#omo fic

I have LOADS of eBooks now available via Amazon Kindle, and two more that will be releasing in May a

I have LOADS of eBooks now available via Amazon Kindle, and two more that will be releasing in May and July!

You can find my author profile HERE

As any author would, I’ve grown in my writing ability as I’ve written every week for my Patreon, and what I believe is my best work to date, Sabotage, is about to release as a completed eBook on July 29th, 2022! 

Sabotageis a full, 250+ page ABDL/Omorashi NOVELthat is packed full of all the stuff you love from these kinks! It is available NOWfor pre-order and will be available for FREEthrough kindle unlimited after release. I really hope you read, enjoy and leave feedback!

Also coming up, Vol. 5 of myABDL/OMO Shorts series will release on May 6th, 2022! Here are the previews for the 10 shorts included:

Restrictions: COVID gets in the way of desperation.
The ScareHouse: A group of girls brave a haunted house with quick-trigger bladders.
The Young Omega’s: A group of teen hero’s have a run-in with Doctor Dreadful, and the new recruit has an accident.
Santa Baby: An exclusive Christmas dance gig has a strange dress code.
Letter to Santa: 19-year-old Jessie writes to Santa to make a confession.
A Very Wet New Year: Triny desperately awaits the New Year.
Online Class: Desperate during an online exam, a young student struggles to finish an exam before she bursts.
The Festival: Megan has a tradition for festivals, and she wants you in on it.
The Regressing Witch: Emily gets younger every time she uses her magic and now needs diapers. But how will she handle those who bully her for it?
Jill of the Future: Jill comes from a time where bladder control is a thing of the past.

I hope you read and enjoy! If you like the books, consider checking out my PATREON. For only $2 a month, you will receive new written work EVERY WEEK, with a new short releasing at the start of the month, and new chapters of my next novel, On The Road Again (already at Chapter 28), releasing every week after that. The stories available on my Patreon won’t be eBooks until a year after the final chapter’s posting, so if you want to get ahead, this is the best (and cheapest) way to do it! 

Have a great day!


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First Fraggle Rock Omo. WOAH!!!!

Title: A good friend cleans up the puddle

How did Wembley get into this. Doing one of the most boring jobs a Fraggle can do. A job usually done by the most boring Fraggle. Wembley likes helping his friend but he wishes his friend didn’t have job that was such a drag.

Boober had asked Wembley do the laundry that day because he was busy with some cooking, and Wembley wanting to be nice said he would. He he’s wishing he wasn’t so nice, because he’s bored out of his mind and just wants to go play with the other Fraggles.

Wembley knew that the faster he did it the faster he would be done. So he made sure nothing around him distracted him. He put off time to eat and even use the bathroom until the laundry was finished.

Wembley was so eager to get the laundry done that even when his bladder and very full, we doesn’t going to go to the bathroom. And Wembley had to go pretty badly, but he just ignored the ache in his bladder and kept on doing the laundry.

Wembley’s legs kept moving around as he hips shook. His thighs were squeezed together tightly so not a single drop would come out.

His bladder kept filling by the minute, but Wembley was so focused on getting the laundry done so he can go out and have fun that he kept ignoring it.

“You can hold it, Wembley,” he told himself. “You’re not a baby.”

His body kept moving all about in spot as he kept doing the job. He just kept his determination and payed no attention to his bladder that nagged at him for release.

After a while, Boober came by to check on Wembley.

“Hi Wembley!” Boober greeted as he walked in.

“Oh, hey there, Boober.”

“I just came to see if you are doing the laundry job right.” Boober walked closer to Wembley.

“Of course I’m doing it right. Look for yourself.”

Boober inspected the work Wembley had been doing and thought it was acceptable, so he let it pass.

“Woah, you’re doing better than I thought. Thanks a lot for helping me with this, Wembley. Even though I know you think laundry is the most boring job in the rock.”

“It’s my pleasure to help you, Boober.”

“Alright then, I’ll leave you to do the rest.” Boober started to walk out but then realized that Wembley has been very squirmy and wiggly and the entire time, so he walked back to him.

“Wembley, are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, I feel fine. Why do you ask?”

“Well you’ve been wiggling and moving around a lot. Are you in pain or something?”

“Oh, no, I’m not in pain. I just have to use the bathroom a bit that’s all. But I can wait to go until I get the laundry done. I can hold it.”

“Wembley, you really shouldn’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Do you know what holding in your urine for long periods of time can do to your bladder.”

Wembley sighed, knowing that Boober was going to tell him a bunch of medical mumbo jumbo. “Is it really that bad?”

“Of course it’s that bad. Holding in your urine can cause urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and may even weaken bladder muscles, causing incontinence. When nature calls, Wembley, you have to respond to it. For your own health.”

“How do you know so much about this?”

“I read it in one of my medical books.”

“I just really don’t want to use the bathroom while doing the laundry because that will make the job longer and I want it to get done as soon as possible.”

“Using the bathroom will only take a couple minutes, Wembley, a few minutes is better than a serious health condition in your bladder. So you should probably go use the bathroom.”

“Alright, Boober, if you say so.” Wembley began to walk out of the room and started to head for the bathroom.

However, it wasn’t long until Wembley’s weak bladder gave out on him, and he started to pee all over himself.

Wembley kind of just stood there while it happened, and he watched a faint, yellow puddle form at his feet.

“Oh no.” He whispered to himself.

Boober was walking down where Wembley was and saw his friend just standing there. He didn’t notice the puddle at first.

“Wembley, why are just standing there? Why aren’t you going to the bathroom?” As he got closer to him he began to realize what was going on. The feel began to enter his nose. “Oh, Wembley, did you not make it?”

“No, I couldn’t make it.” Wembley said, very upset.

“That’s okay, Wembley. When you’ve been holding it for a long time it’s natural to have an involuntary release of urine. Don’t be upset about it.”

“I should’ve just went to the bathroom when I first felt the need to, then I wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“It’s not that big of a deal, Wembley. How about you go and get yourself cleaned up and I’ll wipe up the floor.”

“But, Boober, aren’t you worried about the germs. Pee has a lot of germs in it.”

“I’ll just make sure to be extra careful. You’re my friend, Boober, and I want to help you. Now go get washed up now. Like you said, urine carries a lot of germs in it and if you leave it on your skin to long when you have an accident, it can cause an infection. So go one now.”

“Okay I will. Thanks for cleaning the floor up for me, I’m glad to have you as a friend, Boober.”

“Same to you, Wembley.”
