#loki laufeyson fluff

A/N: While everyone else was freaking out over a naked Thor, I cried my eyes out after seeing his Lo

A/N: While everyone else was freaking out over a naked Thor, I cried my eyes out after seeing his Loki tattoo. Then this happened. Enjoy, everyone!

Words: 1734
Warnings: pure fluff… and needles, I guess

With a sigh, you closed your browser. You had now saved a total of three hundred pictures to your laptop, all of which were tattoos by different artists from all over the world. You had been dying to use your own body as a canvas for years but unfortunately, never had the courage nor the money to put colour on your skin forever.

And then, you had met gods and superheroes and your life had taken a complete turn and your priorities had shifted entirely and you had fallen in love with the Norse God of Mischief. Passionate sex had led to feelings you could barely describe with words and now here you were, utterly devoted to a man who would outlive you by thousands of years.

People gave you strange looks whenever you mentioned your devotion to Loki, including the Avengers.  And while his brother Thor was celebrated as the hero, Loki was still viewed as the villainous brother who attempted to subjugate the planet all those years back. It didn’t matter how much good he did, not to them anyway. Loki always acted like he didn’t care but whenever Thor, the media, and all of his followers praised him for yet another triumph, you could see the pained expression on Loki’s face—the disappointment.

“It’s getting warmer…” You murmured, cuddling up to him. He was so nice and cool you had a feeling this summer would be a lot more bearable than the previous ones. And even though he claimed that he hated physical affection, you could tell he was enjoying being close to you.

“Loki, we’re on the news!” Thor bellowed. He came barging into the room not caring for privacy, with an excited expression on his face. Loki rolled his eyes all the while you were flinching.

“Heavens, Thor…” Loki complained. You sighed, reaching for the remote to change the program. Thor was right, he was on TV—and he was being interviewed. The reporter was beaming, praising him for his help, admiring his strength. Not with a single word did he mention Loki; nor did Thor.

Loki pressed his lips together to a thin line and swallowed. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes once more when you wrapped your arms around him tighter. And then, finally, the camera panned to Loki for a split second. After that, it was a group of squealing fans holding posters and signs and screaming Thor’s name. One of them had Mjölnir tattooed on her forearm. Huh…

“Thor and his brother…” You heard the reporter say. There was nothing else of importance. The God of Mischief sighed. You switched the program again.

“Always a pleasure to be inside this square box.” Thor said, grinning widely. Then, all of a sudden, he paused. “It almost looks strange to see a woman in your arms, brother.” He looked at you. “I don’t know how you put up with him but I’m glad he found someone who seems to like his… chaotic nature, shall we say?” He grinned once more.

Loki tensed up, still stiff even after Thor had left.

“Loki… are you alright?”

He hummed in response. You put your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. At least you now finally knew what type of tattoo you were going to get.


Would it stay on your skin forever? Yes. Were you facing any hesitation at all? No. You wanted a part of Loki to be with you at all times when he was gone and this, strangely enough, appeared to mean so much more than a wedding ring.

Thousands of fans were committed to Thor, and not a single person had yet expressed their gratitude towards Loki, not to mention that it seemed he himself couldn’t quite believe he was worthy of such gratitude… let alone your love.

It was the following day already that you found yourself in the tattoo studio. They had given you a last-minute appointment after learning who you were and when you had sent your artist an e-mail with what you wanted to get, even the barrier of virtual communication was unable to hide both his confusion and probably even hostility.

In any case, though, he met you neutrally the following day. After shaking his hand, he showed you the template he had made with your pictures and, after making sure you were fine with it, got to work.

You barely registered your surroundings. The walls were full of art, the smell of sanitiser and what must have been the tattoo colours filling your nostrils, and in the background, you could hear the humming of another tattoo gun along with some rock music.

It was only then, when you sat down on the chair, that nervousness began to wash over you—not because you were second-guessing your decision but rather because this man was about to repeatedly poke your skin with a small needle.

“It’s a little too late to ask but would you prefer some numbing cream?” He asked.

You shook your head, smiling mischievously. “Seriously, dude, I fight wars with the Avengers.”

“Yeah, stupid question… So, um…” You resisted the urge to flinch when he started tattooing you. Actually… it wasn’t so bad. Well, the numerous forums you’d been on online had promised you that the inside of your arm was a piece of cake compared to, say the ribs. You were planning on getting more tattoos one day but for now, this one it was.

You couldn’t wait to see Loki’s reaction. He had no idea you were here.

“Why… why Loki? I-I mean… I know you’re technically an Avenger but… that dude’s kinda evil.”

“Evil? He’s helped Thor and the others on missions countless times by now.” You tilted your head. “People just refuse to see the good in him.”

“Suit yourself, I mean… he tried to enslave all of humanity but…”

“That was a long time ago. And it wasn’t entirely his fault if you remember Thanos.”

The tattoo artist cleared his throat. “Yeah, I guess… Still. I mean it’s your skin.”

“Exactly. So let’s just do this. This is my first tattoo, I’d like to have a good memory of getting it and not sit here for hours defending my bo-“ You stopped yourself before you could say boyfriend. He’d see soon enough, for you had asked Loki to come pick you up here a little later. Besides, Loki didn’t like to be called your boyfriend. He was much more of a… lover, he had said. It had a nice ring to it.

“Yeah, yeah… sorry. I promise your choice of tattoo won’t impact the quality of my work. You’ll love it when it’s finished.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”


You only had to take two breaks in between, drinking plenty of water and stretching your legs a bit. Once the tattoo artist had finished up and wrapped clear foil around your tattoo to protect it, you sent Loki a text.

