#90s fashion


You don’t know how happy I am to have my braids . I’ve always wanted box braids since I was little. I use to get made fun of by my Hispanic peers for having “black hair” and made fun of by my Black peers for having “good hair”. Being mixed I never felt like I fit into either group so I didn’t want to give anyone any ammunition to ostracize. Well forget all those people that made me feel like I wasn’t allowed to embrace either of my cultures. I don’t care what anyone has to say about me. Thanks @natakahc for the braid and thanks @aprilbutterflybrown for the photo

Cher Horowitz is a really good role model imo. She’s whip-smart, outspoken, sweet, sassy and overall a kind-hearted girl who wants to do good.

Not to mention she has a groovy sense of style
