#sun in leo


Aries - Boxing, Wrestling (either), Modern Pentalon 

Taurus - Hockey, Judo, Weightlifting

Gemini - Fencing, Tennis, Volleyball

Cancer - Golf, Table Tennis, Track Cycling

Leo - Basketball, Triathlon, Rhythmic Gymnastics

Virgo - Artistic Gymnastics, Water Polo, Equestrian Dressage

Libra - Badminton, Taekwondo, Handball

Scorpio - Diving, Shooting, Cycling BMX

Sagittarius - Archery, Equestrian Jumping, Canoe Sprint

Capricorn - Soccer, Rugby, Cycling Mountain Bike,

Aquarius - Beach Volleyball, Trampoline, Cycling Road

Pisces - Sailing, Swimming, Equestrian Eventing

Strongest to Weakest Chakras:

Sacral - our ability to accept others and new experiences, sense of abundance and sexuality, passion and pleasure center, center of physical feeling and sensuality, allows you to live in the present.

Throat - our ability to communicate, self-expression and feelings of truth, accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice, allows you to stand up for what you believe in.  

Heart - our ability to love, our joy and inner peace, sense of caring and compassion, allows us to realize that we are part of something larger than ourselves.

Solar Plexus - our self-worth and self-confidence, ability to be in control of our lives, our center of willpower, self-discipline and personal power, allows you to meet life’s challenges, perseverance and responsibility.

Third Eye - our ability to focus and see the big picture, our intuition and imagination, spiritual reflection and contemplation, our ability to internalize the outer world and externalize our inner world, access to our inner guidance, developing an objective wisdom.

Base - our most basic primal instincts, survival issues, foundation of physical energy, allows us courage and resourcefulness. 

* Crown chakra not included as it is technically unattainable until a human being has reached full enlightenment.

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Sun in LEO Moon in SCORPIO


Second-to-last in The Signs sequence, but forever first in their own hearts: Leo.

Now, Leo, before you’re like “bitch, that is not true I am extremely thoughtful - I am caring and I am kind and I am sowarm and I have everyone’s best interests at heart,” count how many times you sad “I” in that last sentence and take a fucking breath. You’re self-centeredasshit, baby. But guess what? It’s exactly how you should be, and it’s why we love you, so relax.

To truly understand Leo, we gotta play it back. We have to think about Aries (and Taurus and Gemini and Cancer) first.

One of the easiest, most productive ways to think about the Zodiac is as an entire cycle of personal development. From Aries to Cancer, we’re developing ouridentity. Think of it like this: Aries: is like, “I’m fresh as fuck,” you got your little essencebut you ain’t shit yet, intuitively in touch with your little self; Taurus: is like, “I’ll help you get started, you dumb intangible baby,” and passes down some values, resources, and experiences to help you anchor your little self in reality; Gemini: is like, “yeah, that inherited shit is alright, but I bet there’s more out there,” and so you start to define your little self as you experienceandexplorethe World around you; Cancer: is like, “oh fuck,this is who I am,” and takes your essence, your values and beliefs, and your experiences and condenses that shit into your identity - something you can actually feeland (spoiler alert) beandexpressin the world.

So: Leo. Fire, Phase 2. You spent all this time developingyourself into somebody real, and Leo is when you decide: “Fuck it! I’m feeling myself (thanks, Cancer), it’s time for me to express myself.” Leo takes this identity that Aries & The Crew developed, throws on Charles Wright, and gets to radiatingitselfinto the ether full force. This straight up creative oozing is why we associate Leo with being and doing the most - Leo is unadulterated self-expression, and you bet after a long hard feeling down there in Cancer’s identity laboratory this bitch is ready to let loose.

Leo rules the 5th house - why? Because the 5th house is how you express yourself. Love affairs, children, art, creativity, whatever the fuck Bullshit Astrology is trying to sell you, go ahead and buy it and then look beyond it. You are creative, in yourself - your identityiscreated. It’s cultivated. It’s not who you essentially are (that’s Aries, First House business). You gotta take some fucking time to grow that persona. What you grow is Cancer, and what you showis Leo. This sweet, self-centered bitch is ready to be seen.

Leo is self-centered because it’s literally your self, centered - it’s all that Aries goodness focused into a livable, breathable, beable expression. Not every Leo is an artist, but every Leo heavy bitch is a work of art in themselves.Imageis important to Leo, and it should be. They worked hard to develop that shit, they can show it off. Now, some of you motherfuckers are out here acting so wildyou make us want to cover our eyes and run away. No one wants to see a destructive mess, Leo. Get it together.

Really, the most underplayed Leo quality is leadership. This is not a knowing who has which strengths and who should go where for optimal output type of leadership - that shit is Aquarius’s biz - this is an inspiring everyone you come into contact with type of leadership. The creative power literally flows out of these freaks, and dammit, we feel it. We’re inspired by it. We want that shit for ourselves. But, again, Leo is self-focused. It doesn’t really give a fuck whether or not we want to get on board with its vision. At its healthiest, Leo leads itself - it carefully directsandmanagesits own energy. And in doing this, Leo stops being a gross display of misdirected intensity, and instead steps the fuck up and shows us the impact a unique,emotionally developed (thanks again, Cancer) individualcan have on the world.

