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Expecting the best fun

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Just answered a long ass ask and can’t post because it’s on my laptop and the wifi crapped out….

sat down to write and my brain goes blank…

send me asks please!!

Kink Prompts✨

Character: Kirishima

Kink: Dry Humping

A/N: This was cooked up in a discord server I’m part of. We roll a random kink and then pick a character to write a drabble for. This was supposed to be short but it got outta hand fast…

TW: age difference (Kiri is 21 and Reader is 38), femm dom undertones, Virgin!Kiri, dry humping, size kink (he’s a big boi)

You knew going into things that you might have to be… careful… with Kirishima. The day that the literal ray of sunshine walked into your agency and locked eyes with you, you saw it. The same emotion you’d seen mirrored back to you many, many times in the decade or so you’d had your agency… young heroes’ eyes filled with devotion.

“Aww,” you’d inwardly cooed to yourself, ”This one’s gonna have it bad.”

These kinds of newbies were probably your favorites. The Golden Retriever Himbos with all the enthusiasm and gumption you could ask for. They made great assets on any mission and you won’t lie… great assets to have on speed dial when it’s 2:00am and your toys just aren’t cutting it for you…

But you shook that notion out of your head. You’re pushing 40 now and have to be more selective. You don’t really have the time or the desire to juggle as many partners as you once did. You tell Nemuri all the time you don’t know how she has the patience for it…

“Oh wow! Ms. (hero name)! I-it’s such an honor to be working at your agency! I promise I’m going to be the best intern you’ve EVER had! It wouldn’t be very manly of me to not give it my all!”

You’re taken aback when the giant of a young man bows low before you then snaps his head up, back still parallel to the floor, flashing a sharp toothed grin your way.

A giggle escapes you involuntarily as you look over to your old friend who is shaking his head at his young assistant’s enthusiastic greeting.

“Manly huh? Fat, this must be the Crimson Riot fanboy you’ve taken under your wing then…”

You ruffle the top of his head, only within reach because he was bowed before you…

(and fuck that hero costume… it almost looks like he’s wearing a muzzle… goddamn, if you could collar him and…)


The delicious blush color that dusts his cheeks does nothing to diminish the filthy thoughts you’re having about him….

He finally straightens, clearing his throat.

“Yup that’s him alright,” Fatgum beams at the young man, clearly very proud to have him in his care, “Wouldn’t be standing here today without the Sturdy Hero Red Riot having my back.”

He claps the young man on the back and his blush spreads even further.

“fucking adorable” you think to yourself.

“Well boys,” you turn to show them the way to their office, “Let me show you where home will be for the next couple months.”

You hold eye contact with the redhead just a little longer than needed… you can’t help yourself…

And you love feeling his gaze strip you out of your spandex suit…


You knew better… you fucking knew better! But you’re only human and when you’d run into Kirishima leaving the agency gym with his friend

(who GATDAMN was just as beefy and… did he have metal surrounding his eyes? What are they feeding these boys?) covered in sweat and panting… you weren’t physically able to deny going out for a drink with them.

“Maybe they’ll have a senior citizen special,” you scoffed, “Why do you brats wanna hang out with an old lady like me?” You joked. They both scrambled.

“No way Ms. (hero name)!” The big silver haired man said (some weird name that started with a T) rounding on his heels to face you, “You’re hella cool!”

You waved him away with a smirk (you liked the attention. So fuckin what? You deserved to feel special, dammit)

Next thing you know, a big warm hand is enclosing the one you’d been waving. Now it was you who blushed (which was absolutely not easy to do)… the only other set of hands you’d ever had on you that were this big were Toshinori’s pair.


You were fucked

“Ms y/n,” your name coming from Kiri’s lips with a ‘Ms’ in front of it was doing things to you, “38 isn’t old at all. And besides, you’re super strong and smart! Plus you look better than any other hero -any other woman- that…”

A massive hand lands on his shoulder stopping his little speech and bringing him back to reality. He blushes furiously when he realizes how he’d been spilling his guts. You want to eat him up.

The guy with a T name chuckles nervously, “Okay bro, I think she gets it…”

Kirishima let’s go of your hand and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.

“Heh, right,” crimson orbs meet yours, “But seriously! Don’t talk about yourself like you’re too old or something! It’s just not true…” he finishes softly looking at his feet.

