#2d gorilaz


A New Gorillaz Art Book is Coming!!!!

Up for pre-order at Z2 Comics, and will be available April 2022!




OMG Look at this pickle! How??? How can he look so adorable?

Also, that painting in the background is absolutely sending me!

Stuart Pot Mum Update!

We’ve had a lot of rain recently and everything is soggy. Thankfully, I remembered to bring Stuart up on the porch, so he didn’t drown! He’s mostly recovered from the snow, almost drowning and getting a bad bug infestation. Here he is, with lots of new leaves growing in!

But Wait, There’s MORE!

LOOOOOOK! One of the stems broke off so I just stuck it in the dirt next to Stuart. All the leaves fell off, so I thought it had died, but apparently it rooted and now Stuart has a son!

We had a severe thunderstorm last night, and I wasn’t fast enough to bring Stuart under the porch. He got soaked, so I dumped the extra water out then put him under the porch. I set him out in the sun today and dumped more water out. He was still a little soggy, so I brought him in for the night, just in case it rains again!

Here he is, drying out in my room:
