#1d preferences

Hey guys- I love how much support I get ❤❤ as you noticed I haven’t posted in a while, my mom

Hey guys- I love how much support I get ❤❤ as you noticed I haven’t posted in a while, my mom is having very bad heart issues that cause her to go into the hospital every week. I also have some bullying going on at my school towards me. Its depressing, but I love you guys because you treat me amazing which is the support I need at this time. Please keep requesting ONLY PREFERENCES until I get more time. Thank you so much-
Katelyn, the photo is from my dance recital ❤❤ my favorite costume and picture

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“Wake up! ” someone screams as they shake you and you immediately open your eyes. It’s Y/B/F/N. 

A soft groan lips through your lips, then a sigh is quickly to follow. You sit up. 

“Hey, thanks for coming,” you speak, wiping your eyes to get the sleep out of them as she climbs up on the bed and opens up the huge tub of ‘Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie’ Ice cream. She hands you a spoon and smile softly. 

“Now tell me,” she starts as she digs her own spoon into the bucket, “exactly what happened. Oh and check your phone, its been buzzing none stop.”

You gasp excitedly and reach over to the nightstand for your phone, grabbing it and typing in your pin, ending up straight in your messages. You sigh, “It’s just Niall. ”

“Niall as in..?” she questions, the spoon still in her mouth. 

“Yup, that niall,” You read through his text. 

Hey, did everything go okay? 

I know you said you didn’t want to speak to me, but are you okay?

Can I come over?

Y/N you don’t need him, you have me. 

You groan and quickly text him back, your fingers dancing over the keys, “ Niall, I told you not to text me anymore. Its done, okay? It won’t ever happen again. Let it go.”

“He..doesn’t want to st-” before you can finish your best friend throws a pillow at you angrily and it knocks you right in the face.

“Are you fucking kidding me? You told me it was a sex thing, not an affair thing. You said it was just cheating!”

“..I..it is!”

“Fucking right, "she rolls her eyes and takes another mouthful of ice cream, "Please sort yourself out, Y/N. God.”

“I’m sorted…I love Harry…I do..I definitely d-"you stop when another text comes in.

I can’t. You know what we had was real. I’m not letting you go. 

And you can’t help but smile when you get it. 


Part 1

Part 4

I wake up all at once when a beam of light hits me right in the face, smacking the sleep out of my body. I groan, rolling over so I can try to hide from it, but the banging in my head is too bad to ignore. 

“You’re up,” I hear from the other side of the room. I look up to find niall just finished pulling the blinds closed.

“I’m up,” I murmur gently, slowly sitting up so I don’t aggravate my headache too much, “..why am I here?" 

"I found you at MLK last night, trying to suck Michael’s face off,” he replies with a weird mixture of tenseness and playfulness.

Michael, my ex. The one I dated for 2 weeks before I realised all he wanted was sex. He’d had me pinned down against my own bed before my room mate came home and saved me. 

“…fuck, ” I mutter out under my breath grudgingly before downing an advil and knocking back some water with it, “..thank you…you’re..just..you’re the best friend I could ask for, Niall." 

He smiles softly and comes closer to me, resting his gently hands on my shoulders, "No problem…but, mia..why were you there? You were fucking wasted..”

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that for every shot I had, I smoked a blunt.

“I just..I needed to get away from this shit,” I let out a short sigh and look up at him, trying to hold in the tears that I knew would come if I kept speaking, “Meaning school and whatever. Hey, I’m starved…I could use some of those famous pancakes! " 

I smile at him, trying to distract him. He’s always been easily distracted by food. This time, though, he just sighs in a frustrated sort of way.

"What’s wrong with you, Mia?You’re just..you’re going in this downward spiral…I’m worried,” he says before stepping back and away from the bed.

“Ni, I’m fine,” I reply, climbing off of the bed and walking the 5 feet to his kitchen. He had a studio student accommodation, which wasn’t that impressive but it was more than I had. 

I quickly grab a box of cereal and start pouring it into a cup since I know for a fact that all his bowls were broken, “Please just drop it.”

He sighs and seems to give up, walking over to the mini fridge to get some milk. He sets it beside me then stares at me for a second. I have to try really hard to pretend I don’t notice, “Just know i’m here,okay? I'mhere and i’m worried.”

“You don’t have to be worried. I’m fine. Stop freaking out,” I take the milk from him and pour it into the cup.

“Whatever you say.”

Part 1.

Part 3?

