

オノマトペ /의성어/ Onomatopoeia


日本語 - 한국어 - English / Japanese - Korean - English

1. ふわふわ - 말랑말랑 /폭신폭신- fluffy

2.ドキドキ - 두근두근 - butterflies / pounding heart

3. はくしょん - 에취 - achoo

4. ピンポン - 딩동 - ding dong

5.トントン - 똑똑똑 - knock knock

Country Names EN/JP/KR


Country / 国(くに) / 나라

China / 中国(ちゅうごく) /중국

India /インド/ 인도

Indonesia / インドネシア/ 인도네시아

Pakistan / パキスタン/ 파키스탄

Bangladesh / バングラデシュ/방글라데시Japan / 日本(にほん) / 일본

Korea /韓国(かんこく) / 한국

Comparing Chinese character readings in Japanese & Korean pt 1

Fact : Japanese and Korean have a lot of words from Chinese. Because of this there is a lot of words that sound the same or similar. Also this plus the grammar being the same is the reason why Korean is the easiest to learn for Japanese people and vice versa.


Chinese characters - 漢字 kanji / 한자 hanja

promise - 約束 yakusoku / 약속 yagsog

Family - 家族 kazoku / 가족 gajok

Tool - 道具 dōgu / 도구 dogu

High School - 高等学校 kōtōgakkō / 고등학교 godeunghaggyo

School - 学校 gakkō/ 학교 haggyo

Japan - 日本 Nihon or Nippon / 일본 ilbon

Korea - 韓国 Kankoku/ 한국 hangug
