#abrahamic paganism



During the last full moon we held a lunar event and encouraged our members to share content related to what they did for the full moon!


One of our admins @the-seidkona-of-polaris shared a photo of her space just before she began shifting it for workings, which included weekly devotional for Hel and a full moon spell work for a client ✨


One of our mods @auroras-corner set intentions and did a ritual to banish residual stagnant energy ✨

Many did small but meaningful things like making moon water, cleansing their home or blessing devotional items or divination tools. @manistemple​ shared their list of full moon ritual ideas. Have a look and get inspired for the next full moon! ✨ 


We have decided to stop posting prompts on tumblr in favor of making more posts about various clubs and events that we have going on in Pagan Sanctum. Daily discussion prompts are still happening in our Discord server, if you want to participate, join us via the link below! ✨

With love, 

Pagan Sanctum staff

 Join Pagan Sanctum on Discord! 