It was odd, every single time, to remind yourself that Loki was using a phone. He never used emojis though, for some dubious reason. That almost made it hard for you to tell when he was being sarcastic or not.

“What is this place? What are you doing in a tattoo parlour?”

“I was shopping for flowers. What do you think?” Chuckling, you embraced him when he entered the tattoo shop. It was perfect timing, for just when you pressed your lips on his to greet him properly, your tattoo artist reemerged from his private backroom.

“Oh… Oh! Oh. Mr… Mr. Loki. You, um… so you’re… wow.” You winked at him. You had to admit, his fear was rather hilarious… which was exactly why you had asked Loki to come pick you up. Besides, Loki could be quite the gentleman if only he wanted to. He lovedbeing all protective over you and that included taking you home on a regular basis.

Loki tilted his head when you broke the kiss, narrowing his eyes at him with his lips parted. “And who are you?”

“I, um… I did her tattoo. It’s um… you know what, it’s on the house.”

“Oh… thanks.” You said, grinning a little. Scary boyfriend privileges…

“You were not joking then? You actually got tattooed?”

“I’ll show you when we’re back home. Come on. Thanks again!”

“Y-yeah… thanks. Bye.”

As soon as you exited the shop, you burst out laughing. “Did you see his face? I love it. Come on, Trickster.” Intertwining your fingers with his, you dragged him along, not even giving him a chance to respond until you reached the Avengers’ Tower.

You couldn’t wait to take your jacket off and show him your tattoo and it seemed, Loki was equally curious.

“Why did you decide to put ink on your body permanently?” He suddenly asked.

“It’s beautiful… to use the skin as a canvas… and to have art that means a lot to you with you at all times, to become a part of you.”


“I’ve been thinking about getting tattoos for a very long time but then all this happened and I forgot about it for a while… but I’ve been doing my research and… well, I think you’ll like it.”

Loki frowned when you beamed at him. Once you arrived in your shared room, your grin grew even wider. Excitedly, you took off your jacket, took a deep breath, and then presented your arm to him.

Loki’s lips parted, you could almost hearhis face fall when he laid his eyes upon the golden helmet and the dagger you had gotten tattooed on your arm. Then, his blue eyes, filled with utter shock, met yours.

“You… you… this is my…” You smiled at him, biting your lower lip and eagerly awaiting what he would say but instead… instead he was tearing up.

“You… this will be on your skin forever.” He choked out.

You nodded. “I love you, Loki. This is a symbol of my devotion to you. Maybe no one else around here appreciates you the way they should be… but I do.”

Loki closed his eyes for a brief moment. And instead of responding with words, he pulled you into his arms, hugging you so tightly you feared for your breath. He didn’t need to say anything more. His embrace told you more than you needed to hear.

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A Second Chance - Part 2

Welp, guess I am going to make this a three parter. The third part will be the last part, I swear!

Summary: You didn’t really like Loki, but you lost your memories and Loki takes advantage of the situation by pretending to be your boyfriend. What could go wrong?

Warnings: Some smut if you squint. Also didn’t proof read this cuz I’m le tired. Sorry.

Words: ~ 3k

Part one on my master list.

You furrowed your brows at the man in front of you, who apparently was named Loki and was your boyfriend. None of this looked familiar, but something about him being so close to you felt…weird, but also right. You believed every word he said. Loki, or so he calls himself, was rubbing his thumb over your hand and you were thankful that you weren’t here in this hospital bed alone.

“I’m sorry that I don’t remember you.” You continued to look down at your joined hands and you genuinely did feel bad. How horrible must it be for him for his lover to forget who he was? You said so out loud and he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.

            “It’s okay, Darling. I am not upset. I am just glad you are okay.” His eyes were glassy, and he looked at you. The love and affection were apparent in his eyes, and you felt obligated to give him a little smile.

            “How long have we been together?” It was an innocent question, but Loki seemed thrown off by it. Thankfully, the God of Mischief was good at thinking on his feet.

            “It’s relatively new,” He cleared his throat awkwardly, “but we are very happy.” He looked so stiff, but you just assumed it was because his girlfriend forgot who he was and the stress of that.

            You laughed and that seemed to perk him up a bit, “I will take your word on it.”

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Freaking amazing!! I’m completely in love with this


Your Savior - Chp 5

Summary: You train with Natasha, and you find out something new about yourself. Loki’s protectiveness gets a bit…much and frankly, it pisses you off.

Warnings: Swearing. Smut 18+

Words: ~3800

Other chapters on my master list.

            Never in all the years of your life, did you think you would be in a training room with none other than Black Widow. The training room in the Avenger’s Tower was empty, outside of you, Natasha, and Loki who brooded in the corner, keeping a watchful eye on you. You had to give Natasha credit, not only was she deadly, but she was an amazing teacher. There were whispers amongst the team about her brutality during her training sessions, but today with you, you saw someone who was patient, and efficient in her teaching techniques.

            But she was also relentless. With each failure, she would tell you to get back up and try again. Your body was still frail from the torture and starvation you endured, and you could feel the weakness in your bones midway through your training session. There was one defense move you were trying to get down, but you just weren’t getting it. The bear hug defense move. Everything she was teaching you was very basic, but you were struggling, and it was frustrating you beyond belief. Every time you tried to escape the petite assassin’s grasp, it reminded you of how weak you were. How helpless you felt in your cell.

            Tears started to well in your eyes as your heart hammered in your chest, giving way to a tidal wave of anxiety. Before the first pathetic hiccup left your lips, Loki was already up and making his way across the room to you.

