#health coach


Hey there reader!
I hope you are well,

My name is Michelle Rocha!
As a Health Coach in training, I’m looking for 6 individuals to provide 6 tailored sessions, for free!

A Health Coach is a supportive mentor and wellness practitioner who helps others feel their best through personalized food and lifestyle changes that meet your unique needs and health goals.
On top of it, I use naturopathic and holistic approaches.

These sessions will consist of:
1. Taking your case
2. What health accomplishments you would like to achieve?
3. How will I be supporting, motivating and helping you become your best self as well as obtaining these goals to improve the quality of your life?

During these session(s) we will be using platforms such as Whatsapp, Zoom, Skype, Email to interact with each other.

These health goals can be something you always wanted to reach!
Examples of that can be weight loss, improving your diet, gut health, reducing stress and/or anxiety, detox, IBS help, diabetes management, Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriasis, fertility, reducing chronic inflammation, sleeping regulation, etc.

I will be using your case as practical assignments to my College.
Your cases are going to be kept confidential and in private on a lock filing system that I have provided.
I will continue to keep your personal information and details private even when presenting your case to the College.

Are you ready to transform yourself into your best version?
Send me a message if you are interested or if you would like more information!

I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Much Love,

Hi everyone!

I’m glad to announce that I am back.

I was MIA from tumblr for a few months because I was focusing on my licensing and certification, trying to understand food and exercise more from a medical and scientific prospective as well.

I am now a certified personal trainer and health coach and will be offering online 1 on 1 coaching or local training sessions and plans if you’re in Miami.

Please message me for more information

It feels great to be back. I’m so proud of my a compliments and hard effort it was hard to stay away for so long LOL I missed you all.

If you’re wanting to be trained by me for free on weight loss with nutrition plans and workout guides message me. Please know I’m doing this for free putting my time and effort into customizing a plan for each individual and all I ask in return is before and photos and photos of your progression and CONSISTENCY! I can’t stress enough that no one can do the work for you, even with the right guidance it still COMES TO YOU to but in the work. My exercises will be challenging put progressive and 100% something you can do. Let’s be productive in this quarantine
