#stuart harold pot


3D Phase 2(3?) Gorillaz Wired Magazine Cover Edit

STOP! ✋⛔

It has come to my attention that this is not an official magazine cover. This is actually some hecking awesome fanart (coloring and mock up) by @glowrillaz that had me completely fooled! It is so well done! I claim zero ownership of the artwork, and I apologize if I have stepped on the artist’s metaphorical toes by unkowingly editing and reposting their work into an anaglyph. @glowrillaz , if you would like for me to remove this post, I gladly will! I had no intention of stealing your amazing art!

Be Rad, Please Tag!

Because the other version wasn’t creepy enough!

Because I want y'all to have the same nightmares I will!

Murdad playing with his chaotic children

So I guess I lied earlier when I said my computer was on it’s last leg. It booted up fine and is running faster than it was earlier. I’m still planning on getting it looked at. Hopefully it can hold on until I can get that done! For now, please enjoy this Murdad doodle I was finally able to do after being MIA for almost three months!

A New Gorillaz Art Book is Coming!!!!

Up for pre-order at Z2 Comics, and will be available April 2022!




OMG Look at this pickle! How??? How can he look so adorable?

Also, that painting in the background is absolutely sending me!

Super Quick Gorillaz Headcanon- Putting Noodle to Bed

Everyone would take a turn tucking Noodle in at bed time

Mom Russel would always get her warm milk, make sure she didn’t have too many stuffed animals on her bed, and made sure she had enough blankets. He would talk to her about her day, and listen to her worries, then kiss her goodnight and tuck her in.

2D would put as many stuffed animals on Noodle’s bed as she wanted, tell her funny stories about the days before she got delivered. They would jump on the bed and laugh until Russel would come in and get mad at them. 2D would then quietly sing to her and make shadow puppets on the wall until she fell asleep

Murdad would scoop Noodle up and yeet her onto the bed, grinning as she squealed delightedly. He would throw a blanket over her, get comfy next to her, and read a Murdoc version of the classic fairy tales (just a smidge too inappropriate to fall under “child friendly”). He used to sing to her, but Russel forbade him from ever singing to her at bedtime after he sang “Enter Sandman” and she woke up screaming. Russel also found out about the fractured fairy tales which resulted in a long lecture.

Gorillaz Headcanon: Embarrassing Noodle

(Edited 07.07.2021 because the first version felt too disjointed)

  • Teenage Noodle, like a lot of teens, went through the whole Boy Band Phase
  • She tried to keep it on the down low, but of course her patchwork family eventually finds out
  • Russel didn’t really say much, aside from some gentle teasing.
  • He would usually start drumming the beat on the table, the dashboard, or whatever hard surface he was close to and just give Noodle a wide, silly grin
  • Noodle would either, glare or blush, depending on whether they were in public or not.
  • Russel would often tap out the beat on her bedroom door as he walked by, just to annoy her
  • 2D did his little snuffle laugh and then apologized for laughing
  • He went and learned the words to her favorite song and then proceeded to sing it to her at random times to embarrass her
  • Because a good big brother is obligated to annoy his little sister
  • Noodle hated it. It was so awkward because she loved 2D’s voice, but then again, it was 2D singing her favorite boy band song.
  • It doesn’t get much more awkward than having your big brother singing “you are my fire”
  • Murdoc had immediately gone into Uncle Muds mode and alternately lamented about her rubbish taste in music, and making teasing comments and obnoxious Murdoc Noises
  • He would randomly burst into her room and start singing, then run for his life while dodging flung objects
  • His favorite thing to do was grab ahold her in public and start singing at the top of his lungs
  • It usually drew a crowd of people wondering who was doing David Bowie impressions
  • At home
  • In the car
  • In public
  • Nowhere was safe
  • Russel, Murdoc and 2D would often join forces to deliver maximum embarrassment
  • Russel would start drumming on a handy surface
  • Noodle would freeze, horrified, because she knew what was coming next
  • 2D would hear the drumming and run over and start singing
  • And then…then Uncle Muds would join in with backup vocals and intentionally exaggerated hip gyrations
  • Noodle stopped inviting friends over after The Incident
  • Three of her friends had come over to hang out and listen to the new boy band album (and try to covertly get pictures of 2D).
  • Noodle realized too late what was happening when 2D used the excuse of bringing snacks up to get into the room while they were listening to the new track
  • Then everything went to hell
  • 2D started singing along
  • Like a shark smelling blood in the water, Murdoc heard 2D start singing and came bursting into the room to provide back up vocals
  • Russel was close behind to add some percussion flourishes
  • Noodle had desperately wished she could have yeeted herself into another dimension as her friends swooned over 2D
  • Or at least two of them did. The third was staring raptly at Murdoc because there is always that one friend with daddy issues…
  • At least Uncle Muds was keeping the pelvic thrusting to a minimum
  • Noodle sat there, turning seven shades of red until the whole thing was over and she was seeing her friends off
  • She made noncommittal gestures and vague replies when her friends asked if she thought 2D would sing for them again
  • Noodle refused to speak to the boys for two whole weeks

