#sun in libra


Aries - Boxing, Wrestling (either), Modern Pentalon 

Taurus - Hockey, Judo, Weightlifting

Gemini - Fencing, Tennis, Volleyball

Cancer - Golf, Table Tennis, Track Cycling

Leo - Basketball, Triathlon, Rhythmic Gymnastics

Virgo - Artistic Gymnastics, Water Polo, Equestrian Dressage

Libra - Badminton, Taekwondo, Handball

Scorpio - Diving, Shooting, Cycling BMX

Sagittarius - Archery, Equestrian Jumping, Canoe Sprint

Capricorn - Soccer, Rugby, Cycling Mountain Bike,

Aquarius - Beach Volleyball, Trampoline, Cycling Road

Pisces - Sailing, Swimming, Equestrian Eventing

Strongest to Weakest Chakras:

Heart - our ability to love, our joy and inner peace, sense of caring and compassion, allows us to realize that we are part of something larger than ourselves.

Throat - our ability to communicate, self-expression and feelings of truth, accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice, allows you to stand up for what you believe in.  

Third Eye - our ability to focus and see the big picture, our intuition and imagination, spiritual reflection and contemplation, our ability to internalize the outer world and externalize our inner world, access to our inner guidance, developing an objective wisdom.

Sacral - our ability to accept others and new experiences, sense of abundance and sexuality, passion and pleasure center, center of physical feeling and sensuality, allows you to live in the present.

Solar Plexus - our self-worth and self-confidence, ability to be in control of our lives, our center of willpower, self-discipline and personal power, allows you to meet life’s challenges, perseverance and responsibility. 

Base - our most basic primal instincts, survival issues, foundation of physical energy, allows us courage and resourcefulness. 

* Crown chakra not included as it is technically unattainable until a human being has reached full enlightenment.

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To all the Libras in the place with style and grace allow me to displace some bullshit lies about your lives:

Who rock grooves and make moves with all the mommies? Libra. On their good day. On their bad day, yikes. No sweat Leebs. It happens to the best of us.

But for real we should talk about Libra because like all signs lil Lib gets misunderstood. What do we actually know about Libra? Something about balance, indecisive, graceful ass bitches, relationships. Okay. No. Let’s get it straight.

Libra actually represents metamorphosisandregeneration. Libra only gets played out as indecisive when it’s resistant to change. Having the will power and courage to change how you approach the world is the key to Libra success.

As always, polarities. Aries is Libra’s complement for a reason - when you pair Aries’s bravery to be exactly who it fucking is with Libra’s desire to connect and be part of something outside itself, you get a bunch of individuals doing their mf-ing thing together and appreciating the shit out of each other. But Libra, until you ball up and get down to totally transform how you approach others, you’re not gonna connect and rock the world the way you want.

Balance tropes come in because Libra has got to find the sweet spot between pleasing others and being themselves. Never was a bitch trying to please another bitch more than Libra. Why? Because they can. Libra has a ridiculous objective sense - it sees needs and it fills them. This is actually a beautiful quality when Libra has its boundaries in place. But when it doesn’t. Oh no. Libra will live its entire life acting out someone else’s desires. Then the bitches are so full up on resentment they can’t be aware and attentive to the people who actually need them. Not a good look.

We should cut these babies some slack though, because Libra is the first sign on the scene that’s even attempting to deal with others in a big way. Aries though Virgo, those bitches are all workin on themselves.Librais the first sign that’s trying to step outside itself, bring selves together, and make sense of the bigger picture.

This is why we typically think Libra has something to do with relationships. It does, but not in the let’s get married and commit to shit we’re not ready for way. Libra is about understanding the relationship between things - recognizing how things fit together and figuring out how dissimilar things can connect to create a unified, functional whole. (Sound graceful? Yes.)

That’s where metamorphosis comes in. Libra needs to stop acting like filling all the needs and staying in whack-ass relationships makes it worth something. Libra, you gotta get your Aries on and recognize you’re worth something in yourself. Libra has got to let go of the old-ass, self-conscious shit it’s been hanging onto in order to fully immerse itself into the big beautiful world. Only then can lil Lib shine the way it wants to and start changing all the minds and hearts.

At its healthiest, Libra is more awareandaccepting of others than any other sign, sets boundaries like a motherfucking pro, and isn’t afraid to let go of insecurities and worn out behaviors. All you gotta do to make it happen: take your fear, scale it back, and get the fuck out there. Simple!! Be the Leeb you were born to be. Everyone will love you.



The Sun, like everything else in Astrology, gets misunderstood and played out. Yes, we know there’s more to you than just your Sun sign. But that doesn’t mean the Sun suddenly isn’t important.

Let’s make this shit super simple. Metaphor style: If your life is a journey, then the Moon is your car (or your bike for my little environmental freaks) and the Sun is your fuel. The energy of your Sun sign propels you through your life. It’s constantly pushing you forward. Being in the know about your Sun sign can help you understand why you choose certain experiences and people. (Sound familiar to Mars? Cool. It should.)

When you look at the Sun and Moon together, you can get a general idea of how a personapproaches life and what actionsandattitudes they need to develop for success.