“What do you mean he left?” the angry voice rages on the other side of the phone. You were sat on your white, fluffy bed sheets, the covers around you tightly. If you’re being honest with yourself, maybe you were trying to suffocate yourself with the fabric.

“He walked out of the door and left me here..he left me here sobbing..I can’t believe he j-” you can’t finish the thought so you just suck it up and keep speaking, “he left about 2 hours ago…and he wouldn’t answer my calls, Y/B/F…please. I really need you right now.”

She lets out an exasperated sigh on the other side, “Y/n, I’m so so sorry, I can’t right now. I’m at work…I’ll try to drop by soon, okay? When work gets out..just go to bed. Take a nap..try to relax.”

You nod, even though she can’t see you and kick the sheets away, flopping down on the bed, “I just feel like shit, all the time,” you sigh as you speak.

“..Maybe he’ll forgive you..maybe he’ll come back..that is his house after all…anyway, hey, Y/N, I really have to go. See you to night,” she replies quickly before the line goes dead and you’re left there with your thoughts.

You lie there and take a deep breath before your sobs start tumbling out again. You try to stop every now and then but you remember the look on his face and another round bubbles back up.

“I need you harry, I need you,” you whisper to yourself, simultaneously bringing up your phone so you can see the screen.

You click onto the twitter app and before you know it you’re typing, ‘Loosing someone is the worst, especially when you know its your fault.’

You take a deep breath when you’re done and quickly go onto your messages, reading through your 10 unanswered texts and start typing another one. “ I’m in a bad place right now. I’ve done things that i’m so disgusted by, but please- this is the only place i’d be sure you read my message. Please Harry, I’ll tell you everything, anything you want to know, please. I love you, you’re everything to me.”

You take a deep breath and click send, almost immediately the little delivered button changes to read, but still, no reply. 

Anger swells up in you and you find yourself chucking your phone across the bed and screaming. 

“Oh fuck, Harry, Please!” you yell to no-one, more tears streaming down. Why are you such a fuck up? You make every mistake over andover again and ruin what little happiness you have. 

Part 1

Part 3

I hope you guys know that I wasn’t even planning on continuing this, but I’m trying to make up for my long absence. Love you <3

(Profanity warning)

“All I have is you, Harry!” you scream behind him, your throat stinging from crying so hard. You stumble down the stairs behind  him, grabbing onto the the back of his suitcase, trying to keep him from taking another stop.

“PLEASE!” you scream again, looking right up at his seemingly devastated face. His usually bright, cheerful eyes were now  drooping and puffy from tears, “HARRY, I FUCKING NEED YOU, PLEASE! You can’t do this to us!” You try again, trembling hands gripping onto the harsh fabric of his suitcase. 

“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE, Y/N,” he screams back at you, his whole body shaking with anger. He drops his side of the bag and steps closer, his voice shaking as he yells, “YOU fucking cheated on ME. You broke MY heart.”

You can’t help but wrap your arms around his body and start sobbing, so desperate yo u’d do anything. “Please” you begg, sliding down onto your knees.  "Please, Harry, please. i’m so sorry..please.“

You look up into his heart broken face and another burst of sobs slip between your lips.

"Don’t. Don’t fucking do this. You did this, you have to live with it. I hope every time you fucking see him, every time you lie in our bed..you fucking remember what you did us..how could you do this to me?” he looks down at you again, tears trickling down his cheeks slowly. 

“It was a mistake, harry. Please..i’m on my knees, i’m begging..I need you,” You say, reaching up to take his hand, but he just jerks away wordlessly. 

“Don’t,” He finally speaks before grabbing hold of his suitcase, and walking towards the front door, leaving you there, sobbing on your knees.

He stops briefly at the threshold and looks back at you, shaking his head, “10 fucking times, Y/N. 10 times?”

“I was lost, harry…you..you were gone so much..I..please..youre the love of my life-” you begin, but he cuts you off. 

“…I even fucking bought you a ring..I was going to fucking PROPOSE to you, Y/N. I even fucking told my mother…and you were here..sucking his cock…do you even-”

“I’m so sorry, harry, i’m so so so sorry, "your words fade out when your sobs get louder. You close your eyes and covers your face with your hand, trying to get a grip on yourself. 

You just sit there when you here the door close behind the love or your life, just wanting to punch yourself for bring such an idiot, for letting the love of your life go, for some stupid fling.

Part 2! 

*Louis catches Harry staring at him*

Louis: what are you doing

Harry: admiring raw beauty

Louis: well stop it


*Harry turns to Niall*

