#omorashi story

I have LOADS of eBooks now available via Amazon Kindle, and two more that will be releasing in May a

I have LOADS of eBooks now available via Amazon Kindle, and two more that will be releasing in May and July!

You can find my author profile HERE

As any author would, I’ve grown in my writing ability as I’ve written every week for my Patreon, and what I believe is my best work to date, Sabotage, is about to release as a completed eBook on July 29th, 2022! 

Sabotageis a full, 250+ page ABDL/Omorashi NOVELthat is packed full of all the stuff you love from these kinks! It is available NOWfor pre-order and will be available for FREEthrough kindle unlimited after release. I really hope you read, enjoy and leave feedback!

Also coming up, Vol. 5 of myABDL/OMO Shorts series will release on May 6th, 2022! Here are the previews for the 10 shorts included:

Restrictions: COVID gets in the way of desperation.
The ScareHouse: A group of girls brave a haunted house with quick-trigger bladders.
The Young Omega’s: A group of teen hero’s have a run-in with Doctor Dreadful, and the new recruit has an accident.
Santa Baby: An exclusive Christmas dance gig has a strange dress code.
Letter to Santa: 19-year-old Jessie writes to Santa to make a confession.
A Very Wet New Year: Triny desperately awaits the New Year.
Online Class: Desperate during an online exam, a young student struggles to finish an exam before she bursts.
The Festival: Megan has a tradition for festivals, and she wants you in on it.
The Regressing Witch: Emily gets younger every time she uses her magic and now needs diapers. But how will she handle those who bully her for it?
Jill of the Future: Jill comes from a time where bladder control is a thing of the past.

I hope you read and enjoy! If you like the books, consider checking out my PATREON. For only $2 a month, you will receive new written work EVERY WEEK, with a new short releasing at the start of the month, and new chapters of my next novel, On The Road Again (already at Chapter 28), releasing every week after that. The stories available on my Patreon won’t be eBooks until a year after the final chapter’s posting, so if you want to get ahead, this is the best (and cheapest) way to do it! 

Have a great day!


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Omo scenario time!!

*slaps hands together* Alright, here we go!

So everyone knows the “knight slays the dragon and goes to the top of the tower to save the princess” trope right??

Well I was day dreaming and imagined A knight traveling across the land to reach the princess and save her to live happily ever after! Once the knight arrives to the castle he realizes he’s gotta pee a little… BUT WHO CARES?! He’s a manly knight thats finally coming to the end of his long journey, about to meet his love!!

So they adjust their armor, get their sword, and Bust in ready to kickass!!— sadly the over excited knight didn’t think the dragon would be such a worthy foe!! The battle goes on longer than he anticipated, The whole time the princess locked in her room is listening to the vicious battle, nervously waiting,… but in the end he comes out victorious!!

After the distraction and intensity of the battle he’s now fully aware his need to go potty is so soooo much worse! He curses trying to squeeze his legs together, but it’s a little hard when you’re wearing a full metal armor!! He starts prancing from foot to foot looking around for a place to quickly go, when he hears his princess calling out for him! asking if he was Okay?!? if he was alive?!

Hearing her panicked voice he snaps out of it and runs up the stairs finding her door yelling for her to stand back as he tries to bust it down!! When the door finally gives he walks in a gasping mess from the effort of knocking down the door ANDDD The effort of trying to hold all his pee in ANDDDDD the effort of trying not to look desperate in front of the princess!!

The princess is gushing excitedly over filled with joy, “oh my god thank you! Thank you so much you saved me!!!-“ while the knight is almost trembling to keep his composure, meekly trying to cut her off, “y-yeah your welcome of course- um sorry but d-do you have-..a.. *blushes* um a-“

But the princess too excited to finally be rescued keeps on gushing not taking notice, “I’ve been here so long, I didn’t think anybody was going to come save me!! I owe you my life thank you thank you thank you!!!”. She she runs up to the knight, jumping into his arms pushing him back and squeezing tightly in embrace, taking him by surprise-!!

The knight lets out a high-pitched squeak, his body turning ridged as he immediately feels the embarrassing warmth going down his leg….

The princess is still hugging him, still thanking him, when she abruptly stops talking, filling the now silent air with just the sound of him piddling against his armor—… she quickly recoils and looks down and sees the yellow puddle leaking out in random places in his armor and making a big mess across the floor…

She looks back up and our big manly knight is just staring back, his whole face a bright red and tears pricked in the corner of his eyes as he chokes out a weak apology, “ I-I’m.. I’m really really about th-this I-um..sorry I uh…uh-“

But then the princess bursts back into talking mode yelling, “ O-OH GOD IM SO SO SORRY!!! I SHOULD OF ASKED- I MEAN I DIDNT MEAN TO.. IM SO SORRY HERE LET ME HELP!! I-I DONT HAVE ANY GUY CLOTHES BUT UM I-I’M SURE WE CAN FIND SOMETHING!!!” As she immediately starts going around her room trying to gather clothes or anything to help clean up with the mess! He blinks kind of taken back, and watches her frantically run around.

After she throws the random assortments of clothes on the puddle she sheepishly just looks up him and he mutters out a shy “thank you” and she mumbles a nervous “no problem”, as they stand there in awkward silence both blushing not sure what to do or say next after this embarrassing first meeting-..until finally one of them breaks the silence with a shy cough and extends their hand with a small kind smile and says “wanna start over?.. hello what’s your name?”…

And then they lived happily ever after!☺️✨

((and of course years later when people ask them about their first encounter The knight is a blushing mess while the Princess just giggles saying it’s a secret))
