#aabria iyengar



Shoutout to Aabria for causing the calamity. This isn’t a joke, this isn’t sarcastic, I mean literally. It takes some fucking balls to be the one to do it. We all know this is the calamity game, and someone has to fuck up really, really bad. And I mean, everyone sort of has to fuck up really, really bad. But, no matter what everyone else does, there is someone who has to push the big red button, even if they know what it’s gonna do. And that is so hard. So to actually be the one to do that, to take the bad choice, especially when you’re doing a show that broadcasts to a huge audience invested in this world? That is insane. It was so good, so character motivated, so well played. I loved it. 

we’ve all done the “bottom table is a Greek chorus” line throughout all of Calamity but this from the finale really is giving that vibe

Sam, Aabria, and Travis enraptured with their elbows resting on the table. Sam's fists are pressed together in front of his face. Aabria's fingers are gently pressed against both sides of her jaw. Travis's fingers are intertwined in front of his face.ALT
Similar to the previous image. Sam's hands are now folded over one another, still in front of his face. Aabria's hands are now gently resting on her neck. Travis is as before, but his chin is angled further downward so that his eyes are shadowed.ALT