

オノマトペ /의성어/ Onomatopoeia


日本語 - 한국어 - English / Japanese - Korean - English

1. ふわふわ - 말랑말랑 /폭신폭신- fluffy

2.ドキドキ - 두근두근 - butterflies / pounding heart

3. はくしょん - 에취 - achoo

4. ピンポン - 딩동 - ding dong

5.トントン - 똑똑똑 - knock knock

Animal Names in Japanese

Part 3

Fish : 魚 (さかな)

Frog : 蛙 (かえる)

Crow : 烏 (からす)

Owl : 梟 (ふくろう)

Penguin : ペンギン

Snake : 蛇 (へび)

Deer : 鹿 (しか)

Reindeer : トナカイ

Flamingo : フラミンゴ

Pigeon / Dove : 鳩 (はと)

School Pt 1

学校 (がっこう) - school

生徒 (せいと) - student

保育園 (ほいくえん) -Nursery school

幼稚園 (ようちえん) - Kindergarten

小学校 (しょうがっこう) - Elementary/Primary school

小学生 (しょうがくせい) - Elementary/Primary school student

中学校 (ちゅうがっこう) - Junior high school

中学生(ちゅうがくせい) - Junior high school student

高等学校(こうとうがっこう) - the correct name for high school

高校(こうこう)- a shorter version of high school

高校生(こうこうせい) - high school student

大学(だいがく) - University

大学生(だいがくせい) - University Student

専門学校(せんもんがっこう) -Vocational school

専門学校生(せんもんがくせい) - Vocational school student

Animal Names in Japanese

Part 2

Fox:狐 (きつね)

Wolf:狼 (おおかみ)

Bear:熊 (くま)


Tiger:虎 (とら)


Elephant:象 (ぞう)

Giraffe:麒麟 (きりん)

Squirrel/chipmunk:栗鼠 (りす)

Sugar glider:モモンガ 

Animal Names in Japanese

Part 1

Animal (s) : 動物(どうぶつ)

Bird : 鳥 (とり)

Cow : 牛(うし)

Horse: 馬(うま)

Dog : 犬(いぬ)



Wild Boar:猪(いのしし)



Guinea pig:モルモット

The solar system


Space :

宇宙 (uchū) /우주 (wooju)

Alien :

宇宙人 (uchūjin)/외계인 (oegyein)


惑星 (wakusei)/행성 (haengseong)

Sun :

太陽 (taiyō)/태양 (taeyang)


月 (tsuki)/달 (dal)


水星 (suisei)/수성 (suseong)


金星 (kinsei)/금성(geumseong)


地球 (chikyū)/지구(jigu)


火星 (kasei)/화성(hwaseong)


木星 (mokusei)/목성(mogseong)


土星 (dosei)/토성(toseong)


天王星 (ten'nōsei)/천왕성(cheonwangseong)


海王星 (kaiōsei)/해왕성(haewangseong)


冥王星 (meiōsei)/명왕성(myeongwangseong)


星 (hoshi)/별(byeol)




彗星 (suisei)/혜성(hyeseong)

The Japanese alphabet

(片仮名 / katakana / カタカナ)

ア イ ウ エ オ a i u e o

カ キ ク ケ コ ka ki ku ke ko

サ シ ス セ ソ sa shi su se so

タ チ ツ テ ト ta *chi *tsu te to

ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ na ni nu ne no

ハ ヒ フ ヘ ホ ha hi *fu he ho

マ ミ ム メ モ ma mi mu me mo

ヤ  ユ  ヨ ya yu yo

ラ リ ル レ ロ ra ri ru re ro

ワ    ヲ wa wo

ン n


*ウァ *ウィ *ウェ *ウォ*wa *wi *we *wo

*ヴァ *ヴィ *ヴ *ヴェ *ヴォ *va *vi * v *ve *vo

ガ ギ グ ゲ ゴ ga gi gu ge go

ザ ジ ズ ゼ ゾ za *ji zu ze zo

シャ シュ ショ sha shu sho

ジャ ジュ ジョ ja ju jo

ダ ヂ ヅ デ ド da *ji *zu de do

チャ チュ チョ cha chu cho

バ ビ ブ ベ ボ ba bi bu be bo

パ ピ プ ペ ポ pa pi pu pe po

Country Names in Japanese pt2

USA - アメリカ or 米国(べいこく)

France - フランス

Italy - イタリア

Australia - オーストラリア

Portugal - ポルトガル

Spain - スペイン

New Zealand - ニュージーランド


English words that are used in Japan pt 2

ice cream (アイスクリーム), is also referred to as just `ice` (アイス)

pen (ペン)is also called a ballpen (ボールペン)

chime (チャイム)

drama (ドラマ)

television (テレビジョン), is usually shortened and referred to as `terebi`(テレビ)

English words that are used in Japan

Ball (ボール)

Card (カード)

Service (サービス)



Salon (サロン)

Country Names EN/JP/KR


Country / 国(くに) / 나라

China / 中国(ちゅうごく) /중국

India /インド/ 인도

Indonesia / インドネシア/ 인도네시아

Pakistan / パキスタン/ 파키스탄

Bangladesh / バングラデシュ/방글라데시Japan / 日本(にほん) / 일본

Korea /韓国(かんこく) / 한국

Fruit names in Japanese

Fruit - 果物(くだもの)

1. Apple - 林檎 (りんご)

2. Banana - バナナ

3. Grape - 葡萄 (ぶどう)

4. Peach - 桃 (もも)

5. Watermelon -西瓜 (すいか)

6. Melon -メロン

7. Pear - Japanese pears - 梨(なし)

- 洋梨(ようなし)

8. Orange - オレンジ

9. Mandarin - 蜜柑(みかん)

10. Lemon - 檸檬(れもん)

Movie names (EN / JP)/映画のタイトル(英語 /日本語)

