#12th house placements


12th house placements, the lot of them had major 12th house placements

Virginia Woolf : 12th house moon, saturn and Neptune in Aries (sidereal)


•Pluto square Sun/Moon

•Pluto conjunct ASC

•Pluto square Chiron

•Pluto in the 12th, 8th house

•Chiron conjunct ASC,Sun,Moon

•Sun,Moon, chart ruler in the 12th house



•Lilith conjunct Sun,Moon, Asc

•strong 12th house

•strong 8th house


•Neptune square Sun,Moon

•Neptune- Saturn

•Neptune in 12th,8th house



Razors pain you,

rivers are damp,

acid stains you,

drugs cause cramps,

guns aren’t lawful,

nooses give,

gas smells awful,

you might as well live.
