can talk about it later.”

Wei Wuxian refused, “No, this is extremely urgent.”

Jin Guangyao remarked, “You can say it in this position then.”

Though he originally meant it as a passing remark, Wei Wuxian unexpectedly agreed, “That’s fine too.”

With that, Wei Wuxian amplified his voice to announce, “Lan Zhan! Lan Wangji! Han Guang-jun! I, earlier I, sincerely wanted to bed you!”




The moment Jin Guangyao allowed his hand to slip, loosening the string weapon around his neck, Wei Wuxian impatiently threw himself at Lan Wangji.

His earth-shattering confession sent a shock through Lan Wangji’s body, stunning him dazed, unable to react at all to the circumstances and causing his usual, stoic expression to be replaced by the rare look of bewilderment and confusion. This was not the first time Wei Wuxian had wrapped both arms around his waist, tightly holding him in an embrace, but this was the first time Lan Wangji body had resembled a dead log, stiff to a point where he had not even an inkling of an idea of where to place his hands.

Wei Wuxian spoke, “Lan Zhan, what I just said, did you hear it loud and clear?!”

Lan Wangji’s lips trembled, after a pause, he spoke, “You…”

Whenever he spoke, it was always concise and straight to the point, never had it been inarticulate, yet at this moment, his speech was disjointed and filled with hesitation. After another pause, he spoke again, “Just now, you said…”

It was as if he wanted to reiterate it, to reassure himself that it wasn’t misheard. However, to Lan Wangji, that way of phrasing was honestly, a challenge to teeth out. Seeing this, Wei Wuxian instantly and without hesitation prepared to repeat himself, “I said, I sincerely wanted to…”

“Ahem, Ahem!”

Aside, Lan Xichen had his right hand in a fist, covering his lips. After a period of consideration, he sighed, “…Wei-gongzi, you really picked the right time to say such a thing and a right place too.”

Wei Wuxian apologised with complete insincerity, “I’m really sorry, sect master Lan, but I honestly couldn’t hold it in for a single second anymore.”

As if unable to hold it in any longer as well, with a turn of his head, Jin Guangyao yelled urgently, “Haven’t we found it?”

The respond came from one of the monks, “Sect master, you had it buried too deep originally…”

Jin Guangyao flushed a pale greenish-white, ghastly and horrible looking. Despite that, he had not reprimanded his subordinate and only bit out another order, “Quicken the pace!”

As he finished, a sudden, deathly bright white streaked across the sky that was instantly followed by a loud, roaring thunder. Sparing a glance at the sky, Jin Guangyao’s expression deepened. Within the next moment, slanted raindrops began drizzling down. Wei Wuxian was still holding onto Lan Wangji, initially he was planning on letting his emotions explode and to spew out the thousands and millions of things he wanted to say, but the ice-cold raindrops skirting across his face had a sobering effect, allowing him to regain a slight composure.

Jin Guangyao turned to Lan Xichen and spoke, “Ze Wu-jun, it’s raining, let’s head inside the temple for shelter.”

Albeit having him under control, towards Lan Xichen, he was still extremely courteous, without a hint of ill thought, as if nothing had changed except for being a little more polite than usual. Jin Guangyao made it difficult for anyone to develop a temper against him as he was so full of smile. Not to mention, Lan Xichen was a man without a temper in the first place. Jin Guangyao took the lead in stepping over the doorway to enter the temple, while the others followed behind him. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji had visited this place in the morning. The main foyer was spacious and held an imposing air, the red walls and golden paint seemed newly coated and showed signs of being frequently taken care of. The cultivators and monks were excavating in the back of the temple, it was unclear how deep they had gone already, yet they were still unable to retrieve what Jin Guangyao had originally bury in there. Wei Wuxian unintentionally raised his head to steal a peek but was left slightly stunned.

The statue of the goddess that was situated on the worshipping altar was peculiar looking, its facial features were less graceful and kind as what it should be and instead bore crisp and beautiful features. What really stunned him was that this statue had subtle features that appeared familiar looking, resembling a particular someone. And wasn’t that someone be the Jin Guangyao that’s just standing off to the side?

Normal-looking at first glance, but once Jin Guangyao was placed beside it in comparison, the resemblance became harder and harder to deny. Wei Wuxian began to think, “Could Jin Guangyao be that narcissistic? That being admired by over hundreds of top cultivating sects was not enough for him, he had to, on top of that, also sculpt a statue of himself to pass off as a god to receive the prayers and incense of millions of commoners? Or is this some kind of demonic cultivation method that I’m not aware of?”

Lan Wangji’s voice suddenly rang next to his ear, “Sit.”

