
hey guys its been a while, i had theses saved so i decided to come back and posted :) hope y’all safhey guys its been a while, i had theses saved so i decided to come back and posted :) hope y’all safhey guys its been a while, i had theses saved so i decided to come back and posted :) hope y’all safhey guys its been a while, i had theses saved so i decided to come back and posted :) hope y’all safhey guys its been a while, i had theses saved so i decided to come back and posted :) hope y’all safhey guys its been a while, i had theses saved so i decided to come back and posted :) hope y’all safhey guys its been a while, i had theses saved so i decided to come back and posted :) hope y’all safhey guys its been a while, i had theses saved so i decided to come back and posted :) hope y’all safhey guys its been a while, i had theses saved so i decided to come back and posted :) hope y’all saf

hey guys its been a while, i had theses saved so i decided to come back and posted :) hope y’all safe 

like if you save ©@thollandshawn

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This second part was requested by @bvbygxrl​.

A/N: The is the second part to this. I highly suggest you read that first, otherwise it won’t make any sense. I used the song “Everything I didn’t say” by 5SOS, because that song fit the vibe.

Pairing: OC Stevie Joan Lee & Calum Hood

Words: 800

Warning(s): swearing, mentions of drug use, angst (I guess)?

The performance in Amsterdam was the worst Calum had ever place. His fingers started hurting during the soundcheck and during the actual concert they had started to bleed. While the other guys went out after, Calum dragged himself to his hotel room and flopped himself on the bed. He just started sobbing but it soon turned into crying, and that’s what he did, he cried himself to sleep. After that night, its what he did most nights. Fans had started to notice that he’d changed. He had bags under his eyes, they were always bloodshot, he looked skinnier and most of all he didn’t look like himself.

Neither did you. You stayed in most days, only leaving when you had to buy groceries. Your friends started to worry about you. After two weeks your new routine hadn’t changed that is when your friends decided to hold an intervention. It was clear that you either needed to get back together or that you needed to get over him. A night out, dancing, was what they had decided on. They dragged you out of your bed, helping you in the shower, making you feel human again. They put you in a dress and heels, put make-up on you face and did your hair. You did a couple of shots at home before taking to the clubs.

That night you really enjoyed yourself. You drank, danced and flirted with some people. They always say that in order to get over someone you need to get under someone else. It is such a cliché, but it is also very true. You took home a girl and a boy that night, however the next morning you felt more like shit than before the night out. You decided to get a make-over, so you called your friends again. You changed your hair and got you nails done, you even got a spray tan. Slowly you started to feel like yourself again, the strong independent woman you made yourself to be. However, it seems that when the universe feels like a woman is becoming strong, it feels the need to break her. And so it did… not even a week later. You got a call from one of your friends saying that you needed to come to her house. You called your driver and got there as fast as you could.

“SJ, you need to see this”, one of your friend said before pushing her phone in your face. There he was, looking like … utter shit. Good, you thought to yourself, at least he isn’t feeling any better than me. “This isn’t their original setlist. This song they only added today.”

“I wish I could rewind all the times that I didn’t show you what you’re really worth”, Calum’s voice sounded through the speakers. “I wish I could’ve made you stay, and I’m the only one to blame. I know that it’s a little too late, but this is everything I didn’t say.” You felt tears running across your cheeks. He was singing this to you, even though you weren’t there, you knew he wrote that song for you. It held so much emotion, you felt it through his voice.

“I hope you know, for you I’d sacrifice to make this right.” The song ended. Not much later your phone rang, you checked the caller-ID, it was Calum. Had he run off stage and called you right away? You decided not to give it another thought and you answered.


“Stevie, is it really you. Thank fuck, you answered. I hope you saw the video, I wrote the song for you. I know I messed up but like I said I’d sacrifice anything to make this right. Just say the word and I’ll come home.”

“Oh Cal. I loved the song, thank you…” you stopped for a moment, “I think you should stay on tour. It is what you love.”

“I love you more, Stevie.”

“How about I come visit you and join you on tour?” You suggest, already imagining kissing his lips and feeling his arms around you.

“Are you sure. I mean, you hate touring. I thought you hated it because of your father.”

“I know and I do, but for this to work we both have to sacrifice. I’m sure yours will come soon, but this will be mine.” You decide that nothing should be keeping you apart, especially not your father’s image from back in the day.

Buy me coffee

This was requested by anonymous.

A/N: I tried my best to research everything, but I am almost sure that I got some details wrong. I really tried and I hope you like it! I also remembered that I watched “The Dirt” and I totally forgot about that.

