#full moon ritual


Full moon bath spell for health and protection. Infused with parsley and green tea.

Full Moon Bath Sachet


  • Coffee filter, square of cheesecloth or plain cotton cloth or small plain natural fiber bag
  • Non-toxic pants/markers/dye
  • Bath safe herbs, flowers, crystals (calendula, rosemary, citrus peels, dandelion, oatmeal, mint, lavender, rose, violet, thyme, etc.)
  • String, ribbon, yarn or twine to tie off the bag
  • A cup or bottle of water (the kind safe to drink)

I wrote this for my daughter and some other kiddos that will be celebrating the full moon tomorrow night. It is made to be friendly to younger persons but is something any age can do!

Tonight you are going to be creating a full moon bath sachet and charging moon water with your cohorts!

Set out your supplies before the moon peeks out. Take your filter/bag/cloth and decorate it. Have your cohorts use the non-toxic the markers and paints. Choose symbols and colors that are meaningful to what you need to gather to you from this moon. You might want to sketch out some simple examples on a sheet of paper to inspire the younger persons. Do you need more prosperity? More health? More love? Focus on those things as you decorate your bag. Let it dry if needed before adding the sachet fillings.

Choose herbs and flowers that strike your fancy (if you are more experienced/older you can go for ones that match the attributes you need but let the young ones go based on their love of certain colors, or scents, or shapes!). When you selected the herbs and flowers to put out, it helps to remember if it’s safe to eat or season food with, it’s likely safe for a bath. You may add a water safe crystal or two if you like. I like to add a spoonful of oatmeal to soothe the skin and bind the magic. Tie your bag shut, and help your cohorts if needed with tying theirs.

Offer it to the moon to be charged with her light and power that the fullness brings. Include a cup or bottle of water to also add to the future bath. This is also a good time to have refreshment (moon cookies!) in celebration of the moon! You may leave the items to out to charge in her beams as long as you feel necessary- up to the whole night! Make sure it is safe from any critters though if it’s outside since some of the plant matter inside might be intriguing.

Soak it in a special bath, explaining to your cohorts how the full has given power and purpose to the sachet just for them. Have them pour the moon water in, perhaps encouraging them to swirl their finger or hand clockwise in the water. Ask them about any scents or color bleeding they might notice from the sachet in the water. How do they feel? How do you feel?

I would dispose of most of the sachet after the bath, but you may keep the crystals! Perhaps your cohorts might like to have them in their room? In an age appropriate spot of course (up high if they’re not ready for small delicate objects).


Mead Moon Safety Net Ritual

(@garnetandsnow and myself wrote this together for our servers and wanted to share it with any of y’all who might need inspiration for a full moon ritual)

Good evening! Welcome to Mead Moon Ritual. Tonight we will be coming together as a community to protect our friends fighting for our future together, encourage leadership, and have a bite to eat to enjoy this safe moment with each other.

You will need:

  • something to eat: bread, crackers, something baked, chips, berries, nuts (it helps if you can portion it out)
  • Something to drink: mead, tea, water with lemon and honey. Any drink will do, but honey fits with the theme.
  • Something to weave: this is optional- it can be entirely visualized or you can braid some strands along with the meditation.

For this moment you are here and you are safe. Close your eyes and breathe slowly. We open ourselves to the energy of the moon. She watches over us tonight, her silver light shines brightly, her quiet strength moving us as she does the sea. Bring that light within yourself, feel her cold touch soothe away your worries. Your shoulders relax, your jaw unclenches. We are peacefully filled with the moon’s energy.

Take a deep breath and feel your connection to the moon and the energy within you. Let it drip like honey and connect to the ground below, that connection ties us to the earth and lets us feed that energy into the world. The energy returns back to us as a ring of light around us on the ground. We will slowly draw it up and around us in a protective sphere. You notice that this sphere keeps outside influence out but lets us choose what to share from within. This sphere is for us alone and will be our companion for tonight to keep us safe while sharing with others.