Wei Wuxian instantly reeled in his straying thoughts. Lan Wangji had managed to find four praying mats laying around the temple, he gave two to Lan Xichen and Jin Ling, and left two for Wei Wuxian and himself. However, both Lan Xichen and Jin Ling inexplicably moved their praying mats to a farther corner of the temple and had both somehow agreed to gaze into the distance without speaking to each other.

Jin Guangyao and his lackeys had already moved to the back of the temple to check the progress of the excavation. Wei Wuxian pulled Lan Wangji aside to sit on their praying mats. Unsure if it was because he was still in a sort of trance, Lan Wangji only sat steady after a sway of his body followed by the force of the tugging. Wei Wuxian slightly calmed his emotions before beginning to survey Lan Wangji’s expression.

His line of sight was lowered, not divulging a hint of what he was feeling. Wei Wuxian knew, that relying plainly on what he confessed previously was probably not enough to convince Lan Wangji. Having been mentally and emotionally tortured with a smile by a notoriously oblivious person for so long, it was only reasonable that he was harbouring doubts about all of this. As he finished this consideration, Wei Wuxian felt his chest constrict, the pain in his heart gave him slight tremors and he dared not continue down this train of thoughts. The only thought he had left was to vigorously feed him more medicine, to fix this.

He spoke, “Lan Zhan, you, look at me.”

His voice was still tight, Lan Wangji replied, “Mn.”

After taking in a deep breath, Wei Wuxian spoke in a low voice, “…I have a really bad memory. There are many things in the past, that I completely don’t remember. Including during the Nightless day, whatever happened within those few days, I don’t remember even a single thing.”

Hearing that, Lan Wangji’s eyes began to widen.

Wei Wuxian stretched out both hands and tightly grasped onto his shoulders, continuing, “But! But from now onwards, everything you say to me, do to me, I’ll remember it all, I won’t forget a single thing!”


Wei Wuxian went on, “You are especially good. I like you.”


“Or putting it in another way. Interested in you, love you, want you, unable to leave you, do as you wish ‘you’.”


“I wish to go on night hunts with you for the rest of my life.”


Wei Wuxian lifted three fingers, he pointed at the sky, the earth and his heart and spoke, “And I wish to bed you every day. I swear, this is not an impulse and I’m not teasing you and even more so, is that this not a form of gratitude. In short, just disregard any other rubbish nonsense stuff, this is just me sincerely liking you, liking you to the point of wanting to sleep with you. Unless it’s you, I don’t want anyone else, it has to be you. You can do whatever you want to me, however you like to do it, I will like all of it, as long as you are willing to, with me…”

Before he could finish, a sudden gust of wind billowed in, extinguishing all of the candles that lit up the temple.

Without notice, the light drizzle of rain had transited into a heavy thunderstorm and the lanterns which were hung outside the temple had been smothered by the downpour. The surroundings were left in an abrupt pitch blackness.

Wei Wuxian was unable to let out a single sound anymore. Within the darkness, Lan Wangji had already wrapped him in a tight embrace, shutting him up completely.

Lan Wangji was panting, his breathing rhythm in a mess and his hoarse voice rang out next to Wei Wuxian’s ear, “…Interested in you…”

Wei Wuxian hugged back tightly and responded, “Yes!”

Lan Wangji continued, “…Love you, want you…”

Wei Wuxian raised his volume, “Yes!”

Lan Wangji repeated, “Unable to leave you… Unless it’s you, I don’t want anyone else… it has to be you!”

He repeated the words Wei Wuxian said to him, his voice trembling with his body, to the extent that to Wei Wuxian, it gave off a false signal, as if he was about to cry.

With every statement, his arms around Wei Wuxian’s waist tightened slightly. Although it hurts, and although the arms behind him kept tightening, barely allowing him to breath, Wei Wuxian wished for more and regretted that he couldn’t use even more strength.

His vision was blurred.

Their chests were plastered tightly together, their two beating hearts would be heard by the other and it was unavoidable. Wei Wuxian could clearly feel Lan Wangji’s violently thrashing heart, that broiling heat about to burst out of his chest and the disillusioned drip of what felt like a single tear which landed in the crook of his neck.

In this moment, rushed footsteps could be heard approaching the main foyer, which was from Jin Guangyao and his lackeys who left previously, returning to their spots. Two of the monks were shielding themselves against the strong wind, one on the left and one on the right, they gathered strength in their feet to heavily shut the door back up. Meanwhile, Jin Guangyao fished out a piece of fire talisman, lighting it in flames with a gentle blow which allowed him to use it to rekindle the candles, where now, a row of yellow glow became the sole source of light in this desolated temple. Suddenly, two crisp knocks could be heard against the main wooden doors.