Pairing: OC Stevie Joan Lee & Calum Hood

Words: 1k

Warning(s): swearing, mentions of drug use, angst (I guess)?


Even before you were born, the world already knew who you were. You are named after rock stars just like your younger brothers, Stevie Joan Lee, daughter of the famous Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson. Growing up you stayed away from the spotlights, people knew of you, but they didn’t know who the real Stevie Joan was. You tried to stay out of your father’s crazy lifestyle and for a while it worked. That was until you took a liking to a famous Australian based band called 5 Seconds of Summer… and to be even more specific a bass player called Calum Hood.

You swore on your life that you would never fall for an artist or even someone famous, seeing how your dad was. You loved that he got to do what he loved, but you hated how he was rarely home or how hard the rock star life was on his health. On the other hand, you went to school and tried to live as normal of a life as possible. You fangirled at concerts and fantasized about meeting 5sos. However, you could easily let your dad’s team call someone and have it arranged but seeing that you wanted to live a normal life, it stayed a fantasy. You know the guys from 5sos are big Mötley Crüe fans and a meeting could easily be arranged, but you didn’t want your dad interfering with your life and interests. You weren’t much of a spoiled brat, you paid for a lot of things yourself because you are a strong independent woman for fuck’s sake.

In 2019, you went to yet another 5 Seconds of Summer concert, your friend got the tickets for the two of you, and you couldn’t be happier. The tickets were general admission, meaning you were waiting in line way before the concert even started, so you could get to the front and admire Calum from up close. You had done this before by multiple of their concerts and every time you were more in awe of how gorgeous he was. It may sound absolutely weird as can be, but you were in love with him. Not the fangirl in love with him where you faint. No, I’m talking the whole butterflies in the stomach, can’t think straight when you see him, type of love.

That night you and your friend had made it to the front near the spot where Calum would be later on. What happened next felt like a fairytale or a fan fiction. Calum saw you and danced with you all night (him still on stage obviously) and invited you backstage after the concert. It wasn’t until you introduced yourself as ‘Stevie Joan’ that he realised you were Tommy Lee’s daughter. You exchanged numbers, three days later he asked you on a date, and you have been dating each other ever since. You never really got used to his lifestyle, it was far less crazy than your father’s, but it was crazy nonetheless. You joined him on tour whilst he was in America, during his visit to other countries you kept close contact.

You received a text from him saying that he was in Amsterdam with a photo attached of him smoking with the guys. You texted him back that he should be careful and that you missed him. After that you received a photo of them with a lot of girls, you weren’t blind you knew they had groupies and Calum had promised you that he would never do anything with them. However, this night you felt like something was different, he still hadn’t replied to your text saying that you missed him and the girl in the photo was a little too close to Calum to just be friendly.
Instagram was the best for your own FBI investigation to whom this girl was. As soon as you typed in 5 Seconds of Summer more photos popped up from this night and from the nights before according to the timestamp underneath the photos. You know you shouldn’t have, but you began to read the comments.

“Good to see Calum finally enjoying himself”

“He should dump his girlfriend, she’s holding him back”

“He is only with her because of her father”

“I bet they aren’t even really dating”

Could that be true? Was he really dating you because of your father? What would he get out of it, more fame? You went insane that night. You tried calling him multiple times, but he never answered any of them. You tried to call Ashton as he was the only one you were close too besides Calum. He didn’t answer either, but you did get a text from him saying that he was sorry.

That night you went to bed and cried yourself to sleep. The next morning you did something you never thought you would do, you called your father. After speaking with him, you packed all your stuff from the flat you and Calum shared in LA and left to go to your father’s house. You welcomed you with open arms as you fell into them, sobbing. You really thought Calum was the one, but it turns out he wasn’t.


Calum went crazy in Amsterdam. He had seen the pictures that were taken last night, and he feared the most. He tried calling you so many times, he had even called your brothers, but they wouldn’t tell him anything. He couldn’t sleep in his own bed on his own, so he went to Ashton’s room. Ashton tried to console him but just like you had, he cried himself to sleep, but not before he saw Ashton send you a text. Was it really over?

Buy me a coffee

A/N: Based on This is on you by Maisie Peters

Pairing: Y/N & Calum Hood

Word Count: 640

Warning(s): swearing

Your friends convinced you to go out after being depressed and broken up with for over 4 months. It was never really a relationship per se. It was more of a booty-call thing, not necessarily meaning sex. He would phone you when a girl stood him up and he needed a pick-me-up, or when he went out and his friends never came. He’d always say he hated everyone and how he wished you were there because it turns out it’s not fun going solo.