Oh no

No no no

He was really sweet…


What led to you leading your much younger intern up the stairs to your flat was all a blur. Two cocktails to give you a little liquid courage and seeing him in that two fucking sizes too small black tee solidified your plan to take him home…

As soon as you were inside, he was on you, crowding you against the door…

You reached up to hold his face gently, rubbing your nose along his jawline.

“Oh fuck… s-sorry” he whimpered, knees buckling slightly. You grinned into his skin.

“You okay there, big boy? I haven’t even kissed you yet…” your bottom lip barely grazes the skin on his neck and you seriously worry for a split second a 6’5” beast of a man will fall into you.

This man, this perfect beautiful mountain of a man, whines at that…

“A-actually there’s something I-“ you keep rubbing your nose along his jawline, humming to let him know you’re listening, “Christ, y/n I’m a virgin.”

His last statement rushes out in one breath and you freeze.

“Okay baby” you purr (god why is this making you so wet?), “Don’t worry.”

You meet his gaze. He looks terrified.

“We don’t have to do anything, you know?” You reassure him, “promise” you give him your most comforting smile.

And oh shit that does it for Kiri. Being nurtured by the pro hero he’d had a crush on his whole life? Yes, please. He’s thanking whatever gods there are that made this happen.

“I do… wanna… you know…” he mutters, not meeting your gaze.

You chuckle and wrap your arms around his neck. “Kiri baby,” at that, his eyes lock onto yours, something dark in his gaze, “I won’t fuck you tonight” he wilts at that, but you’re quick to ease his fears.

“Doesn’t mean we can’t have fun, though” you hook an ankle around his tree trunk of a calf and pull him back into you.

His 1000 watt grin returns to his face and before you know it, you’re flung into the air being held bridal style.

You laugh as he marches you both down your darkened hallway.

“First door on the right, big boy”

“Yes ma’am!”

Yeah… you could get used to this


Kirishima was very vocal. Easily the most vocal you’d been with (the boy even gave Mic a run for his money) and you loved it.

“O-oh m-ms…. Ms y/n… I can’t icanticanticant…”

“Wassamatter baby boy?” you purr into his ear, grinding sopping wet silk against his denim clad bulge, “use your words or I can’t help”

“I-I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop…”

You tangled your fingers into the long, red locks that had fallen from his messy bun and rolled your hips against him once more.

“What if I want you to?” You ask, softly biting his kiss-bruised lower lip, “What if I wanna make you a complete mess. Hmm?” You kiss him deeper, moaning into his mouth. His massive hands are digging into your ass, pressing you down on him even harder.

“Make a mess for me, baby…”

That’s all it takes for him to be pushed over the edge, releasing violently into his tight jeans.

“Oh mmmm….” He burrows his face into your neck as spurt after spurt of hot liquid seeps through the denim, in turn soaking your cunt even more… “m-mama….”

It’s so quiet that you barely catch it and he freezes… waiting to be scolded no doubt.

“I’m sorry! That’s so weird! I-I dunno what-“

“Shh,” you kiss all over his neck, savoring the thin sheen of sweat you’d worked up on his skin “I like it…”

“You… you do?” His eyes are so round they’re almost owlish and you can help but smile.

“Mmmhmm….” You pull hard on his hair for just a moment, “I’ll be your mommy, Kirishima”

He shudders and you feel his cock (FUCKING TROUSER ANACONDA) twitch back to life.

You laugh outright and he groans, face thumping to your shoulder.

He mumbles adorably, something about this not being fair, and you rise up to leave.

There he is, looking up at you like a lost puppy awaiting instructions… shirtless and jeans filled with come…. And you couldn’t be happier.

“C’mon baby boy…. Bath time,” before you can even blink, you’re scooped up into massive arms again and his face is nuzzled into the crook of your neck.