(As always, the house a planet is in will tell you more than the sign, but I know none of you hoes have all your house placements memorized.)

Particulars for the party people:

ARIES SUN bitches fueled by the desire to let go of the past, start fresh, and give themeselves a new life and identity. Must learn: you can’t force other people to change too. Sorry.

TAURUS SUN bitches fueled by the desire to establish themselves, feel real, and get some damn props for doin it right. Must learn: making all the decisions doesn’t make you right, it makes you controlling.

GEMINI SUN bitches fueled by the desire to discover themselves, understand their own conditioning, and recognize shit for what it really is. Must learn: you’ll die in a hole of details if you don’t keep in mind the bigger picture.

CANCER SUN bitches fueled by the desire to feel connected and bound to something/one/ones, develop a next level sense of devotion, and create something real. Must learn: you do not have to sacrifice yourself to have a good life.

LEO SUN bitches fueled by the desire to express themselves, develop their identity, and get caught doin it ayeee. Must learn: anything can be played out in a constructive or destructive way. Choose wisely.

VIRGO SUN bitches fueled by the desire to improve themselves/ others/ shit, take care of they business, and build their character up. Must learn: to open up.

LIBRA SUN bitches fueled by the desire to be part of something bigger, find relationships between unrelated shit, and get their metamorphosis on. Must learn: to stop being scared and get the fuck out there.

SCORPIO SUN bitches fueled by the desire to find the right crew, feel seen and accepted by others, and discover what true fellowship feels like. Must learn: manipulating people into giving you the response you want is ultimately not satisfying.

SAG SUN bitches fueled by the desire to understand their life experiences, make sense of themselves, and get their damn message across. Must learn: to stop running away from your shit.

CAPRICORN SUN bitches fueled by the desire to connect others through action, keep to their chosen set of moral standards, and achieve whatever goals they set out for themselves. Must learn: how to set some mf-ing healthy boundaries.

AQUARIUS SUN bitches fueled by the desire to make a legit contribution to society, totally self-manage themselves and their lives, and find some fucking peace of mind. Must learn: when you repress shit that’s happened to you, you’re setting your ass up for a midlife crisis.

PISCES SUN bitches fueled by the desire to find something that lasts, release old ass patterns of behavior, and tap into natural and societal rhythms. Must learn: peacing out from reality does not mean you suddenly rose above it, it means you peaced out from reality.

If you’re sitting there like, “well I identify with all this shit,” good. The zodiac is a complete cycleof growth and all of us go through all of the phases. The Sun just shows which phase is most pronounced over the course of your life.

Peace, people.


aaaalso i met this libra sun boy who has two different names and while introducing himself he told me i could call him by the one i preferred and when i asked him which one HE preferred he insisted quite a lot with me being the one deciding, until my stubborn ass won and he told me which one he liked best. when i said i would call him by that name he sounded somewhat thankful which is kind of sad bc i know peolpe call him by his other name all the time.

Libra Sun & Rising have almost everyone fooled into believing that they value the feelings and opinions of others. I’m not saying that Libra is not capable of being genuinely compassionate. However, Libra has a negative streak that most people fall victim to.

LIBRA IS A CARDINAL SIGN!!! people!!!! wtf!!!

As a cardinal sign, Libra forcefully pushes their will on to others. Most people think that Libra is much too nice and sweet to ever force anyone to do anything. People who say that are oblivious to the fact that they’ve been manipulated and charmed by Libra.

Libra’s actions are very subtle. Libra’s immediately pick up on your opposing argument. Since Libra’s goal is to create harmony and unity, Libra is going to persuade you to their side because they believe they have the best point of view. Libra will patiently listen to you explain your side of the argument. They’ll even agree with you to make you feel good about yourself. Then they’ll do this intellectual mindfuck, where they manipulate your words. They do this very discreetly, through a lot of passive, non-confrontational explanation. In the end, you’ll shake your head in agreement with Libra’s initial point of view. Libra will make it seem like their idea was your idea all along. This is intellectual manipulation, aka manipulation of the mind.

Libra wants to balance their individual needs with the needs of others. But sometimes, Libra encounters situations where their needs completely differ from someone else’s needs. And instead of honestly working together to find a middle ground, the cardinal, masculine energy in Libra wants to force his will on to others to speed up the process.

here’s a whole ass video explaining how libra makes you look like a clown

Sun in LibraThe Sun creates harmoniously and unimaginatively. Librans are convinced that the best th

Sun in Libra

The Sun creates harmoniously and unimaginatively. Librans are convinced that the best things happen when people and situations are comfortable and harmonious. They endeavor to make peace between people by seeing every perspective, aiming for fair treatment for all sides. With the Sun in fall here, it is important not to accept second- or even third- best for the sake of a “quiet life.” Librans must have the courage to maintain their own goals in life, too.

Moon in Libra

The Moon reacts peacefully and over-accommodatingly. The reassuring manner of people with the Moon in Libra seeks to ease the impact of sudden events and other peoples’ dramas. They are never happier than when keeping life on an even keel. While living in peace is important, they must avoid becoming trapped in someone else’s view of what peace means. Just sitting around is mere stagnation. Genuine peace actively creates space for good things to happen.

–Roy Gillett, The Secret Language of Astrology

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