English : Moana (モアナ)

Japanese : モアナと伝説の海

EN trans : Moana and the legend of the sea

モアナ - Moana

と - and

伝説(でんせつ) - legend

の - (particle)

海 (うみ)- sea/ocean

English : Big Hero 6 (ビッグ・ヒーロー・シックス)

Japanese:. ベイマックス

EN Trans: baymax

日本語 :偉大な6人のヒーロー

English :Frozen (フローズン)

Japanese: アナと雪の女王

EN trans : Anna and the snow queen

アナ - Anna

と - and

雪(ゆき) - snow

の - (particle)

女王(じょおう) - queen



[ itsumo arigatou ]

➡️”Thank you for everything”


・ありがとう[arigatou]→thank you

⚠️”everything” in Japanese is すべて[ subete ]

or ぜんぶ [ zenbu ],

but we don’t say すべてありがとう or ぜんぶありがとう  

We always say いつもありがとう



[ zutto isshoni itai ]

➡️”I want to be with you forever”



・いたい[ itai ] →want to be



[ korekaramo yoroshikune]

➡️”I want to stay with you forever”

・これから[korekara]→from now on

・も[mo] →as well as / too

・よろしくね[ yoroshikune ]

→please be nice to me

Please keep in touch with me



➡️I really like you/ i love you

Thank you for studying with me!!☺️

Have a wonderful day!!



Bite size Japanese

These are the 7 basic Japanese words that you say differently if you want to sound more #casual and #natural! ☺️


00:00 Intro : How to sound more casual when you speak Japanese?

00:30 ①いいえ→いや

01:25 ②とても→ほんとに

02:16 ③たくさん→すごい

03:32 ④ごめんなさい→ごめん

04:42 ⑤そして→あと/それに

05:51 ⑥てform+います→てform +ます

06:14 ⑦ますform+ませんか?→ないform?

07:41 Concluding


①When you’re surprised [ Happy ] ( Really?)

②When you’re surprised [ Serious ] ( What?)

③When you don’t like to do something ( Nooo / I don’t want to do )

④As a filer word (um / well )

It’s a useful word!

Please use it when you have a chance!✨

Bite size Japanese



Did you know that?

People from the Kansai area ( around Osaka ) call McDonald’s マクド [ makudo ]

And people from the Kantou area ( around Tokyo )

say it as マック[ makku ]!

McDonald’s in Japanese is マクドナルド[makudonarudo], but it’s

a little bit long, so usually people like to

say it as マック[ makku ] or マクド[ makudo ]

This is a clip of my youTube Video!☺️

I’ll explain every phrases you need to know to make an order at a Japanese restaurant in the video

I really hope you can enjoy this kind of style!✨

Thank you for learning Japanese!

have a good day!


Bite size Japanese


Body Parts

頭(あたま)( antama ) = head

顏(かお)( kao ) = face

首(くび)( kubi ) = neck

肩(かた)( kata ) = shoulders

腕(うで)( ude ) = arms

胸(むね)( mune ) = chest

お腹(おなか)( onaka ) = stomach

お尻(おしり)( oshiri ) = hips

膝(ひざ)( hiza ) = hiza


脚(あし)( ashi ) = legs

足(あし)( ashi ) = feet

Thank you for learning Japanese!!☺️


Bite size Japanese


11-14-20 Update

I’ve been grinding rly hard for this past week.

- watching my missed lectures + taking notes

- re-memorizing rusty kana

- studying rusty vocabulary

- learning 5+ new words a day

- I started a notebook that is entirely dedicated to my Japanese studies

- created a study schedule (which seems like it will be a game changer for me, but we’ll see! I’ll share my current schedule and let you guys know how it works out.)


- I finally formed a sentence that actually expressed what I wanted to say!! (It went something like… 私は日本語の本があります。。。今日はこれを読みます。I then read like one paragraph out loud to the camera and posted it to my snapchat! lol)

- developed a new notebook system for studying vocabulary that seems to work really well


- I have soooo many posts coming your way (vocab, grammar, study methods, shoutouts) so stay tuned

- I plan to take my giant wall of sticky note vocabulary down and redo it with new words soon!

- I may or may not be starting a blog (rebelpicnic.com) even though I have no idea what it’s about, I know for a fact that I will be posting about my Japanese learning journey there as well! It’s not open yet but beware it will probably be about a lot of things before I can make up my mind Cx

Goals and Aspirations

- maybe someday I can write diary entrees in Japanese. I would love it if I could find a native speaker to critique them!

- I can’t wait to confuse my friends and family :,3

- the glorious fluency will feel so good rolling off of my tongue (cringe explanation) :,,,333

- understanding Japanese media? um? yes?

- flexing on ppl constantly?

Current Weekly Schedule

I’m currently doing a vocabulary challenge, so vocab is 毎日!(まいにち)(Every day!)

月曜日(げつようび) Monday

Vocabulary and reading

火曜日(かようび) Tuesday

Vocabulary and writing

水曜日(すいようび) Wednesday

Vocabulary — learn less words + catch up on rusty material

木曜日(もくようび) Thursday

Vocabulary and listening

金曜日(きんようび) Friday


土曜日(どようび) Saturday

Vocabulary and grammar

日曜日(にちようび) Sunday


A side note that I do take a class for Japanese so I have homework too. This is just what I will be doing on top of my classwork. I may even do more, but I consider this schedule the bare minimum/requirement. It basically helps to guarantee that I’m studying everything with some level of proportion!

a message to u

langblrs hmu and I’ll check out ur page! I’ve been really busy lately but I usually go thru all the pages of my new followers in one sitting cus I can manage my time better that way >< and let me know what you would like to see more of on here :,) love uuuu!
