#aabria iyengar


I would kill for an oops all brain slugs guest cast season in the starstruck universe.

I’m thinking like a four pc season with Aabria Iyengar, Caldwell Tanner, Jeremy Cobb, & Erika Ishii.



Let’s be real, Aabria is absolutely going to try to survive the Calamity.

The last word in RPG is GAME.

(Which means there’s a chance I can win it.)


Aabria entered the fight, slapped the wizard’s ass twice, and killed him instantly.

I didn’t screencap it in time but Aabria’s face when Zerxus said “Spare us… and we will help you.” was the perfect combination of . ah. isnt that the mood.


Shoutout to Aabria for causing the calamity. This isn’t a joke, this isn’t sarcastic, I mean literally. It takes some fucking balls to be the one to do it. We all know this is the calamity game, and someone has to fuck up really, really bad. And I mean, everyone sort of has to fuck up really, really bad. But, no matter what everyone else does, there is someone who has to push the big red button, even if they know what it’s gonna do. And that is so hard. So to actually be the one to do that, to take the bad choice, especially when you’re doing a show that broadcasts to a huge audience invested in this world? That is insane. It was so good, so character motivated, so well played. I loved it. 