Someone was knocking on the doors. Everyone within the temple were high on alert as they glanced towards the doors. The two monks responsible for closing the door quietly pointed their swords towards the entrance, prepared to face the enemy. Jin Guangyao, without a change in expression asked, “Who is it?”

A voice sounded from outside the door, “Sect master, it’s me!”

It was Su She’s voice.

Jin Guangyao made a gesture at the two monks who then lifted the lock of the door, allowing Su She to enter while striding against the heavy wind and rain.

The flames upon the row of candles began dancing with the wind, dimming and brightening sporadically and the two monks immediately forced the door shut again. Su She was drenched from the storm and wore a grave expression, with lips frozen purple, his right hand carried a sword and his left carried a person. Upon entering, just as he was about to dump the person on the ground, to his side, he caught sight of the two silhouettes of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji still attached together.

Su She had recently suffered at the hands of the two, his expression instantly took a turn. He unsheathed his sword and looked towards Jin Guangyao who wore an impassive look, indicating that this two were currently under his control, prompting him to calm down.

Jin Guangyao asked, “What happened?”

Su She replied, “I saw him along the way here and thought he might be useful later, so I grabbed him.”

Jin Guangyao stepped forward for a closer look and asked again, “Did you hurt him?”

Su She responded, “He’s not hurt. He fainted from the scare.” As he spoke, he hurled the person to the ground. Jin Guangyao advised, “Min Shan, don’t be so heavy handed with him, he can’t handle the scare nor the fall.”

Su She hurriedly acknowledged, “Yes.” He then hurriedly lifted the casually discarded body and carefully placed him next to Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen had been steadily observing this person, after lifting away the strands of wet hair obstructing his face, he could see that this frightened unconscious individual was indeed Nie Huaisang. He was probably caught by Su She when on his way back to Qinghe after his recovery at Lianhua Wu.

He raised his head to ask, “Why do you want to capture Huaisang?”

Jin Guangyao replied, “Another sect master in my hands would better serve to keep the others in fear. But please rest assured, Er-ge, you know how I’ve always treated Huisang, once the moment is opportune, I will definitely let all of you go without hurting even a single strand of your hair.”

Lan Xichen dully responded, “Should I trust you?”

Jin Guangyao answered, “Up to you. To trust or not to trust, Er-ge, you still can’t do anything about this.”

At this moment, Su She directed his icy cold gaze at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.

He laughed and snorted, “Han Guang-jun, Yiling Patriarch, can you believe it, we meet again in such a short time span. But the situation seems to be reversed. How is it, what’s it like?”

Lan Wangji maintained his silence. He had never felt the need to pay heed to such senseless provocation. While Wei Wuxian thought to himself, “How has it reversed. In the Burial Mounds, you were running away, right now, aren’t you still hiding and running away?”

However, Su She had been holding his anger back for years, even without retaliation, he could enrage himself with his own words. He then turned to Lan Wangji and spat vehemently, “Now that it has come to this, when are you going to stop carrying your arrogant air of pretending to be calm and unperturbed?”

Lan Wangji continued to be silent. Lan Xichen was the one to speak this time, “Su sect master, when you were understudying with our Gusu Lan sect, we haven’t once mistreated you, why do you need to pick on Wang Ji.”

Su She replied, “How could I dare pick on Lan er-gongzi, the genius since young? I just can’t stand that arrogant expression of his that he always wears.”

Even though Wei Wuxian knows that a person’s hatred can stem from pure nonsense, yet he was unable to hold back a wave of unfathomableness, he questioned, “Did Han Guang-jun ever say he feels that he’s amazing? If I remember correctly, doesn’t Gusu Lan sect have a sect rule that says ‘haughtiness and arrogance is banned’?”

Jin Ling chimed in, “How do you know the contents of Gusu Lan sect’s house rules?”

Wei Wuxian scratched his chin and answered, “After copying it too many times, it left a memory.”

Jin Ling opened his mouth to ask again, “Why do you have to copy the Gusu Lan sect’s house rule out of the blue, it’s not like you…” Originally, he had wanted to say, “it’s not like you’re one of them”, but before he could finish it felt a tad bit incorrect and he held back his tongue with a blackened face.

Wei Wuxian laughed, “Could it be Han Guang-jun’s icy, icy cold face that he has been wearing since young, had caused Su sect master to think this way? If it really is because of this, then wouldn’t Han Guang-jun be wronged to death. He clearly wears this face to talk to everyone. Su sect master, you should count your lucky stars for not understudying at Yunmeng Jiang sect.”

Su She asked in a cold voice, “Why?”