“Yes ma’am”



here’s a soft piece of lifeguard kiri I mean we do get real nasty but we start soft n sweet

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pastoral lonliness, deku x reader

wc: 8k

summary:your whole life gets put on hold to move back in with your grandmother who raised you, as it’s discovered she’s slowly losing her memory. though you prepared yourself to shoulder this burden alone, help comes from the most unlikely places.

a/n:this was a request from @apollosfallen so tysm for it scout i had so much fun w this. deku runs an animal sanctuary, has a mild savior complex, and a thick southern accent i make the rules it’s my fic. Also he’s a big man, idk if you’re 6ft, he’s 7ft now, just imagine him as larger than u. cw: use of sir as a title briefly, dom!izuku, brat tamer izuku, he covers readers mouth with his hand, reader is a little afraid of thunderstorms, quirkless au, my first fic ever w no daddy kink but there’s always time for a part two. grandmother has dementia, bakugou x deku past implied.smut/hurt/comfort.


You’ve been sitting in your grandmother’s driveway for ten minutes now. You have service, kind of. It goes in and out depending on how upright you hold your phone. It’s almost ninety degrees, and you can feel it, the air is heavy with water as you procrastinate and pick at your cuticles.

Her house is a light eggshell blue, the wraparound porch you’d loved so much as a child having fallen into disrepair. You’re doing the right thing. You remind yourself. She raised you. You peer in the windows, you can see the piles of clutter, imagine the mothball smell, you don’t even want to think about the probably expired KFC in the refrigerator.

When you told your boss you’d need to work remotely for a few months, he’d assumed you were joking. You were at the top of your game, managing several employees, working hard.

“I’m not talking about someone who has anyone else,” You’d argued, “She didn’t have to raise me, when my parents died she could have put me in foster care, she was already in her seventies. And I can’t put her in a home, she lives in the middle of nowhere and she’s not going to leave.” He’d sighed, and agreed, provided you kept normal hours. You’d agreed, and picked up your life to move back to your hometown.

The slam of the car door startles several sparrows dancing around the full bird feeder. You wonder if she’s been getting up to refill it or if someone from the neighborhood has been coming around to help her. The front steps creak under your weight, and you peel up the doormat to pick up her keys. It’s 4PM, and the sun is low in the cornflower sky, painting everything gold. Her house is set back a ways from the road, surrounded by gardens that have been let go. If you were to look carefully, you would be able to see the patterns, the healthy rose bushes that haven’t been clipped back, the tomatoes growing and ripening, falling to the earth. Hard work gone to waste.

You jam the key in the lock, preparing yourself for the worst. The screen door swings open with a familiar song, you step into your entrance hallway. The shoes are stacked neatly by the door, to your right, papers cover the dining room table, hospital bills, credit card applications, and more spam. To your left, the kitchen, blue and white tile shining in the evening light, the wooden table standing just the way you remember it, slightly askew.

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Omg I can’t wait to read this



On Stand-By (bakugou x reader)

minors DNI

warnings: 18+, voyeurism/exhibitionism, somnophilia-ish (not really), unprotected sex, masterbation

Bakugou couldn’t have been dreading a mission more. Why the hell did his agency have to put him, of all people, on this task. Okay fine- he knew that he was the one most fit for the mission but still. This was a pain in the ass.

The Commission was having trouble with a smaller gang of criminals. The mission was for him to wait on stand-by in a small apartment adjacent to the building where the gang’s hideout was. Nothing Bakugou couldn’t handle on his own, but still, the Commission had to put you on the job too. It wasn’t that Bakugou didn’t like you, in fact, it was quite the opposite. He always had a hard time controlling himself whenever you were around.

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Jfc this was so frigging hot




  • pairing:yagi toshinori/all might x fem! reader
  • words:10.1k
cw/tw:(accidental) sugar daddy + sugar baby to lovers (no daddy kink), a touch of hurt/comfort but mostly fluff, hints of gentle femdom, unprotected sex + creampies, size difference (even though he’s quirkless), toshinori lifts and carries reader, lots of pet names (including little girl, little lady, etc.)

Toshinori Yagi is tired. That kind of tired ache that seeps into the bone marrow and weighs him down, making every step forward or blink of his eyes an almost Herculean task. He’s spent years like this; never quite enough sleep, never enough nutrition to feel full. Toshinori’s life after All Might has been full of almost’sandnot enough’s, never wholly satisfied. 

He tells you the only time that exhaustion ever seems to leave his body is when he’s with you. When he gets to sink to the floor to worship your body or into your bed to let your hands roam over his, to be taken care of and take care of you all at once, those are the moments where he feels that weight lifted.

