#9 months pregnant


For that one person who asked about maternity photos, here ya go!

When people are annoyed.

So you’ve lost a bunch of weight and your life has pretty much drastically changed completely and all you wanna do is share that joy. Like shout it from the rooftops because you can finally climb up there . And the people around you are totally supportive and are proud of you.


I get it. It’s annoying to constantly talk about the same thing over and over again. But seriously I’m 9 freaking months pregnant and I fit into a size XS hoodie at Pink yesterday . NEVER IN MY LIFE HAVE I BEEN THIS SMALL AND IM 9 MONTHS PREGNANT. I just want to celebrate. But it feels like I’ve run my course of people being happy about it. So whatever.

So whatever. I’ll just shout it from my own rooftops and be grateful that I’m not where I was and I can enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy not completely miserable.

I literally can’t wait to meet my little Benji and hold and love on him. But I also can’t wait to see where my body lands after he’s born. And to get back into my exercise routine and healthier eating habits and get these last 30 pounds off

July 14, 2021

Hey! So can you believe it’s been 9 months? My baby will be here in less than 2 weeks! Wowwwww! I’ve been through so much these past few months and I think it’s made me a better person; for me and my son. I’m would say my maturity have grown significantly, I mean has to I’ll be responsible so a little person very soon. And even though I’m still technically homeless I know things will work themselves out. It’s been pretty hard trying to find a place during the pandemic and my job let me go back in April because I was pregnant. Well actually my midwife wrote a doctors note stating that I have severe back issues due to my scoliosis so she asked my job to give my 15 minute breaks to just sit down every 2 or so hours. They weren’t having that and told me that same week that they were letting me go. My only source of income, just taken from me because of my pregnancy. So I decided I would start walking dogs again. When I started making actual money to save up a month later someone hit and totaled my car which was my only way of transportation to get back and forth to my walks. I had to spend my all my savings on on towing and other sources transportation (like Lyft or metro - public transportation). So my boyfriend had to get a job ASAP. It’s gets paid enough now for us to get a place but the landlords are making it so hard to move in! Did you know someone has to make 3x their rent to move into a place? I’ve never… I wasn’t saying all of this to complain or for someone to feel sorry for me I just haven’t gotten you all caught up. Besides everything that has happened I wholeheartedly believe that everything will work out for us. Sometimes I worry but there’s no point in worrying and stressing about something you can’t control. I’ll keep this optimism attitude and I’ll keep looking for a solutions for our situation because I refuse to have my baby and not have our own place. Oh!! Last thing, I’m 38 weeks pregnant! Hopefully he comes sooner than later but I won’t rush my little man. I can’t wait to see him! I’m so excited!! :3 well until next time, peace✌︎

Posting all my NSFW on https://onlyfans.com/preggomilky now tumblr dont accept adult anymore.

Posting all my NSFW on https://onlyfans.com/preggomilky now tumblr dont accept adult anymore.

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