            “That is enough, Romanoff. She’s done for the day.” He growled. He hated seeing you upset, and he was already struggling containing himself. Every time he saw you crash on the mat or struggle against Natasha’s hold had his blood boiling. Frankly, he didn’t even want you there. It was his job to protect you. If you had him, what else did you need? Yet, he remembered what Tony had said. That there would be times he wouldn’t be around to protect you due to his ‘obligations’ to the Avengers, just to stay out of Asgardian prison. The fact that his choices, the mind control he endured led him down a path where he couldn’t be with you or protect you, made him hate himself even more.

            “No, Loki. She’s fine.” Natasha had let go of you and turned you around to face her. Tears were brimming at the corner of your eyes, but thankfully they had yet to spill over. Though, that last thread of stubborn dignity was threatening to snap.

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The Shifter - Chp 2

Summary: You dream of Loki and the Avengers again and face some tests and alone time with Loki.

Warnings: Some swearing. It’s very dialogue based but honestly I love this chapter so much.

Words: ~6k but it’s worth it I promise.

Check my masterlist for other chapters.

            When you woke up, you had a splitting headache. You were exhausted, but the thoughts of last night’s dream brought a smile to your face. Usually, you weren’t someone who would dream and when you did, typically you only remembered bits and pieces of it. But this? This was so vivid, so real and it was exciting. Who gets the chance to finally meet their favorite characters? It might have been the dreamworld, but it felt so real it didn’t matter to you.

            Finally, you dragged yourself out of bed and started your day. The idea of going to your boring office job, as exhausted as you were, was nauseating to you, but someone had to pay your bills. You took a shower, donned your classic office casual dresswear, hopped in your car, and went to your job. For eight hours, you sat at your computer, staring at your screen, and willing the clock to move faster. The job wasn’t terrible, but it was painfully boring. But it was your boss and coworker that made your job quite literally ‘the worst’. They were nosey, rude, and overall assholes. You kept to yourself to avoid the unnecessary drama and most days it worked out fine.

            Thankfully today was one of those days.

            You punched out and dragged yourself out of your office building when you felt the familiar vibrating of your phone. You dug it out of your pocket and saw it was your friend, Amanda video calling you.

            Hitting the screen, you answered it with a grin, “You know you are the only person I would answer the phone for, let alone video chat with.”

            She beamed at you, her bright and colorful hair radiating off your phone screen “I know, and I love you for it. What are you doing today?? We should get a bite to eat or something.”

            You groaned. The exhaustion was seeping into your bones and while you loved your dear friend, your social battery was practically gone. Looking at her bounce up and down, literally vibrating with energy on your screen sealed the deal for you. “Sorry, I have a date with my bed. I barely slept last night, and I need to rest.”

            “A date with your bed, or a date with Stephen and his dick?!” She teased, wiggling her eyebrows. You and Stephen had been in a relationship for almost two years now if you could even call it a relationship. Technically, you were, as they say, ‘Facebook official’ and he was your person to go to family outings with, spend time with, but most of the time you did your own thing, and he did his. The passion wasn’t roaring, but it was comfortable and familiar.

            You rolled your eyes, “BYE Amanda!” Then promptly hung up on your friend who was sticking her tongue at you.

            By the time you got home, you could barely keep your eyes open. The bed was calling your name and you weren’t going to resist its sweet siren song. You tossed yourself on the bed and let sleep take you. But much to your frustration, you felt yourself waking up again.

            “Can’t I just get one good night’s rest?!” You whined, lifting your head up. But your bed felt different. Its soft plushy fabric was replaced with something cold and hard. You shot up quickly and your head spun. You held your head as the spins took over.

            “Easy there, Dove.” You whipped your head towards the source of the voice. There, was a very tall, regal looking man with long dark hair. He held his hands behind his back, and he was smiling sweetly at you. You squinted your eyes; the hamster wheel of your mind spinning wildly to try and place this very familiar man. As you were looking at him, you saw where you were.

            A glass cell. You were trapped.

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The Shifter - Chp 1

Yes, I am crazy and am starting a new series.

Summary: You dream that you meet the Avengers, including Loki, and become their prisoner. Loki interrogates you. But is it really a dream?

Warnings: Swearing, violence.

Words: ~4000 (longer chapter)

            This is literally the worst dream ever.

            You shifted on the cold cement floor, encased in a dome of glass. All that was inside the dome, outside of your irritated self, was a bench. If there was an exact opposite of cozy and welcoming, this would be it. But what are you to expect in this situation?

            You were a prisoner. The Avenger’s prisoner.

            It all started so innocently - with some curious exploration about the concept of shifting. The root of shifting revolved around the concept that there are infinite realities, and your mind not only can travel to one of those realities, but you can also mold them. In your choice of reality, you can script or plan for what will and will not happen; what you look like, and more. And since there are infinite realities, your wildest fantasies technically exist somewhere.

            Want to finally get your Hogwarts letter? There’s a reality for that.

            Want to be married to your favorite celebrity? There’s a reality for that.

            But, for you? Oh, it was the Marvel universe. To say you were obsessed was an understatement. Every movie, every television show, you had seen it. You loved debating controversial theories and you consumed fan fiction like it was the only thing keeping you alive.

            So, when you heard about shifting, you had to give it a try.

            ‘Why the fuck not? Seems simple enough.” You said to yourself, watching the 100th YouTube video on the subject. You can find any ‘how to’ guide on YouTube, why not shifting your subconscious to another reality? It’s cake.

            It wasn’t cake.

            Every night, you would get yourself cozy in bed and start practicing all the techniques you learned online. Everyone made it sound so easy, but you only got tired and fell asleep. You asked people online what to do and no matter what you tried; you weren’t successful. Many shifters said it took them years to finally shift their consciousness into another reality.