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Sweet Jesus… this is one of my new top ten fics. Everything about this, EVERYTHING, has me SWOONING ❤️✨ reluctant, shy sugar daddy Toshinori makes me MELT






I’m every one in this

MAN 1 (in a high pitched, whiny voice) Look what you’ve done to my peonies!

WOMAN (angrily) They’re marigolds!

MAN 2 God! I think she’s right! They are marigolds!

MAN 1 I may not know my flowers, but I know a (yells in her direction) bitch when I see one!

It’s back!

I looked this up because I had to know what it’s from. It’s a film called The Gay Deceivers (1969), and it’s about two straight men who, seeking to avoid the draft, claim to be gay, but then have to keep up the pretense when the army places them under surveillance.

The man in the red cardigan in the clip was played by Michael Greer, who was openly gay himself - unusual for the time. He actually worked closely with the director and rewrote much of the film’s dialogue to reduce the homophobia and make it more realistic. As a result it’s quite progressive for its time, having a gay character, played by a gay man, living in a happy same-sex relationship, which is more than a lot of media offers us today.

Plus the clip is delightful.

I just looked it up on wikipedia and fucking

The twist is that even after the pair is caught, they are not inducted into the military. The Army investigators assigned to watch them are themselves gay and are trying to keep straight people out of the Army.


Any time I send a link of my work to a friend

Any time I send a link of my work to a friend

Post link

I see a nice comment on one of my fics, check who left it, and it was a FUCKIN 17 YEAR OLD… these minors are TOO BOLD

#please    #go away    


candid (part one of four)


Pairing:Bakugou x Reader

Warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ aged up characters, eventual smut, exh*bitionism (are you surprised), a few p*ssy slaps, spanking, praise

A/N:This was supposed to be a one shot. It was supposed to be PWP. What happened. Written for the BNHarem Bakugou collab! You can find the masterlist here! Pics are from doujin covers by lapin and hellenism. 

WC: 5.4K

☆*candid masterlist


Maki Miya is a force of nature.

Listed as one of Japan’s top ten photographers, she’s already made a name for herself with her extensive portfolio of working for Vogue Japan, the Hero Commission, and being artistic lead for Deku’s—yes, theDeku‘s—athleisure line. She’s a force of nature; she doesn’t take no for an answer, can find a solution for any problem, and has the ability to knock down whatever obstacles pop up in her path.

You have the luxury of calling her one of your best friends.

There’s something surreal about standing on such a giant set, wires crisscrossing the floor every which way, incessant chatter filling the air. In the middle of the set sits a long, black leather couch, accompanied with a forest green rug and a white faux fur throw. It’s simple enough, but the set designer keeps fidgeting with it, carefully shifting the couch forward then back, flipping a blanket corner up then down. It’s a little amusing, if you’re being honest, watching him dither…but you know if you were in his shoes, you’d be doing the same.

Dynamight’s reputation does precede him, after all.

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Oooooh this is some good food

The Favor of a God Pt. 1

Pairing: WolfHybrid/ForestGuardian!Kirishima x FemmWitch!Reader

Word Count: 1K

TW: slight mentions of violence. This is just a setup for the rest of the story. A lil’ bit of fluff at the end ❤

Author’s Note: This is one I started months ago and haven’t had too much motivation to finish. Maybe getting it out into the Tumblr void and people expressing interest will inspire me to actually finish! And it WILL get spicy so this is still 18+ MDNI!!!

Eijiro Kirishima hated humans. The small, foul-smelling menaces were a constant threat to the forest he was bound to. The forest was part of him… much like a mortal’s arm is connected to their body. So when the forest spirit saw you entering his lands from high on his windy clifftop, he was immediately suspicious.

He quickly shifted into wolf form and began his descent, fur bristling along his spine. He thought that leaving hunters along the edge of the tree line missing their throats was an effective deterrent. In fact, it had been years since one of your kind had dared entered here… Eijiro thought to himself that you were either ignorant to the tales of a viscous wolf-god who ate humans or had a death wish. He’d soon find out, he mused, licking his dagger-like fangs. He began to salivate at the thought of tasting human flesh again.

