#3d modling



I have an assignment where I need to model a bar in Maya, and I’d like to have it be themed about you’re blog.

Would you be cool with that?

Finished my Daji-girl’s model !

She’s also on sketchfab: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/daji-noble-warrior-d5aa27ad3af54f2aac26620c7ebd26d9

#3d modling    #3dcharacter    #blender    #warrior    

3d printed stand for my Kirito figure! x3

-and a closer look at Myrrh’s model.

fishingscam:op didn’t add a link so here’s a link to his patreon where all of his minis are free to


op didn’t add a link so here’s a link to his patreon where all of his minis are free to downloadplease support him if you can

Post link

Hey it’s been a while but I’ve switched almost entirely switched to 3d art since May, here’s a bunch of commissions and personal/fan art avatars I’ve done!

Song: DENIAL by Dynastic/Shady Monk

#vrchat    #3d modling    

Aye, New year, Same Me

Gonna try to post more on this blog, honestly ALMOST forgot I had it, anyways here’s another space girl, no she doesnt have a name yet oof

Little speed meshing video!

(Bag coming soon!)

#sims 4 cc    #blender    #3d modling    #sims4cc    #ts4 cc    #the sims 4    #the sims 4 cc    #simblr    #3d modelling    #meshing    #platinumluxesims    