Wei Wuxian continued, “Otherwise you’d be angered to death by me. When I was young, I sincerely thought to myself every day that I’m some universally shocking, one-of-a-kind talent, like real god damn amazing. And I don’t just think about it, I even talk about it everywhere.”

A vein popped on Su She’s forehead and he spat, “You, shut up!” Just as he wanted to strike down, Lan Wangji wrapped his arms around Wei Wuxian, using his body to diligently shield Wei Wuxian. Su She stopped in his track and while he was pondering on whether to continue striking or to retract his hands, Wei Wuxian popped his head out from Lan Wangji’s embrace and advised, “Su sect master, you should hold your hand, Lian Fang-zun still has a certain amount of respect towards Ze Wu-jun, if you harm Han Guang-jun, can you guess if Lian Fang-zun would be happy or not?”

Initially, Su She had also considered this point and was more inclined on holding back, but now that Wei Wuxian had intentionally brought it up, he felt exceptionally sullen. In the end, he still felt unsatisfied and added a few more sarcastic remarks, “Who would have thought that the Yiling Patriarch who strikes fear in both the light and the dark would also be afraid of death!”

Wei Wuxian shamelessly added, “Well said, well said. But, I’m not afraid of death, I just don’t really want to die yet.”

Su She laughed coldly, “Playing with words, hilarious. Fear of dying and not wanting to die, are they even different?”

Wei Wuxian nested in the crook of Lan Wangji’s arm and spoke, “Of course they’re different. For example, if I said I don’t want to leave Lan Zhan’s embrace, compared to I’m afraid of leaving Lan Zhan’s embrace, how could they be the same?”

After a moment of consideration, he spoke again, “Oops, sorry, I take that back. I feel like it could be, in fact talking about the same thing after all.”

Su She’s face turned a shade of green. Wei Wuxian’s original intention was to anger him, at this, an unexpected sound of soft and gentle laughter could be heard from above him.

So soft and gentle that makes one question if they had misheard it.

However, Wei Wuxian fiercely lifted his head and was absolutely, clearly faced with a Lan Wangji who wore a slight smile that had yet to dissipate from his expression; a bland smile which resembled a warm glow that could melt winter snow. At this, not just Su She, even Lan Xichen and Jin Ling were stunned stiff.

It is public knowledge that Han Guang-jun would forever wear a face as cold as ice and snow, he never smiles as if his face was unable to show interest and no one has ever saw him laughing, not even the slight raise of his lips. No one would expect to be able to see his smile in such dire circumstances.

Wei Wuxian’s eyes were, in that instance, widened beyond belief.

After a pause, he gulped and felt something flip in his throat, “Lan Zhan, you…”

Just then, another crisp knock could be heard from the entrance to the temple.

Su She unsheathed his sword in a single motion and asked in alarm, “Who?!”

No answer came except for the fierce blasting open of the two wooden doors!

Breaking down the door in entry in this stormy weather, a silhouette wrapped in purple static plunged straight towards Su She’s chest, propelling his body backwards. Su She heavily collided with a thick red pillar, spewing out a mouthful of fresh blood on spot. The two monks guarding the entrance were also struck down by the forceful break-in, unable to stand anymore. The purple silhouette entered the doorway and approached the main foyer in steady steps.

Outside the temple, the storm continued brewing yet this person had not many signs of being out in the rain as only his robe bore a darker shade of purple than usual. In his left hand was an umbrella, as the rain continued to hit its surface, water splattered around it, in his right hand the icy, purple glow of his ring continued to sizzle. The expression he wore was even darker than the stormy night sky.

Translator’s note on words in bold:

Guqin – A type of Chinese string instrument

His life – The ‘his life’ here is referring to Wei Wuxian. It’s akin to saying, for Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian is his life.

Gongzi – Honorific for a young guy from a prestigious family

Nightless Day – An event which took place in Wei Wuxian’s past life (If you wish to know more about this, I suggest going onto the spoilers forum for MDZS and posting questions there!)

Do as you wish ‘you’ – As Wei Wuxian was confessing, all of his phrases ended with a ‘you’. This last phrase means that you can do whatever you want with me. It flows better in Chinese (随便怎么你)

Lifted three fingers – Lifting three fingers is the gesture for solemnly swearing

Qinghe – Direct translation: Clear River; it is the residing area for the Nie sect.

Lianhua Wu – Direct translation: Lotus pier; it is the residing area for the Jiang sect.