Through all the issues at work and the fights with his father. You were there for him, acting as his therapist. Giving him the answers that he wanted and him giving you the attention that you craved. You didn’t care that he never asked about you or your life, or asked if it was okay that he’d call you up at three in the morning just to complain about something in his life. It wasn’t fair how he took you for granted, but you still stuck around. Somewhere inside you, you still believed he would change and that he would finally pick you. That he would realise that he loved you too or even liked you like you liked him but alas he never did. After all, you were his ‘best friend’ for over 10 years. Still, he traded you in like it was nothing. His newfound fame, his new friends, the attention that he now got from other people, like you never meant anything to him.

And so here you were out and about and ready to let go. You finally learned that you don’t need that toxicity in your life. It was okay for you that he picked someone else. Everyone always chooses the wrong people for themselves. After all, you picked him.

You were having the time of your life. You didn’t look like a snack, you looked like a whole damn meal. Your friends kept complimenting you and you definitely appreciated the boost they gave you. You were all singing along with the songs the DJ played, especially songs about female empowerment and independence, and drinking cocktails till you couldn’t see straight. And then you felt the need to go to the bathroom. During this lonesome bathroom break, you realised just how tipsy you were and thought it was a great idea to check your phone.

You had a bunch of texts from Calum saying that you needed to call him back ASAP. And with the state you were in you dialled his number.

“Hi Y/N?”

“Yes. Hi.”

“Oh my God, where are you right now? Me and the guys went out for drinks and now I’m super drunk and I went outside and I lost everyone. I’m outside a club in SoHo, uhm Club 49 or something, I think. And then I thought about how you live in London, right. So you must know where I am because I can’t take a taxi because Ashton has my wallet and coat and everything and it’s like super cold and I can’t go back in because Ashton has my wallet which has my ID.” He finally stopped rambling.

Now you want to be friends? Who gave it all, and held you up when nobody else gave a fuck? Who bailed you out? That was all me. Who was your biggest fan and oldest friend? Your steady hand, you traded me in. I still stuck around and that was all me. But this is on you. It’s your bed, babe, it’s your funeral. I did my best, babe, and you threw it all away and you need me now but I’m clocking out. This is on you.” And with that, I hung up. He could go fuck himself and you went back to your friends to have fun and regret it in the morning.

A/N: Kinda based on the ABBA song (I adore them) and also the new Mamma Mia film!

Pairing: Y/N & Luke Hemmings

Word Count: 758

Warning(s): none? I guess

When you were forced to go on a holiday with your parents, you were kind of bummed out. But when you actually arrived in France, you were blown away by the beauty of nature. The lakes nearby were even bluer than the sky. The mountains looked beautiful in dusk and dawn.

You love to run so every morning before anyone at the camp side was awake you would go for a morning run when the temperature was still bearable.

You ran up the mountain when it suddenly became dark. Dark clouds had formed above the mountain and it didn’t take long before it started the rain heavily. You run further and try to find shelter. Suddenly a car came out of nowhere and stopped right before your feet. A young man stepped out and screamed at you through the rain.
“Do you need a ride?!” You didn’t hesitate and before you knew it you were in his car.

“Hi, I’m Luke”, he said and tries to shake your hand while still keeping one hand on the steering wheel.
“Hello, I’m Y/N”, you say and shake his hand.
“So are you staying on the camp side near Le Grand Lac?”
“I am actually. Are you?” you ask him. You can recognize a soft Australian accent, so you made the conclusion that he, also, wasn’t from around here.
“No, I rented a cabin in the mountains. I’m not much of a camper”, he laughs at his own answer.
“Yeah, me neither. My parents forced me to go on this holiday with them”, you sigh.
“How old are you?” He suddenly asks and glances over to you quickly before looking back to the road.
“I am twenty, almost twenty-one. You?”
“Twenty-two myself”, he says smiling. You want to get to know him and are about to ask a question when he suddenly stops the car. “This is my place. Uhm, I guess you can stay here until the rain stop. I can drop you off then if you want.” You nod silently and turn to look at him, you hadn’t noticed how hot Luke actually was. A comfortable silence fell over you two as you sat in the car. The rain ticking on the roof and the windows.

You look at him, really look at him, and notice how blue his eyes are, how curly and wet his dirty blonde hair is, how pink his lips are, and how the white shirt he is wearing makes him look even more tan than he already was.

He in his turn looked back at you. Flicking his eyes between your eyes and lips. You both hadn’t noticed but you started to lean more and more towards each other. When suddenly your lips touched, it felt so perfect.

