

Hi everyone!

I’m glad to announce that I am back.

I was MIA from tumblr for a few months because I was focusing on my licensing and certification, trying to understand food and exercise more from a medical and scientific prospective as well.

I am now a certified personal trainer and health coach and will be offering online 1 on 1 coaching or local training sessions and plans if you’re in Miami.

Please message me for more information

It feels great to be back. I’m so proud of my a compliments and hard effort it was hard to stay away for so long LOL I missed you all.

Oh my a huge non scale victory for me today was wearing a bathing suit without covering my body with a shirt. I’ve been so so insecure about my body since a very young age and can’t remember the last time I wore my bathing suit out without a care. I felt like if I wasn’t insecure about my weight, it was about my excess skin, and now scars, it’s always something.. I still struggle with but I’m trying to be comfortable in my body and yes I know Its just a one piece bathing suit but this is such a big deal to me

<—————-> 2 Years I am so fascinated wiith bodybuilding and the changes you can achieve with consistency in diet & exercise. IG Angies.fitnesss