Er-ge – Second brother

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魔道祖师重生(Mo Dao Zu Shi Original) – The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/The Founder of Diabolism

Chapter 111 – 天天就是天天 (Tian Tian Jiu Shi Tian Tian) – Every day means every day

Having established a very long distance away from the temple and seeing no incoming pursuers, Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wang Ji were able to determine that Lan Qi Ren and his group were not sparing them any attention anymore.

Mounted on Xiao Ping Guo’s back, Wei Wu Xian spoke, “We aren’t desperately needed back there anyways, let’s just leave it at that.”

Sparing a glance back, Lan Wang Ji nodded in agreement, rescinded Xiao Ping Guo’s lead before continuing forward with it in hand.

To each their own, one has to find the solution to their own problems. Despite being Lan Xi Chen’s brother, Lan Wang Ji’s hands are tied. Consolations will not help, and neither would anything else.

Wei Wu Xian quietly looked over the flute, Chen Qing, in his hand and returned it to his waistband.

Prior to leaving, with a turn of his head, Wei Wu Xian had peered towards Wen Ning.

Wen Ning directed a slight smile back at him, shaking his head. Indicating clearly that he had no intentions of leaving with them. This is the first time in years that Wen Ning had not followed him and had arrived at his own decision. Wei Wu Xian had guessed that he probably harbored an idea of what he wanted to do from now.

As well, that was exactly what he had been wishing for all along. After all, Wen Ning wasn’t his servant, there had bound to come a day for him to forge his own path, yet now that this day has arrived, it still felt slightly hurtful.

Now, only Lan Wang Ji remained standing by his side.

Fortunately for him, the only person he wanted as company was also only Lan Wang Ji.

Wei Wu Xian was patting Xiao Ping Guo’s rear. On its back, there a cloth pouch sat that was firm to the touch and bulging with apples, probably its feed, prepared by the Lan clan’s junior disciples. Wei Wu Xian picked out an apple from within to bring to his mouth, he peered at Lan Wang Ji’s elegant side profile and took a clean bite out of the apple that tasted exceptionally crisp.

Upon witnessing the shameless act of stealing and eating its apple, Xiao Ping Guo flared its steaming nostrils and persistently thrashed around in displeasure. Wei Wu Xian had no time for it and carelessly patted it down, stuffing his mouth with the unfinished apple, he suddenly called out, “Lan Zhan?”

Sensing a weirdness in his tone, Lan Wang Ji turned to look over. Wei Wu Xian reached out with his right hand to lift up his lower jaw, bending over to plant his lips onto him.

A long while passed before Wei Wu Xian pulled away marginally, with their eyelashes touching he asked in a low voice, “How is it?”

Lan Wang Ji, “…”

Wei Wu Xian asked again, “You’re not gonna ask me why I suddenly did that?”

Lan Wang Ji, “…”

Wei Wu Xian questioned, “Do you want me to perform a one-man show?”

Used to silence, Wei Wu Xian continued, “Alright fine, I’ll just keep talking then. I wanted to do this since just now. You…”

Before he finished his sentence, Lan Wang Ji abruptly wrapped a hand around his neck, violently pressing down Wei Wu Xian’s head to return the kiss deeply.

Carrying Wei Wu Xian on its back, Xiao Ping Guo was dazed to the point of stopping the munch on the apple in its mouth, still as a wooden donkey.

Xiao Ping Guo was carelessly left abandoned at his spot, the two tumbled into a shrubbery and Wei Wu Xian fiercely shoved Lan Wang Ji onto the grass patch.

The grass patch from after a rainy shower was still damp with water that began seeping into Lan Wang Ji’s white clothing but was quickly peeled off by Wei Wu Xian.

He softly said, “Don’t move.”

Wei Wu Xian’s neck and lips wore the fragrance of fresh grass. While Lan Wang Ji’s body carried a bland aroma of sandalwood. He knelt between Lan Wang Ji’s thighs and began placing light kisses on Lan Wang Ji’s forehead, making his way down.

Between his eyebrows, nose bridge, cheeks, lips and lower jaw.

His adam’s apple, collar bone and heart.

Moving up and down, along the way, earnest as can be.

After reaching a sturdy hard abdomen, the kisses continued downwards, with his shoulder blades and fragmented breaths, he caressed and teased in this dangerous region and Lan Wang as if unable to endure any further, reached out to push his shoulder back.  Wei Wu Xian caught his wrists in a grip, “Hey, I said don’t move, I’ll do it.”

He tugged of his hairband, tidying loose strands back into a neat do and lowered his head.  Lan Wang Ji wore a disturbed expression, sensing that he was about to do something, he uttered in a low voice, “Don’t.”

Wei Wu Xian responded, “Doing it,” subsequently and gently taking Lan Wang Ji into his mouth.