            “Who’s got time for that?!” You groaned, slamming your laptop closed. With all your attempts, you believed it wasn’t possible. That everyone who supposedly shifted, was full of it. But it had consumed your mind for so long, you weren’t surprised when the Avenger’s made it to your dreams.

            Opening your eyes, you sat up in a bed you weren’t familiar with. You looked around and took in your surroundings. At first, you hit with a flurry of emotions. You were confused and terrified, not recognizing where you were. The room was simple. It held the bed you were laying on, a small dresser with a lamp, and a tiny kitchenette. It was clearly a place for just sleeping, and not a place to make your home. You looked down at yourself and you weren’t in the clothes you went to sleep in. The outfit was casual; just some jeans and a t-shirt, but it felt foreign to you. You definitely did not own these clothes. The idea of someone stealing you out of your apartment and changing clothes without you knowing made your stomach churn. Where the hell were you anyways? An unusual boldness prompted you out of bed and towards the door. Cautiously, and with the quietest of clicks, you opened the door and poked your head out.

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Oooooh this is amazing…

pairing: loki x poc!reader (gender neutral)
word count: 2.5k+
warnings: racial discrimination, murderous thoughts (?), i honestly don’t remember if there are swears in this one but it’s me so better safe than sorry
summary: Loki has struggled to grasp midgardian racial discrimination but through y/n, he slowly and surely comes to understand it. And hate it.

a/n: I’ve been putting this one off for so long and I actually cried while writing this… it really just got to me idek anymore. Based off of some of my experiences (yes someone said that to me on the northern line even though i speak better English than him). uhhhhhh this kinda counts as avenger!reader  too i guess. and i know i said i write for black readers but i had to do sth for out nbpoc brethren, this fic felt like it was the one to do it with.

Your name: submit What is this?

Loki always listened intently whenever you spoke of the things you had gone through; his blood boiling every time you recalled someone underestimating you, taunting you, insulting you, simply because of the colour of your skin. He often wondered why midgardians were so fixated on outward appearances. Back on Asgard, nobody really cared what colour your skin was— an asgardian was an asgardian and every asgardian was built with the same matter, had the same blood coursing through their veins.

So, when you and Loki had initially started dating and you had warned about the looks the two of you might receive and the words he may overhear, he had been confused. He could not understand why you would be so worried about what people will think of the two of you, of your relationship. Loki thought you were simply embarrassed to be seen with him, that you were looking for excuses and he stupidly voiced these thoughts. A grimace etched on his face as he spat that you were simply ashamed of him, ashamed of being seen with a jotunn.

He recalled you leaning back, your expression clouded in disbelief as you remained silent and he had thought this is it, they’re definitely leaving now but then you spoke quietly, voice calm. Loki would never forget the words you said first, “I’m going to take my time to respond to you because I want to choose my words carefully, this doesn’t need to be a fight and right now, every inch of my body wants to shout at you and I’m a few seconds away from doing something I might regret later,” you’d said, walking past him and exiting the room. You returned several hours later, knocking feintly on the door before coming in and you sat him down, explaining what you had meant, trying to help him understand where you were coming from. You got up to leave and he asked you to say but you gave him a soft smile, “I’m still mad at you for talking to me the way you did,” you called behind you as you exited.

Loki had never been one for apologies but he found himself restless, unable to sleep. He needed to apologise, the thought of you being upset with him weighed down on him with such vigour he felt he might suffocate.

You and Loki didn’t go on dates at first, at least not ones that would take place outside the walls of the avengers compound. So, when he posited the idea you were shocked, you’d wanted to go out to many restaurants but had understood that it wasn’t exactly Loki’s scene. He’d noticed the growing lists of places you wanted to go to, the spark of excitement in your eyes when you discovered a new cafe— he’d also noticed how quick you were to hide your new finds, quickly realising it was because you didn’t want to pressure him. How he wished you knew he was willing to do almost anything for you.

“We should go out for dinner,” he said, eyes never leaving the book he was reading. You almost gave yourself whiplash turning to look at him.

“Do you have anywhere in mind?” You asked, suddenly giddy.

“I was hoping you’d choose, actually.”

You look at the time and get off the bed with a start, rushing to gather your things, tripping over your own feet as you struggle to change out of your shorts. Loki can only smile at your antics.

It’s at the restaurant that Loki understands what you were talking about and though he’s so happy to be there with you, he can’t help the anger that builds up within him, hand-in-hand with his sudden comprehension.

The couple adjacent to you keeps smiling at the two of you and both of you pick up on their conversation about the recent royal wedding, talking about how amazing it is they can overcome their race. Loki doesn’t think you hear them, though he’s not sure how you can’t because the pair are putting on this how for the two of you. He sees you roll your eyes when they begin to discuss Americanah and quote lines, though you can quite clearly see one of them scrolling through an article o the very book they’re quoting.

He sees you open your mouth to say something but his hand reaches for your own across the table and you take it, eyes locking with his as he wills you to not say anything because you both know it could easily escalate. You smile softly and Loki begins to talk to you in an attempt to distract you. Your food arrives and soon you’ve forgotten about what had been conspiring next to you.

Loki watches you fondly as you dance in your seat, humming a familiar tune as you take your first bite. He’s so sure he’s well on his way to being so in love with you, it might consume him.

You go to the toilet while Loki settles the bill and when you return, you notice that the couple that was once dining comfortably are now so rigid and mute that you can’t help but allow your gaze to travel to your boyfriend, your brow quirking as he takes your hand to lead you out.