Because I’m a big nerd, and an 80’s kid, I’m going to pack all of you into my red Station Wagon, with no seatbelts, no air conditioning (sorry, it broke), and only a casette tape player, and make you travel down Memory Lane with me. And possibly scar you all for life with our atrocious idea of peak neon graphic design.


Retro 80’s Synthwave Plastic Beach

Watch “Coffee Date With 2D!!! (x Listener)” on YouTube

Murdoc and 2D doing a thing. Just a quick doodle while we wait for the “Which Type of Murdad Should I Draw Next?” voting event to end.

If you haven’t voted yet, you can do that{here}! Voting ends July 1, 2021!


Gorillaz should cover a Blur song just for the fun of it

Someone please show this to Damon!

3D Phase 1 Gorillaz Edit

Be Rad, Please Tag!

It’s been a long time since I posted one of these! Grab your 3d glasses and enjoy!

Stuart Pot Mum Update!

We’ve had a lot of rain recently and everything is soggy. Thankfully, I remembered to bring Stuart up on the porch, so he didn’t drown! He’s mostly recovered from the snow, almost drowning and getting a bad bug infestation. Here he is, with lots of new leaves growing in!

But Wait, There’s MORE!

LOOOOOOK! One of the stems broke off so I just stuck it in the dirt next to Stuart. All the leaves fell off, so I thought it had died, but apparently it rooted and now Stuart has a son!

Quick Gorillaz Headcanon - Disney Music

Noodle loves Disney movies, and forces everyone to watch them with her.

No one knows how it started, but one day, Murdoc started randomly playing Disney songs in the middle of practice as a joke.

It got a few laughs and helped make things a little more fun for Noodle. Sometimes he would do it just to annoy her because that’s what good dads do.

He gained 100 Respect Point from Noodle when he burst into her bedroom and started playing (and singing) his rock version of Mulan’s “I’ll Make A Man Out Of You”

He was pretty smug at first when he saw the way Noodle’s eyes had lit up and how she couldn’t stop saying how cool he was.

He later realized that he’d shot himself in the foot when she asked him to make a rock version of her other favorite Disney songs!

Murdoc really didnt want to, but he would just as soon take a vow of celibacy as make Noodle cry, so he begged convinced Russel and 2D to help him.

Noodle ended up with the only ‘Gorillaz version’ of her favorite Disney songs in the whole world.

Every time a new Disney movie came out, more songs would be added to her collection!

3D Phase 3 Gorillaz Edit

Be Rad, Please Tag!

Sorry I haven’t been posting much of these anaglyphs lately. I got distracted drawing fanart for all you fans who are so thirsty for Murdad and Uncle Muds!

Uncle Muds teaching Noodle what to do when one of your mates falls asleep first.

Noodle: puts stickers on big brother 2D

Uncle Muds: *handing her some markers* Here luv, do him some pretty tattoos. Oh, but don’t put any on his face, yeah?

Uncle Muds: *takes pictures* That’s my little sprog!

Just an interesting thought:

The Gorillaz are a band. And a family of gorillas is called a band. Just take a moment to let that sink in.

Now, think about how Murdoc is always adamant about making absolutely sure that everyone knows that Gorillaz is hisband.

I’ll just leave you all with that new context.

Uncle Muds’ solution for when 2D wanders off

I headcanon 2D getting really excited about visiting knew places, so he tends to wander off from the group and get lost. Uncle Muds gets tired of having to look for him and comes up with this idea. Mom Russel is not amused.


Asleep: 2-D

Woke: 2-D with eyes



Ok, but that second one is such a mood!