Self-reminding to not let his teeth bite down onto Lan Wang Ji, he carefully sucked on the other doing his utmost to explore how far he can go until it reached his throat, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Lan Wang Ji immediately sensed his discomfort and being worried that he was forcing himself, he went to push him away, “Stop already.”

Wei Wu Xian shoved his hands away and gradually began swallowing and spitting.

Lan Wang Ji uttered, “You…”

Very quickly, he was rendered speechless.

The number of erotic picture books read by Wei Wu Xian since young when added up can easily fill up the restricted area of the Lan Clan’s library, coupled with his wits, he imitated as he has learnt, lips and tongue working in tandem to gingerly wait on the stiff within his cavity. Having the most sensitive part of the body be swallowed into a warm, moist crevice and tended to so effortfully, Lan Wang Ji felt an immense torture just plainly holding back from any frightening act of savagery on his part.

Wei Wu Xian could sense that his breathing was increasingly arduous and the grip on his shoulders tightened, he sped up and just as his neck and cheeks were beginning to numb, he finally felt a burst of hot liquid in his mouth.

The hot and viscous liquid with a heavy scent of musk abruptly hit the back of his throat, fiercely choking Wei Wu Xian and forcing the length out with a bout of coughing. Lan Wang Ji moved to pat his back and bewilderedly advised, “Spit it out, quick, spit it out.”

Wei Wu Xian covered his mouth and shook his head. A moment later he removed his hand and stuck a tongue out at Lan Wang Ji exclaiming with an opened mouth, “I’ve already swallowed it.”

His tongue was fresh red, his lips scarlet red and the corner of his mouth sported a speck of cum and many signs of a creeping smile. Lan Wang Ji looked at him, stunned and unable to utter a single word.

The most self-disciplined cultivator and a daily façade of coolness was shattered right here and now, his tear duct and tip of the brow were slightly peached, adding on to his beauty yet also making it seem as if he had just been brutally bullied. Seeing him in such a state, Wei Wu Xian was overwhelmed with fondness. He wrapped naked upper arms around his shoulders, kissed the corner of his lips, kissed an eyelid and coaxed, “Good boy, don’t be scared. When you have mine the next time, you should also perform this greatly, okay?”

With the corner of his mouth stained with Lan Wang Ji’s cum, the kiss had also left a similar stain on Lan Wang Ji, adding that to the blank expression he carried, he seemed exceptionally pitiful. Wei Wu Xian kissed him again and confessed, “Lan Zhan, I like you to death.”

Lan Wang Ji slowly looked towards him.

Disillusioned, Wei Wu Xian thought he saw a pair of slightly bloodshot eyes.

Wei Wu Xian had not managed to catch the hint of forceful suppression behind that gaze, a suppression that can’t be held back any longer, yet he believed that he wasn’t done with the teasing, he provoked, “We’ll keep at this from now on, sounds good?”

All of a sudden, Lan Wang Ji flipped and pounced, pressing him to the ground.

Their positions were reversed in an instant. As he felt Lan Wang Ji began to leave bites all over his body, Wei Wu Xian tried pushing his head away while chuckling, “There’s no need for you to be in a rush, I’ve said we could do this again next…”

He felt a sudden pain in his lower body, letting an “ah” escape, he frowned, “Lan Zhan, what did you put in me?”

He knew that it was a long finger, though he had asked without thinking, subconsciously bringing his thighs together while the foreign feeling in his lower body intensified. A second finger had buried into him.

Although Wei Wu Xian had in his life, read countless of erotic picture books, none of it were of the homosexual kind, since he had never swung that way before, he never had the curiosity to find out. As such, he inevitably believed that intimacy between men was just like that, kissing, hugging, using the mouth and hands, he never thought to further explore this topic. Currently, with Lan Wang Ji pressing him onto the ground, prodding him open little by little with his fingers, he had realized that that might not have been the case. In the midst of slight pain, there was also a sliver of shock and what he thought to be absurdity.

When the third digit was added, Wei Wu Xian’s creeping laughter had finally been forced down.

He was already feeling uncomfortably bloated with three fingers but even that was far from the actual width of what was previously in his mouth. He wavered, “Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, um, you, cool down for a minute, is this really okay, you’re sure you haven’t gotten it wrong? Here’s right? It feels a little un…”

However, Lan Wang Ji seems as if he had already lost the ability to listen to his words, roughly plugging up his mouth, his body dipped and entered.

Wei Wu Xian abruptly widened both eyes, bending both legs crooked.

Their bodies were tightly plastered together, like drums, their chests beat hard against the other and their breaths disorderly.

Lan Wang Ji spoke in a hoarse voice, “…Sorry… I couldn’t endure it anymore.”