You don’t bother to ask because you’re pretty sure you’ve already figured it out.

Admittedly, you were used to it, you had acclimatised to the stolen glances, gotten used to the scowls. Instead, you held your head high, straightened up your back and walked with a little more confidence, hips swaying more enthusiastically than usual; all in an attempt to show just how unbothered you were. Loki was just here to see it now but to him it felt like he was the cause of these problems.

Loki was used to being treated like a burden but with you it seemed the only one treating him like a burden… Was he, himself. He’d asked you once, why you hadn’t left him since he was making your life more difficult. At this you laughed and he braced himself, waiting for the words he’d been dreading the moment he’d courted you but they never came. Instead, you cradled his face in your hands and told him that nobody’s opinion on the two of you could change the way you felt about him, none of their petty thoughts would stop the love you had for him, none of them could even try.

Loki had never been good at reciprocating feelings, the only kindness and warmth he’d ever truly accepted wholeheartedly was that of Frigga. He admits that he is the reason him and Thor’s relationship feels so strained at times, not for his brother’s lack of effort but for his own shortcomings. However, when you hold him in your arms like that, look into his eyes like you are peering into his soul, like he is your whole world; he can’t help the way his heart beats roughly against his chest, the way he leans into your touch.

In this moment, Loki realises he is so, undoubtedly in love with you.

Loki always listened intently to the stories you told him of your childhood— some good, some bad. He was there when you scrolled through social media, finding new stories about a child bullied and a man incarcerated, both on the basis of ethnicity. Loki had been there when you cried yourself to sleep in his arms, the video of a group of white children shouting “You’re not white!” at a little boy as his mother walked him towards another end of the playground, just trying to allow him to play. Loki’s heart broke for you because he felt your body against his, as your sobs turned into whimpers, shivers racking through your body as you struggled to breathe.

Loki had seen you unravel, seen your seems split as you asked why such a child should have to go through such a terrible experience.

Why did Midgardians place such value on the colour of one’s skin? Loki couldn’t understand.

A few hours later and he’s watching as you sit at kitchen island with Sam and Steve, laughing among yourselves as you told them how you had made Tony spill his iced coffee on himself a few minutes ago. He smiles fondly, eyes tracking your hands as they move animatedly throughout the whole narration.

When the day comes to an end, you walk to your room groggily, regretting the decision to read ‘one last chapter’ because that one chapter subsequently turned into six. You barely registered the figure that was already in your bed until it is wrapping its arms around you, causing you to sit up with a start.

“Loki, don’t do that,” you sigh, sliding back into his arms. A hum of approval leaving your lips as you lay your head on his chest, his cold fingers dancing across your back. He feels you smile against him, placing a kiss on his chest and snuggling closer into his side.

He had wanted to bring pain and suffering to the people of Midgard and he had abandoned those desires long ago but sometimes he looked at you and realised he’d do anything to keep you happy, kill anybody that came in the way of your happiness.

It’s when you’re away on a mission with Natasha that he finally has an epiphany.

Loki’s days are now so consumed with you that in your absence he feels misplaced, he gets by though, reading books and sometimes pulling harmless pranks on the rest of the avengers living in the compound.

He’s in front of the mirror when it happens, drying his hair with a towel as he readies himself for the day. He doesn’t know what exactly ignites the thought but he’s looking into the eyes of his reflection and all at once it comes to him. He remembers how much he hated himself after discovering he was a jotunn, how he had wished to have never been born, how much he grew to despise his existence. He thinks about how it was the words he heard growing up, that jotunns were lesser beings, were despicable, unlovable, those words that made him want to throw up whenever he looked at his reflection after finding out his truth.

He thinks back to how he saw midgardians as inferior, how he had treated you, treated the avengers… Anyone that wasn’t Asgardian really. Humans weren’t the only ones focused on appearances and social status and all of the things he’d believed only plagued inferior races, no, it was universal.

Loki, doesn’t tell you of this revelation when you do return but you do take notice of it because the next time you’re on a tirade about how people just can’t let yours have anything, his reply isn’t his usual nod and soothing words but instead a comment on how it’s reproduced generation to generation in a vicious cycle.

You’re on the subway, heading back home after one of Peter’s decathlon thingies, you’re beyond tired, it’s way past late seeing as Tony took it upon himself to have a dinner after and stay even after Peter and his friends left; their curfews looming upon them. It was fun in the moment, laughing with Sam and Clint, making fun of Tony and teasing Bucky. Loki’s hand not once leaving your body, either on your thigh or locking your fingers together. You ended up switching seats with Thor because the longer the dinner went on, the more bold Loki’s gestures became, too bold for public.

Now, you were on the subway, head resting on your boyfriend’s shoulder, giggling as he recounted the dinner from his perspective. The nicknames and exaggerations filling your sleep addled mind with humour. When he finishes, a comfortable silence settles  and you sigh in content.

The seats are empty, except for you and Loki, there are only two other men there. Your friends had left you at the subway station with plans of their own and it makes you wonder what kind of plans ancient relics like Steve and Bucky would have on Saturday night at 12 am. You would never think to be on this line, this late, you had no business doing such and you would have gotten off before you even got on if not for the arm secured around your waist, reassuring you that you would be okay because even if you had fought unspeakable evils in the past- some things were too efficiently socialised into you to forget.

You lazily claw at his blazer pocket, silently asking for your phone, which he has been forced to carry— along with your wallet and lip-balm because it would ‘ruin the fit’. He hands it to you, prompting to you to sit up as you unlock it to show him the pictures you’d secretly taken of him when he had been distracted in a conversation with his brother and bruce.