The next few days you had spent with Luke, you had informed your parents of course. To be honest, you were kind of surprised to hear that they actually didn’t mind.

After almost a week of being together and sharing everything with each other, Luke told you something you would never forget.
“I am engaged.” These three words where not the three words you had been waiting for. And you ran all the way back to the campsite, to your parents. Only to fall into your mother’s arms and cry. You cried for three days and then you decided to move on.
Luke came looking for you on day four.
“Can we talk?” he asked and sat down on the grass, you sat down a little further from him.
“About what? How we have shared everything together and how you ruined it?” You could feel the tears coming back, but you tried to keep them in. “I only have three questions for you. How long have we been together?”
“A week”, he answered.
“How long did you wait before telling me you were engaged to someone else?” You could hear your own voice quivering.
“A week”, he answered again.  
“And do you honestly expect me to forgive you?” you say and want to get up.
“Look Y/N, I can break off the engagement.”
“Honestly Luke, I think you should go. There is nothing we can do. We just have to face it this time, we’re through. Breaking up is never easy I know, but you have to go. It’s the best we can do.” And with that, you leave him alone and head back to the campsite. You don’t dare to turn back around.

This is where the story ends, this is goodbye.

bby-lyss:Alexandra Gonzalez, a senior in High school, lives with her best friend Eleanor Sawyer afte


Alexandra Gonzalez, a senior in High school, lives with her best friend Eleanor Sawyer after painful life changes. When
 a new group of guys moves into her town, will she be consumed by fear of opening her heart again
 or will she dive head first? Follow her journey for self strength as she 
transforms from vulnerable little "Lexie" into strong willed Alex. But will the darkness of the woods and the actions surrounding the people she loves ruin her completely?

Here’s a small snippet just so you can see what it’s like:

“What the hell is this?” I heard and turned to my left. Calum was standing in the middle of the hall staring at us. His jaw was clenched in anger, and I watched his hands ball into fists.

“Calum…wait a second" I said to him hesitantly as he stomped over and grabbed Michael by the collar. He slammed his body into the lockers next to me and I yelped as the loud crashing sound echoed.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing!” Calum yelled. His face was two inches away from Michaels and I watched as he wrapped his hand around his throat.

“Stop, Calum! Stop!” I yelled as I grabbed his arm, trying to pull him away. He yanked his arm away from me quickly, making me trip back and slip onto the floor.

“I’ll fucking kill you!” He yelled, spit hitting Michael in the face as he slammed him into the locker again. I sat on the ground looking up at them as I heard an ear-splitting scream erupt from down the hall. I turned to look for the source. Suddenly my heart started to race as I realized who’s scream it was and my eyes widened. “Ellie!” I yelled as I pulled myself off the floor. Calum and Michael’s eyes both followed the scream, and I began racing down the hall. I heard their footsteps following behind me as I sprinted, turning the corner to where the bathrooms were and saw Ellie’s body pressed against the lockers. A tall man towered over her, his hands wrapped around her wrists, pushing her further into the locker. I watched as he turned towards me and saw his dark eyes pierce through me, and a smirk emerge on his face.

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Alexandra Gonzalez, a senior in High school, lives with her best friend Eleanor Sawyer after painful
Alexandra Gonzalez, a senior in High school, lives with her best friend Eleanor Sawyer after painful life changes. When
 a new group of guys moves into her town, will she be consumed by fear of opening her heart again
 or will she dive head first? Follow her journey for self strength as she 
transforms from vulnerable little "Lexie" into strong willed Alex. But will the darkness of the woods and the actions surrounding the people she loves ruin her completely?

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Sleep Paralysis (M.C) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/3tmZg9VMWJ -Everybody’s got their demo

Sleep Paralysis (M.C) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/3tmZg9VMWJ -Everybody’s got their demons, even wide awake or dreaming- “So…”, Michael let out causing Luke to look to him, “Does this mean I have to hurt someone…?”. With that sentence escaping Michael’s lips Luke sighed biting at his lip ring as he thought of the best way to explain all of this but all that was able to be let out was, “Yeah, Yeah you do”. Michael felt a lump form in his throat as Luke let out those words, “But I don’t want to hurt anyone…”. “A lot of us don’t…but it’s what keeps us around a little bit longer…” Luke muttered. “What do you mean by that?”. “We feed off humans because we need to feed off of a strong emotion to keep our humanity, all we do is scare them because that’s what we are, we’re scary monsters that follow them around” Luke let out.

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