Seeing as both his eyes were red and as if suffocating, Wei Wu Xian knew that he was the one who caused this, with clenched teeth, he comforted, “If you can’t endure it, then don’t… so what should I do now?”

A fish out of water himself, Wei Wu Xian was actually asking him? Lan Wang Ji tried, “…Relax.”

Wei Wu Xian murmured, “Right, relax, relax…”

He relaxed marginally but as Lan Wang Ji continued hi attempt at pushing further in, Wei Wu Xian’s abdominal and rump muscles instantly tensed up subconsciously.

Lan Wang Ji asked, “…Does it hurt a lot?”

As Wei Wu Xian hugged him, his body was trembling uncontrollably, and he held back tears, “It hurts, this is my first time, of course it hurts.”

Finishing his sentence, he felt Lan Wang Ji hardened inside him.

The feeling of having his innards jabbed by a hard and foreign object was as one can imagine. Despite that, knowing that he was able to arouse Lan Wang Ji with a simple statement had Wei Wu Xian in chuckles.

As a man, he understood that Lan Wang Ji was extremely uncomfortable being stuck in the middle, yet he had still managed to hold himself back from forcefully shoving in. Wei Wu Xian’s heart softened and took the initiative to hook onto his neck, pulling him down to whisper in his ear, “Lan Zhan, good Lan Zhan, Er-ge ge, I’ll let you know what you can do, kiss me quick, it won’t hurt once you’ve kissed me…”

Lan Wang Ji’s pale earlobes were dyed a scarlet red.

He spoke with difficulty, “…Don’t, don’t call me by that.”

Hearing him stammer, Wei Wu Xian laughed, “You don’t like that? I’ll change it then. Wang Ji-di di, Zhan-er, Han Guang, which one do you lik… ah, ah, ah, mn, mn!”

Lan Wang Ji chewed on his lips and fully dipped his lower body deep inside.

All of Wei Wu Xian’s screams were caught in the throat, shoulders tightly raised, brows knitted together, tears welled up, legs stiffened around his waist and through all that he hadn’t dared move his body. Sobering up, Lan Wang Ji took in a deep breath and said, “Sorry.”

Wei Wu Xian shook his head, forced a smile and said, “You said it before. Between us, we never have to use this word.”

Lan Wang Ji carefully kissed him, his movements slightly awkward. Wei Wu Xian sealed his eyes shut, opened his mouth for him to invade while curled tips of tongues tangled for a moment and in blurred vision, he caught a glimpse of the Wen Clan’s branding on Lan Wang Ji’s clavicle.

His hand dropped to cover the deep scar as his smile faded away and asked, “Lan Zhan, tell me, is this related to me too?”

After a moment of silence, Lan Wang Ji explained, “It’s nothing. I had too much to drink.”

After carrying a blood-washed Wei Wu Xian on the Nightless Day, a three years period of solitary detention was waiting for him upon his return. During his time spent locked up in reflection, came the news that karma has stricken and that the Yi Ling Patriarch had finally died with a vanished soul.

His solitude punishment had yet to reach an end, yet he dragged a body still unhealed, forcing his way out of the Cloud Recesses, he rushed to Yi Ling, only to wander in the mountainous wild for a number of days before finding nothing besides managing to rescue a fever-fainted Wen Yuan hiding in a tree hole. Not even a rod of bone, a piece of battered meat or a weakly soul could be found.

On his way back to Gusu Lan Sect, Lan Wang Ji bought a pot of Emperor’s Smile in Cai Yi Town.

The wine was very fragrant, very mellowed, and delivered a choking, spicy kick that burnt the throat as it went down, searing all the way to the eyes and heart.

He disliked the taste, but also developed a sort of understanding as to why that person liked it.

He drank the wine he drank and bore the wounds he bore.

After waking up from his drunken stupor, he was amnesic and, on his chest, surfaced the same branding scar carried by Wei Wu Xian that year in the Tu Lu’s Xuan Wu underground cave. The storage room carrying the Wen Clan’s war loot had been smashed open. And in every disciple’s pair of eyes held looks of panic and astonishment.

Lan Qi Ren looked to be extremely saddened and furious but, under the dissuasion of Lan Xi Chen, in the end, he had not reprimanded him. In the three years, regardless of verbal or physical punishments, it had already been enough.

He heaved a sigh and had not objected to Lan Wang Ji choosing to keep Wen Yuan as well.

Till today, the wound had already scabbed for thirteen years.


Lan Wang Ji began to thrust while Wei Wu Xian tightly shut his eyes, clenching his teeth, his breath labored, and he began to breathe in tandem with Lan Wang Ji’s rhythmic movements.