You almost scream when you notice a man sitting two seats over from you. When did he get there?

“Too bad you can’t speak English as well as you can use one of those, eh?” He asks, mockingly.

“Excuse me?” you reply, incredulously, unable to fully wrap your head around the situation.

“Go back to your country you motherfuckin—”

He never gets to finish his sentence because his body is flung onto the wall. You’re in shock because Loki never uses his telekinesis, deeming it primitive compared to his unrivalled intellect.

You feel his arm lose contact with your body as he stands up, eyes focused as he moves towards the man who is now shaking, stumbling over his words as he attempts to back away.

Loki always listened intently whenever you spoke of the things you had gone through, thinking of them as distant memories, forgetting it was still your reality. Loki is so, undoubtedly in love with you, he’d do anything to keep you happy, kill anybody that came in the way of your happiness.

He’s towering above the man now, a menacing look in his eyes as he speaks.

“I don’t know what makes you think you can take that tone and say such cruel words to the love of my life while I’m sat right there and I certainly don’t know what dastardly ideas have been planted in your head to make you feel as if you are better than people that don’t have the same skin colour as you or the same origin as you but today, I’ll teach you to respect people.”

You  don’t have to see Loki’s face to know he may do something drastic and it’s in that moment you realise he is willing to give up everything for you. You shut your eyes tight as you will yourself to stand up. You will not let him fight your battle for you, you cross the space between you swiftly and it’s then you see the dagger in his hands. You wrap your fingers around his arm, gently pushing him out of your way, he looks uncertain and reluctant but moves to stand behind you anyway.

You start off talking calmly and Loki doesn’t know when exactly you start shouting, he’s not paying attention. He is instead thinking of what he would have done had you not stepped in. Loki has learnt many things by going out with you and it seems that though you are his greatest strength, you are also his biggest weakness.

Greek Tragedies Masterlist

The Modern Tales of Greek Mythology.

Summary:You had only known about the many stories of Greek Mythology, interest peaked from a young age. Of the Gods and Goddesses as well as the monsters and heroes. But never in your life, during one of the many tours have you joined in seeing the ruins of the temples of Greece, did you even think of seeing your image in one of the bust. Persephone was her name, the most protected daughter of Demeter, and the beloved wife of Hades.


Summary:For Hell Hath No Fury like a scorned woman, you had given everything up, your title, your position among the Gods, and the husband that can’t seem to keep it in his pants. Only in your retreat does your husband see what he was truly missing.


Summary: For your heart does not beat only for one man, you find yourself finding yourself incased in a blazing affair with a man that you were forced to take as your husband and a man whose sole purpose was to create wars.


The Betrothed

SUMMARY: Forced to marry a man you did not love, you find yourself lost in a foreign land for the sake of your father’s kingdom. But the loneliness was only short as your time was well spent with your betrothed’s father instead.
CHARACTERS:Emperor!Loki Laufeyson x Princess!Stark! Reader; Prince!Vali Lokison. Prince!Tony Stark. King!Howard Stark. Natasha Romanoff. Wanda Maximoff.
SERIES WARNINGS: Alternate Universe. Age Gap (At least 16 year age gap; Reader is of Legal Age); Smut; Blood and Gore; Mention of Execution; Character Death(s); Verbal Abuse; Family Trauma; Specific Warnings to be added per chapter.

  1. A Throne of Lies
  2. A Sentimental Night
  3. Who Is In Control?
  4. For The Rightful Heir
  5. Family Secrets
  6. Do As You Please
  7. A Night of Naught
  8. Sheer Humbug
  9. The Unexpected Wedding
  10. God Save the Empress
  11. Long Live Thy Lords
  12. TBA
  13. TBA
  14. TBA
  15. TBA

Lost and Found

Pairing: Loki x reader

Warnings: swearing, all the fluff, smut, fluffy smut- its smuffy, that’s a thing right? Lol

Sunmary: you had settled down with loki in yout new life, and couldn’t be happier.



5 years later-

You washed your hands as you finished dinner. Turning everything off you went to the porch “guys, time for dinner!!” You yelled to the field. Seeing Loki wave you went back inside. Setting the plates down on the table as they came in. “Hey, Adam, you know you need to wash your hands first.” You said looking at your son. “Yes mom.” He said running to the bathroom. You felt Loki come up behind you, wrapping his long arms around your waist. “When are we going to work on our second?” He whispered in your ear. “Loki stop, he’ll be back in a second.” You said turning and slapping his chest. “I can’t help what you do to me love.” He said leaning down kissing you. You pulled back looking at him “behave…sir.” whispering the last part as you felt his arms squeeze tighter. “All done!” Adam yelled coming back to the table. You pulled away from Loki winking as you sat and ate.

You were laying in bed reading as Loki came in, closing your door. “He’s finally asleep, he didn’t want me to stop reading to him.” He laughed grabbing his pajamas. “Well you do have a beautiful voice.” You said setting your book down, seeing a slight blush on his cheeks. He climbed in bed laying next to you “what were we talking about earlier, oh that’s right.” He said, leaning forward kissing you. You turned your head, deepening the kiss as his tongue ran across your lip. You opened your mouth, letting his tongue massage yours. His hand making its way to the hem of your shirt. You moaned in his mouth as he slid his hand up cupping your breast, running his thumb over your nipple. He broke the kiss, moving to your neck “I need you y/n, I need to feel you.” He whispered nibbling your ear. “Take me…..sir.” you whispered into his hair. You heard him growl as he moved on top of you, pulling your shirt off throwing it across the room.

