#stuart pot


An old drawing but I wanted to post it again

3D Phase 2(3?) Gorillaz Wired Magazine Cover Edit

STOP! ✋⛔

It has come to my attention that this is not an official magazine cover. This is actually some hecking awesome fanart (coloring and mock up) by @glowrillaz that had me completely fooled! It is so well done! I claim zero ownership of the artwork, and I apologize if I have stepped on the artist’s metaphorical toes by unkowingly editing and reposting their work into an anaglyph. @glowrillaz , if you would like for me to remove this post, I gladly will! I had no intention of stealing your amazing art!

Be Rad, Please Tag!

Because the other version wasn’t creepy enough!

Because I want y'all to have the same nightmares I will!

2d: whats the matter

ace: i just found out i have a latex allergy

2d: oh shit that means you cant-

ace, tearing up: eat anymore balloons

ace: gonna be honest. a lot of hot people go to art museums. im one of them.

2d: im 2 ugly they wont let me in

2d: that and my shirt that says “i eat oil paintings when security guards aren’t looking”

2d: i slept for almost 12 hours but i migt still be tired so lets go for 12 more just in case

ace: stuart thats a coma.

2d: sounds festive

2d: murdoc gave me a get better soon card

ace: aw, that’s sweet!

2d: i wasn’t sick. he just thought i could do better

ace: gentle reminder not to eat too much candy before bed.

2d: no.

ace: this was a gentle reminder, yet your words of defiance bring me ungodly amounts of rage.

russel: 2d eats unpeeled oranges. thats fucked up right.


noodle: not really, no.

ace: you’re supposed to peel them?

2d: i think we should have glowstick juice injected in our bones when we’re born so if we break em theres a fun little surprise

ace: whats the surprise

2d: blood poisoning

noodle: 2d are you high?

2d: am i what



hewwo its me just posting some wips!!!!also I reopened commissions, info: https://hannisen.tumblr.cohewwo its me just posting some wips!!!!also I reopened commissions, info: https://hannisen.tumblr.cohewwo its me just posting some wips!!!!also I reopened commissions, info: https://hannisen.tumblr.cohewwo its me just posting some wips!!!!also I reopened commissions, info: https://hannisen.tumblr.co

hewwo its me just posting some wips!!!!
also I reopened commissions, info: https://hannisen.tumblr.com/commissions
you can message me here on tumblr or write on [email protected]
Slot status: 1 taken, 4 left

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Blur x Gorillaz

Blur x Gorillaz

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