After getting used to the invasive foreign object, Wei Wu Xian inadvertently twisted his waist. A sudden wave of numbing pleasure in his lower body travelled up the spine and it spread across the whole body.

Wei Wu Xian had an instant revelation on how he could get a high from this position.

He slid his hands into Lan Wang Ji’s sweat drenched hair, straightening the forehead ribbon he chuckled and cleared his throat, “…Is it comfortable? The inside of me.”

Lan Wang Ji bit his lower lips and answered his question with a strong thrust.

Wei Wu Xian was fucked raw with sweat, his entire body was soaking wet and in heavy pants he spouted further nonsense, “Lan Zhan… you’re finished. The both of us haven’t even finished our wedding ritual, yet you’re doing this unmarried, do you know what this is called? Once your uncle finds out into the pig’s cage you’d go.”

Lan Wang Ji fiercely replied, “…I’ve been finished long ago”

As he reached a climax, Wei Wu Xian raised his head while feeling discomfort and pleasure simultaneously, revealing his defenseless throat and allowing Lan Wang Ji to place a bite on it.

The overbearing and intense pleasure took Wei Wu Xian’s senses away for an instant, in a state of disarray he only had one thought in his heart, “…I can’t believe this, god damn it, why didn’t fifteen-year-old me think to do this with Lan Zhan earlier. My life has been a waste.”

Lan Wang Ji was now industriously working to finish this business and held power where there weren’t words. Wei Wu Xian was left dazed for a while and after gathering his bearings, he began unceasingly whispering dirty talk into his ears, “Lan Er-gong zi, when did you begin liking me? If you’ve liked me since early on, why didn’t you do me earlier? Your clan’s Cloud Recesses has a rear mountain that’s a decent spot too, you should have taken advantage of when I was alone in the wild, tied and dragged me away, and like now, pressing me to the ground, having your way with me… ah… softer, this is my first time, be nicer to me…”

“Where was I? Let’s continue. You’ve got such strength, I definitely had no way of resisting, and if I screamed you could restrain my speech. Or that library of your clan doesn’t seem bad too, in a pile of scattered books and scrolls, we could’ve bought a few erotic picture books and mimicked it, we could do it in any position… Ge! Ge! Er-ge ge! Have mercy! Have mercy, leave me alive, okay, okay, okay, I won’t speak anymore, you’re good, you’re the best. I can’t take it, really can’t take it anymore, don’t be like this…”

Lan Wang Ji was obviously unable to stomach his provocation, in that ten to twenty strokes Wei Wu Xian felt as if his organs were stirred to a mess inside, leaving him good naturedly pleading for mercy. At that, Lan Wang Ji pressed harder instead. Wei Wu Xian was topped for almost an hour now, maintaining that same position, both his waist and bottom knocked numb and after the numbness came a searing pain and itch as if a thousand million ants were drilling into his bones.  

Finally, sowing his own evil seeds, Wei Wu Xian was simultaneously kissing and crying, “Er-ge ge, do some good, spare my life, our days are many to come, let’s continue next time, can we postpone and relook this again? Have mercy on this inexperienced onefor today. Formidable Han Guang-jun, Yi Ling Patriarch has lost, lost, completely defeated, to continue this battle another day!”

On Lan Wang Ji’s forehead, veins popped, he chewed crisply and furiously, “… If you really want to stop… you should… just stop talking…”  

Wei Wu Xian argued, “But I was born with a mouth, so I should be using it to talk! Lan Zhan, back when I claimed I wanted to sleep with you every day, can you pretend you didn’t hear that?”

Lan Wang Ji uttered, “No I can’t.”

Wei Wu Xian’s said in a heart-broken voice, “How can you be like this. You’ve never refused me before.”

Lan Wang Ji gently smiled and said, “No I can’t.”

Seeing him wear such a smile, Wei Wu Xian’s eyes instantly brightened up again, feeling as if floating, he had lost all bearings.

However, in the next instant, Wei Wu Xian was unceremoniously and violently forced to tears by that same pure and gentle smile.

With both hands clawing the grassed earth, he hoarsely shouted, “Okay, four days, can we change it to doing it once every four days, if four days’ a no, three days is fine too!!”

In the end, Lan Wang Ji concluded in a powerfully resonating voice, “Every day means every day.”

Notes on words in bold

Di di – The honorific for ‘younger brother’.

Pig’s cage – A way of corporal punishment in ancient China. It involves locking people in a cage, usually made of bamboo and throwing them into a large body of water such as lakes or rivers, thereby drowning them for their sins. It’s usually applied to adulterers, elopers and in this case, people who have sex before marriage.

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