He leaned down his tongue diving back into your mouth, you slid your hand into his hair as the other gripped his back, slowly moving to grip his cheek, pulling him into you. “Eager are we?” He laughed kissing down your neck towards your chest. “Loki please…..” you sighed as he circled your nipple with his tongue. “Tell me what you need y/n.” He said sucking it into his mouth. You moaned as you felt his other hand reaching your core, his fingers gently opening you up. “You…..I need you…..my king.” You sighed moving your hips with his hand. “Anything for you love.” He said getting up removing his pants, slowly pulling yours down. He climbed back up to you, spreading your knees, settling between them.

You both moaned as he slowly slid inside you. “Norns, you feel like heaven.” He said resting his head on yours. “So do you.” You sighed as he bottomed out, taking a minute to adjust. He leaned on his elbows kissing you deeply as he slowly started to move. You slid both hands down his back, he moaned into your mouth as you firmly grabbed his cheeks, pulling him into you. He rested his forehead on your as he pulled out and you pulled him back in. He adjusted his weight as his hand went to your hip, pulling it up towards him with every thrust. You felt him adjust his angle and start hitting that one spot in you that drove you over the top. Your breath mixed together as he titled his head kissing you again. You moaned he thrust particular hard, hitting that spot. “God Loki……I’m……” you tried but your brain couldn’t form words as you felt the coil in your stomach tighten. “Come y/n, come for your king.” He growled as he thrust harder. You looked into his eyes as you came, holding him tight to you. He followed right after, feeling him filling you up.

He stilled inside as you both panted, trying to catch your breath. You looked up at him smiled, his lips swollen, hair a mess, he was perfect. You reached up, brushing his hair away from his face as he smiled at you. “You are so beautiful y/n.” He said rubbing his thumb on your cheek. He went to move but you grabbed onto him “no, not yet please. I want to feel you.” You said looking at him. He settled back smiling at you. “May I ask you something love?” He asked looking at you. “Anything.” You said running your fingers up and down his arms. “Well, you know how I told you my lifespan is longer then….yours.” he said looking down. You nodded waiting. “Well, before I came back, my mother gave me something, that I want to give you.” He said looking at you. “What is it?” You asked. He held put his hand as a green light shown from it and a small box appeared. “I’ll never get tired of that.” You smiled making him laugh.

“I want to spend eternity with you love, always and forever.” He said handing it to you. You awkwardly opened the box, looking inside “you gave me an apple?” You asked looking confused. “It’s not just and Apple, it’s one of idunns apples.” He said taking it out of the box handing to you. “Whose idunn, and why does she have golden apples?” You asked looking at it. “That’s not the point, the point is, if you eat it, you’ll live as long as me.” He said cupping your cheek. “You gave me a magic apple? Good magic right, not like snow white where she..” you trailed off pretending to sleep. He laughed looking at you “Yes, Good magic. We can be together forever.” He said smiling at you. You turned it in your hand looking at it. “What about Adam?” You asked looking at him. “When he is old enough to decide, he will have the same choice.” He said looking at you. “I understand if you need to think it over, or don’t want to, it’s a big choice and..” you stopped his rambling by kissing him. Pulling back looking into his eyes, you took a bite. “It doesn’t taste very good.” You said swallowing. He laughed kissing you.

“Loki, I want nothing more then to spend eternity with you.” You said finishing the apple. “Do I need to eat the core too, I will.” You said laughing “no, that’s not necessary” he laughed throwing it to the floor. You cupped his cheeks in your hands staring into his eyes “I love you Loki, I always will.” You said smiling. “I love you more y/n, and I always will.” He said leaning down kissing you.

well, we reached the end. Thank you all ao much for reading, commenting, reblogging, all of that. You guys are amazing!!!! Love you all


Lost and Found

Pairing: Loki x reader

Warnings: imprisonment, swearing, sadness, mentions of pregnancy.

Summary: Loki sits on his cell as the hopelessness consumes him, as you confirmed the sell of the farm.

Part 16-



Loki wasn’t sure how long he had been there, sitting on the floor, back against the wall, waiting for whatever was to come. Would he be sent back to Jotunhiem, or sentenced to life in this cell. He thought back to you, how your smile warmed his heart, when you hugged him he felt complete, loved. This place wasn’t home, you were. He wondered how you were doing, if you were safe, did you miss him as much as he missed you. He felt the tears stream down his cheeks, remembering the mornings you were snuggled up next to him, the way you comforted him, your kindness.

He brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them, laying his head on his arms. He never wanted any of this, he only wanted you. He heard a sound from outside his cell, lifting his head, he saw someone there. “What do you want?” He asked, venom lacing his tone. “I am only here to talk.” He said coming closer. “What Is there to discuss, I’m where I belong am i not?” He asked looking at the figure. “Enough Loki!” He bellowed coming into the light. “I have spoken to Frigga about your time on Midgard, she told me of your mortal.”

Loki clenched his teeth “you will not speak of her……Odin.” he said looking up. He saw the glow of the cell drop as Odin walked in. “I have heard that she makes you happy yes?” He asked looking at Loki, he just shook his head and looked down “what does it matter, I have lost her.” Loki sighed. “Loki, I sent you to Midgard to learn the error of your ways, I thought by living amongst them you may once again find your humanity.” Odin said pacing back and forth. “I had not intended for Thor to lose his way.” He said looking to Loki. “He has been confined to his chambers until I can decide punishment for what he has done.” Odin said.

