

Warnings: Nop, just fluff.

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: This is the first 300 words drabble from my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration. Thanks so much for reading

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


“Kelly! Quick, come see this!” you yelled for him from your shared bed. 

“What happened? Is everything okay?” he said rushing through the door, for a moment panic visible on his features. 

“Look” you said lifting up your shirt, a tiny baby foot marking on your skin from the inside as your baby boy kicked at the sound of his father’s voice. “He knows you’re here, he can hear you. Say something else” you asked as the baby stood still again. 

“Hey there, baby, are you ready to come home with us?” Kelly whispered to your swollen belly, another tiny foot making its appearance as he sat next to you on the bed. 

“No yet, daddy, this baby still need to be right here for a couple more weeks, is that right, honey? Of course it is” you said, the two of you in your own personal bubble of happiness, all noises from the outside world blocked out. 

Grabbing his hand you could see a little of hesitation on his eyes, always being extra careful with you since you found out you were pregnant. 

“It’s okay, I want you to feel” you reassured him. 

Very slowly, as your baby kept kicking, you placed Kelly’s hand over the most prominent spot of your belly.


“I love you very much, baby, your mama loves you very much too. We can’t wait to meet you” he spoke to your belly as happy tears came to your eyes, your baby boy instantly reacting to his daddy’s words. 

“I can’t believe we made him, Kelly, our baby boy” you said, your voice really quiet in fear you would start crying if you spoke louder. 

“Our baby boy” Kelly repeated with the same look as you, nothing but pure love and adoration in his tone. 



Hello everyone!!! 

First of all I feel like I need to apologize with all of you, I’m sorry for being so absent for the last couple weeks. After the last story I posted I started to feel not so good and that lead me to some bad habits that were not doing me any good, the first 2 weeks or so I didn’t feel like doing anything, spending most of my day in bed and sleeping most of the time, only getting up to eat. 

That went on for two weeks until one day I just felt guilty and tired of not being able to do anything so I have been spending the last week trying to get back to some good habits, going to bed early to wake up early, avoiding to take naps and excersising every morning. Now I feel so much better and I’m slowly getting back to my old daily activities. 

That being said I feel like I need to let you know that I’m still working in the several requests I have and I hope to post them soon

Now, getting all the ugly stuff out of the way, I’d like to thank all of you for being here, for reading my stories and for all your nice comments and interactions with them Without all of you I wouldn’t be here celebrating 5 years of this blog

Yes! Like you read it, I woke up this morning to the wonderful news that Just Another Girl is 5 years old today!!!

That’s why I’ve decided to combine this with my 300 followers celebration and I’ll be posting 300 words imagines today and tomorrow.

Once again, thanks so much for all your support and I hope you stay around to celebrate with me this two days. 