He could hear the rustle of leaves before he saw your cloaked form flitting through the tall trees. However, what puzzled the spirit was the smell… or to be more accurate, the lack of smell. Human smell was something he’d never forget. It burned his nostrils and made his eyes water. The smell of their pheromones and sweat and oils was abhorrent to him… so when the calming smell of herbs assaulted his senses, he questioned all together just what he was dealing with…

He sniffed, raising his muzzle to search the air for any signs of foreign smells… he closed his eyes, and a small whimper slipped through his teeth (surprising himself)… beneath the smell of herbs and flowers, he smelled… well, he smelled YOU. He’d never before encountered a more delicious fragrance. His mouth watered and his pupils engulfed his crimson irises. He wanted to feel your fingers in his fur… he wanted to run his nose along your thighs to inhale the source of your entrancing scent… he wanted to mount you, and….


What was he THINKING? You were a human. You were vile. Your kind brutalized the land and tore down everything that he was created to protect. He shook his head as if it would rid him of the scent that had invaded his entire body. He set his mouth in a grimace, determined to make an example out of you to other humans who were stupid enough to enter his home.

You walked and walked, deeper into the forest than any other human had been before. Ejiro told himself he’d let you come this far out of sheer curiosity. He wouldn’t admit to himself that he longed to see the face behind the hood. Finally, after what felt like hours, you stopped in a clearing and knelt. His head cocked to the side in confusion.

You laid out a woven cloth and placed various vials and crystals and herbs atop it. You were meticulous with how you arranged your materials. Eijiro had never seen a human act in such a strange manner. The next thing he noticed was that you carried no weapons or axes… if you weren’t here to take his trees or his creatures he protected, what could you possibly want?

He stayed watching as you bowed your head and lifted your hands in reverence… his heart did a little somersault in his chest. Were you… worshiping his forest? Several conflicting emotions washed over him at that moment, but he wasn’t able to process any of them before you slowly removed your hood.

You were stunning… your features were calm and delicate, not ugly and twisted like the hunters or the ax wielders he’d devoured before. He noticed how your hands worked, measuring out herbs, pouring water from a flask into the tiny bottles. As you worked he began to feel it… he felt the magic radiating from you. You had a faint glow all around your form as you prayed and worked. Gold tendrils snaked from your body along the forest floor, infusing everything they touched with energy. You were pouring your love and devotion into his forest, and in turn, into him.

Eijiro stood frozen in the edge of the clearing until the ceremony was over and you began packing your things away. As you clasped your bag shut, your eyes wandered over to where he stood. You were in awe at the magnificent creature. You knew immediately he was a spirit, a guardian of the forest. Your wide, surprised eyes met his flaming gaze. In an act of submission, you knelt before him.

“Great spirit,” you began, head still hanging low, “I beg permission to enter here and worship the mother tree. I swear to you that I bring no harm with me. If I ever do,” your head slowly raises, “slay me where I stand.” With that, you pulled out an ornate dagger, sliced your palm, and squeezed a few drops of blood into the soil.

The wolf spirit was truly stunned. How did you know exactly how to approach and communicate with high-ranking guardian spirits? You were a complete mystery to him. You raised your palm out towards him and he sniffed the shallow wound. It smelled like honey and lavender. His mouth watered and before he could register what he was doing, he licked over the cut… tasting the delicious blood and healing it at the same time.

“Thank you, Great One,” your warm smile and the devotion in your eyes caused a warmth to spread in his chest. A giggle escaped you as his wet muzzle met your neck, sniffing you all over while his tail wagged behind him.

“I guess this means I am welcome to worship here?” you spoke into his dark red fur as you scratched his sides. His eyes met yours again and he bumped your chin with his cold, damp snout. Your smile cast warmth over his whole being.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Eijiro promptly curled up beside you in the soft grass and laid his head in your lap. You knew you wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon… but who cares what else there is to be done when you’ve won the favor of a god?


#栃丸    #repost    #tochimaru    #rikishi    #sumotori    #reblog    #sumo wrestling    #sumo wrestler    #sumo wrestle    #not mine    #athlete    #sports    #mawashi    #sports-outsized    #real thick    #handsome    #sumo crush    #sumotori crush    #dream man    #i love tochimaru    #i love 栃丸    #chubstr    #man crush    #bearmythology    #bearmeat    #man crush everyday    