“And what is to become of me? Am I to rot in this cell?” Loki asked looking to Odin. “I have come to offer you a choice, either you can return to Jotunhiem, take up the throne and continue your rule, or you may return to Midgard, to your mortal, without the threat of repercussion.” Odin said standing in front of Loki. He stared up at him in disbelief, was he really going to let him return to you. “The choice is yours my son.” Odin said holding his hand out. “I wish to return to Midgard.” Loki said, gabbing Odin’s hand pulling him up. “Very well, Frigga is waiting at your chambers.” He said turning around. “Thank you.” Loki said looking to Odin, seeing him turn and nod slightly before leaving.

Loki ran to his chambers, seeing Frigga there “I must go immediately” he rushed inside. Looking around at his belongings he turned to Frigga “I don’t need any of this, I just need her.” He said walking towards the door. “May I accompany you to the bifrost?” She asked looking at him. He nodded and then made their way out. “Hiemdall, open the bifrost to Midgard please.” Loki said rushing in. “Yes, King Loki.” He said turning the sword. He smiled at Heimdall “just Loki.” He said as heimdall nodded. “Thank you for everything mother.” He said hugging Frigga. “Here, take this.” She said handing him a small box “what is it?” He asked looking at it “you’ll know when the time comes.” She said cupping his cheek. He tucked it into his pocket dimension before stepping back towards the lights “I love you my son” she called to him. “I love you mother.” He said smiling as the lights engulfed him.



You had spent the last few days packing, hiring a few guys to help you move everything to storage. You hadn’t called Dr Laing yet, but were planning to tomorrow, knowing it was your best plan to leave. You walked through your empty room, all but your clothes remained. You had put boxes in the spare room, but hadn’t been able to go in and pack everything, you thought about leaving all of it here, not wanting to be reminded of him. You walked to the now empty living room, only the couch remained. You sighed looking around, it felt cold.

You walked into the kitchen to make tea, setting the kettle on the stove, absently running your hand up and down the small bump. “It’s ok little one, we’ll be ok.” You whispered rubbing your belly. You finished making your tea, making your way to the porch, watching the sun set. You felt the tears well in your eyes as you rubbed your stomach, knowing this may be the last sunset you get to watch from this porch. You sighed finishing your tea before heading back inside. You laid on the couch, rolling over facing the back, you willed the tears away, hoping sleep would find you.

You weren’t sure how long you slept before you heard someone calling your name. You slowly opened your eyes thinking maybe you were dreaming. You rolled over, looking through the room but didn’t see anyone. You sat up rubbing your eyes as you saw someone In the hallway. You froze, who was in your house? Why were they here? You slowly got up, making your way to the front door, hoping to make it out before they saw you. “Y/n” you heard, making you freeze in your spot. You knew that voice. You slowly turned around, flipping on the light, you saw him standing there, exactly as you remembered him, his green eyes wide. “What…..what are you doing here?” You asked shakily.

He walked closer but you backed away so he stopped “y/n, I’m…….I’m sorry.” He whispered looking down. “"Why are you here!’ You yelled, feeling the lump in your throat. He looked up at you "I’ve come to apologize, I never meant to hurt you, I can explain.” He said holding his hand out but you backed away. “What is there to explain, you said enough when you left.” You said looking down. “No, please allow me to explain.” He asked looking at you. You rubbed your belly as you looked at him. “Are you unwell?” He asked watching you. “I suppose we do need to talk.” You sighed heading to the kitchen. You put the kettle on, getting two cups out setting them down. “Y/n, what is wrong?” He asked following you in. “Nothing is wrong Ad……Loki.” You sighed.

You turned to look at him, hands on your belly “Loki, I’m pregnant.” You said looking at him. He went silent, staring at you. “How long?” He asked looking at your belly. “It’s yours if that’s what your asking, I found out after you left.” You said crossing your arms. He nodded, leaning on the counter. “Don’t worry, I don’t want anything from you, I just thought you should know. And I’m selling the farm.” You said as the kettle went off. “Why?” He asked looking at you. “I can’t be here anymore. I can’t be reminded of you everyday, its too much.” You said sliding his tea to him walking out. You sat on the couch as he followed “y/n please, I’ve come back, I want to be here, I love you.” He said looking at you. “That’s not what you said when you left.” You looked at him. “I was being threatened, I had to say that to protect you, I’ve thought of nothing but you since I left.” He said coming closer. “I want to believe you, I do, but I just.” You started and were cut off when he kneeled in front of you grabbing your hands.

“Y/n, I’ve never felt like this about anyone else, only you, always you.” He said, you saw tears forming in his eyes “Please, let me explain, I’ll tell you everything.” He said looking at you. You sighed looking down “ok, go ahead.” You said looking at him. You listened as he told you about his attack on New York, how he was made to, about being sent here as punishment, how the man who came to get him threatened him. Your mind was reeling as he recounted everything. “And there’s one more thing I must tell you.” He said looking at you. He scooted closer, his torso between your knees as he closed his eyes. You watched his skin turn blue, opening his eyes to see red instead of the green you knew.

“I am a frost giant, king actually, but I abdicated, gave it up, I don’t want it. I only want you my love.” He said cupping your cheek, his skin was cold, but didn’t hurt you. “So, Loki, prince of asgard, king of Jotunhiem, adopted asgardian, and frost giant.” You said looking at him as he nodded. “I told you so.” You said tears forming in your eyes. “Told me what?” He asked “that you were a prince.” You said smiling. He smiled lunging forward, wrapping you in a hug. “I’m sorry y/n, so sorry.” He said holding you. “Please, never leave me again.” You whispered burying your face into his neck. “Never, I will die first.” He said rocking you. You sat there holding eachother “I love you…..Loki” you sighed. He buried his face in your neck, holding the back of your head “I love you more.” He sighed.

