

オノマトペ /의성어/ Onomatopoeia


日本語 - 한국어 - English / Japanese - Korean - English

1. ふわふわ - 말랑말랑 /폭신폭신- fluffy

2.ドキドキ - 두근두근 - butterflies / pounding heart

3. はくしょん - 에취 - achoo

4. ピンポン - 딩동 - ding dong

5.トントン - 똑똑똑 - knock knock

Animal Names in Japanese

Part 3

Fish : 魚 (さかな)

Frog : 蛙 (かえる)

Crow : 烏 (からす)

Owl : 梟 (ふくろう)

Penguin : ペンギン

Snake : 蛇 (へび)

Deer : 鹿 (しか)

Reindeer : トナカイ

Flamingo : フラミンゴ

Pigeon / Dove : 鳩 (はと)

English words that are used in Japan pt 2

ice cream (アイスクリーム), is also referred to as just `ice` (アイス)

pen (ペン)is also called a ballpen (ボールペン)

chime (チャイム)

drama (ドラマ)

television (テレビジョン), is usually shortened and referred to as `terebi`(テレビ)

Movie names (EN / JP)/映画のタイトル(英語 /日本語)

English : Moana (モアナ)

Japanese : モアナと伝説の海

EN trans : Moana and the legend of the sea

モアナ - Moana

と - and

伝説(でんせつ) - legend

の - (particle)

海 (うみ)- sea/ocean

English : Big Hero 6 (ビッグ・ヒーロー・シックス)

Japanese:. ベイマックス

EN Trans: baymax

日本語 :偉大な6人のヒーロー

English :Frozen (フローズン)

Japanese: アナと雪の女王

EN trans : Anna and the snow queen

アナ - Anna

と - and

雪(ゆき) - snow

の - (particle)

女王(じょおう) - queen


“I’m so sorry for your loss.”

【 Very Formal 】



(kokoro kara okuyami wo moushiagemasu)

“I’m so sorry for your loss”



(konotabi wa makotoni goshushou samade gozaimasu)

“ I can’t imagine how difficult a time this must be for you”

But these are very formal phrases.

I don’t think there are many Japanese teenagers

who can use these phrases correctly.

【 Casual 】

⚠️辛い(つらい)(tsurai) means

“Hard” “heartbreaking” “painful”



(sore wa tsurakatta ne)

“It must have been a hard time for you.”


“I‘m sorry to hear that.”/

“That’s a shame”

【 Formal 】

⚠️残念だ(ざんねんだ)(zannenda) means

“Regrettable” “Ashamed” “too bad” “unfortunate”


( sore wa zannen desu ne)

※ Present-tense


( sore wa zannen deshita ne)


⚠️大変だ(たいへんだ)(taihenda) means

“Hard” “difficult”


( sore wa taihen deshita ne)


【 Casual 】


( sore wa zannen dane )



( sore wa zannen datta ne)



( sore wa taihen datta ne)


⚠️がっかりする(gaggarisuru) means

“To be disappointed”


( sore wa gakkari dane)



( sore wa gakkari datta ne)


Language Exchange Discord — UPDATE!

It’s been up for like a day and has about 3 people as of now. I’m not too worried tho! Especially because I still need to type up channel descriptions, set more permissions/restrictions, make more self assigned roles, and do like a shit ton of bot configuration!

Yeah I set this rule where I have to study for 2 hours before getting on for 1, so it may take a bit to get it all together. I’ll defs finish the essentials first!

Anyway, pls join if you’re interested! English and Japanese learners of all levels are welcome. And if you’re interested in helping me with the server, please reach out! ^-^ It would be very appreciated and I’m giving out special roles (and my friendship;-;) to helpful ppl!

I expect there to be a shortage in Japanese speakers and especially native Japanese speakers, but the server won’t work without them. So if you know anyone who matches these credentials and may be interested, pls let them know! It’s a great opportunity to find longterm language exchange partners and watch each other grow ^-^

Anyhoo, I’ll worry abt it when I wake up, abt 6 hrs from now. おやすみなさい!