We roll our eyes hard at Leo. But Leo, for once, you’re right, it’s because we’re a little bit jealous. If we could all be half as self-motivated, self-focused and self-developed as Leo, noneof us would have the timeordesire to hate on this warm little center of gravity.

Happy birthday, you sweet bitches.



The Sun, like everything else in Astrology, gets misunderstood and played out. Yes, we know there’s more to you than just your Sun sign. But that doesn’t mean the Sun suddenly isn’t important.

Let’s make this shit super simple. Metaphor style: If your life is a journey, then the Moon is your car (or your bike for my little environmental freaks) and the Sun is your fuel. The energy of your Sun sign propels you through your life. It’s constantly pushing you forward. Being in the know about your Sun sign can help you understand why you choose certain experiences and people. (Sound familiar to Mars? Cool. It should.)

When you look at the Sun and Moon together, you can get a general idea of how a personapproaches life and what actionsandattitudes they need to develop for success.

(As always, the house a planet is in will tell you more than the sign, but I know none of you hoes have all your house placements memorized.)

Particulars for the party people:

ARIES SUN bitches fueled by the desire to let go of the past, start fresh, and give themeselves a new life and identity. Must learn: you can’t force other people to change too. Sorry.

TAURUS SUN bitches fueled by the desire to establish themselves, feel real, and get some damn props for doin it right. Must learn: making all the decisions doesn’t make you right, it makes you controlling.

GEMINI SUN bitches fueled by the desire to discover themselves, understand their own conditioning, and recognize shit for what it really is. Must learn: you’ll die in a hole of details if you don’t keep in mind the bigger picture.

CANCER SUN bitches fueled by the desire to feel connected and bound to something/one/ones, develop a next level sense of devotion, and create something real. Must learn: you do not have to sacrifice yourself to have a good life.

LEO SUN bitches fueled by the desire to express themselves, develop their identity, and get caught doin it ayeee. Must learn: anything can be played out in a constructive or destructive way. Choose wisely.

VIRGO SUN bitches fueled by the desire to improve themselves/ others/ shit, take care of they business, and build their character up. Must learn: to open up.

LIBRA SUN bitches fueled by the desire to be part of something bigger, find relationships between unrelated shit, and get their metamorphosis on. Must learn: to stop being scared and get the fuck out there.

SCORPIO SUN bitches fueled by the desire to find the right crew, feel seen and accepted by others, and discover what true fellowship feels like. Must learn: manipulating people into giving you the response you want is ultimately not satisfying.

SAG SUN bitches fueled by the desire to understand their life experiences, make sense of themselves, and get their damn message across. Must learn: to stop running away from your shit.

CAPRICORN SUN bitches fueled by the desire to connect others through action, keep to their chosen set of moral standards, and achieve whatever goals they set out for themselves. Must learn: how to set some mf-ing healthy boundaries.

AQUARIUS SUN bitches fueled by the desire to make a legit contribution to society, totally self-manage themselves and their lives, and find some fucking peace of mind. Must learn: when you repress shit that’s happened to you, you’re setting your ass up for a midlife crisis.

PISCES SUN bitches fueled by the desire to find something that lasts, release old ass patterns of behavior, and tap into natural and societal rhythms. Must learn: peacing out from reality does not mean you suddenly rose above it, it means you peaced out from reality.

If you’re sitting there like, “well I identify with all this shit,” good. The zodiac is a complete cycleof growth and all of us go through all of the phases. The Sun just shows which phase is most pronounced over the course of your life.

Peace, people.


Leos get criticized for being narcissistic, self-centered, conceited, and egotistic. The world is so obsessed with self-deprecation, that we get uncomfortable when others take pride in themselves. Leos aren’t the problem. The insecurities of the world are.

The Sun is ruled by Leo. That means that the qualities of the Sun are expressed without obstruction and without filter in the sign of Leo. The Sun is the brightest star in our solar system, so by extension, Leo is the brightest star on earth. But there is so much insecurity in our society that people actually feel threatened by Leos just because they value themselves.

People project their insecurities onto Leo. They say that Leos are show-offs. But the truth is, they witnessed the Leo existing in his excellence and started to compare themselves to him. Leo is not a creature of comparison. He’s not in competition with anyone, that’s Aries. Leo is a fixed sign, so his goal is to sustain and protect. He does not fight. So, if you think a Leo is trying to show off or one-up you, you’re projecting that fact that you are trying to show off or one-up him.

here’s a whole ass video about why leos are amazing and everyone else is projecting

Sun in LeoThe Sun creates radiantly and self-centeredly. The joy of self-expression associated with

Sun in Leo

The Sun creates radiantly and self-centeredly. The joy of self-expression associated with this sign makes being with Leos a blessing. With Leo around it is much easier to see life as bright and positive, to take risks, play, be generous, create and make amazing things happen. However, Leos do not tend to serve or sacrifice, others benefit chiefly by just being around them and their positive energy. For their part, Leos should remember that they may not always be right.

Moon in Leo

The Moon reacts innovatively and egocentrically. When people born with the Moon in Leo spot a chance to enjoy themselves, their eyes light up like a child’s. They are quick to suggest new ways to have fun. Unlike those with the Moon in other signs, they tend to draw attention to themselves and encourage others to join in. At family celebrations, they are happier when it is left to them to decide what is needed - the proceedings seem to go better that way!

–Roy Gillett, The Secret Language of Astrology

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