

Finished~! This was actually requested by someone who asked for something cute and sexy. Not sure if I hit ‘cute’, but hopefully it’s sexy enough



Congratulations!! You have been chosen by mini-Xingchen~ Please feed and water regularly, keep him entertained and make sure he gets lots of sunlight

Someone asked for a picture of Xingchen bringing home a dangerous animal so…uhh..

Added some colour to an older piece. Tutorials on shading are like, “Put on a base colour, then a shadow layer, then a highlight layer” and I’m like, “…Ok but WHERE??? T__T”

Watercolour illustration of Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen eating tangyuan and watching lanterns from a balcony.ALT

i didn’t finish this in time for yesterday,,, but oh well. belated happy lantern festival to my sweet songxiaos o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

this has alt text. extended image description below the cut.

Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen sit at a balcony table, on which sits a teapot and two bowls of tangyuan dumplings. Xiao Xingchen holds his spoon but has paused to gaze out at a stream of lanterns rising into the sky. Song Lan holds a cup of tea, pausing to gaze at Xiao Xingchen. The paper lanterns illuminate the scene in a golden glow, and the sky is a rich blue behind them.

Watercolour on paper.

Ink drawing. Xiao Xingchen lays a hand on Song Lan’s shoulder as he passes him. Song Lan meets his eyes with a light smile. ALT

*starts@songlanfortnight a week late* > _>

just a little songxiao for day three (people/family and friends). i started something for days one and two last weekend so… maybe i’ll finish that before the event is actually over fjkhkdjnkdsk

this has alt text. expanded description under the cut.

Song Lan faces the viewer, head turned towards Xiao Xingchen who has drawn close to him to place a hand on his shoulder as they pass by each other. With Song Lan’s slight smile and raised eyebrow, they seem to be having a light-hearted conversation. Both carry their horsetail whisks. 

Ink drawing on paper. 

Watercolour art of Song Lan and Lan Xichen, snuggled up in bed, arms linked. SL signs lazily, LXC's ribbon around his wrist.ALT

懒懒的岚蓝 (*´∀`*)

drawn for the lanlan server exchange ’ w ’
they should just get to be lazy for a while… pls… let them rest

pls also ignore how skinny the forehead ribbon ended up gfdhkgfk

this has alt text. longer image description under the cut.

Song Lan and Lan Xichen lie languidly side by side, arms linked. They wear loose inner robes, soft blue-grey bed covers tucked over them. Their faces are partly out of frame, so that the central focus is given to their hands. Song Lan is signing lazily to Lan Xichen, who looks at him with affection as he plays with the trailing ends of his forehead ribbon, which is wound loosely round Song Lan’s wrist. The colours have a faded, low-key look.

Ink and watercolour on paper.
