#everyday means everyday


Every day means every day

As a copyeditor and Wangxian fan, I feel I must address a famous MDZS line:

In English, it should be “Every day means every day,” not “Everyday means everyday.”

“Everyday” is an adjective meaning “ordinary” (“in everyday life”). “Every day” is an adverb phrase meaning “daily.”

The sex in question is meant to happen every day—daily. It is not meant to be ordinary and commonplace, or so we hope.

The widely read fan translation of MDZS likely did say “everyday means everyday.” But it appeared not to have gotten a thorough proofread by a native English speaker, so while it is an amazing labor of love that I personally could not replicate (given I cannot translate from Chinese), it shouldn’t be taken as 100% technically accurate.

World: Social distance ! Social Distance!

LWJ : Everyday means everyday.

World: (Blushed) Stay at home.