You pack your food and drink into your satchel and walk to the new mead house. People have been coming together near and far for tonight’s feast. You pass the old mead house of the current king, with his evil decrees and crooked advisors. It’s rotten with stench and decay, a dirty fog envelops it. It mirrors his leadership and it’s coming down tonight.

The trail past the old mead hall goes into the forest, rich with new growth and almost heavy in anticipation of summer. The smell of wild strawberries fills the air and bees flitter between each flower, hurrying to finish before it gets too dark for them. You step lightly, but quickly to the opening in the trees.

The new mead hall has been built in secret and tonight is its first meeting. The people will meet to make plans and find new leadership. Everyone is welcome and has a skill to help as a community. This is our time to come together and rise up. Look within yourself now for the strength you possess and the talent unique to you. You can listen to friends, you can share messages, you can help build roads between people who need each other, you can be the brightness in somebody’s day, you can be the voice that says what someone else can’t and so much more.

You see strands of rope at your place at the hall’s table. Touch them with your hands and feel their texture. They are soft to the touch but you can feel their strength. Their color and material is unique to you. This is not something easily broken. Place them down on the table in a grid shape and start to weave them together to create a net in whatever shape feels right to you. This will be your own design, you do not need to be an expert net weaver. If you are using a physical counterpart or are more comfortable with the motions, braiding is absolutely okay too.

Feel the moon’s energy melding into the weaving and fusing the bonds, tempering the strength. This net is for the people of this hall- far and wide. Those who are here tonight and those who will be joining in their own ways, now and in the future. All with justice and love in their hearts may be safely covered, protected, and supported by this net.

Raise it up when you are done. Feel how it will catch, filter, and burn out intolerance, bigotry, violence, hate. How it will lend energy and barriers to those of us fighting and striving for change and justice. The Moon kisses it with light. Imbues it with that silver energy- diamond strong yet soft like the arms of a loved one.

Now reach out to the net beside you. Join it with yours so that we fashion a large single net that reaches around the hall. Somehow the Moon has filled in any missing portions, extending it so it covers the whole room. Perhaps these portions are woven by others, perhaps by the Moon herself.

We lift up this combined tapestry of protection. Lift it up…up…up. It rises to the ceiling of our mead hall and attaches itself there- a focus of our intent. Notice all the different styles, colors, materials, and textures of all the net. Despite all this variation, it shimmers with power and focus.

It is time to bring out the refreshment! Set your food and drink before you. Take your snack and divide it in some manner to share with everyone. Set the sharing potion to your left to be rotated around the table. We go clockwise to boost our energies and vitality. Think about this time coming together, sharing, building, and sheltering those in need. Sharing food is often one of the simplest ways to accomplish this.

Savor your snack and feel it fill you with the power of the Earth it grew from, the Water that quenched it, the Fire that fed it, and the Air that sang to it. The hall holds this power as well; like the grains of your snack it combines small parts together delectably. The whole is greater than the sum of our parts.

Bring your cup close to you now. Wrap your hands firmly around it, holding it, treasuring it. Lift it up to the Moon and feel it fill with additional protection and soothing cleansing. It is a balm on a sore muscle. A cool pillow to rest on after a long hot day. That toasty towel or blanket fresh out of the dryer wrapped around you on a chilly evening. Drink of this healing cup and feel refreshed.

May all our plates and cups be full and our doors ready to open to help.

With our feast in our bellies and warm with friendship, we look to the future. We identified the things we do well and now we’re committing to using those skills to help our community. We will be leaders by example, doing everything we can to raise each other up. We will protect each other and listen to each others needs. We will also enact a change in leadership around the world. We will make our voices heard, the message dripping like honey into ears, inspiring change to those who hear it. The moon lends her power to our words, golden honey smooth but everlasting.

Visualize the change you want to make in near future, imagine every facet of it. Imagine our best lives, the best result in an ideal world. Include everyone fighting now and if any of their wants are not already in that plan, bring that into your vision too. We’re building an inclusive ideal to aim for. Feel it so hard it feels real. This is what we’re working towards.

Take a deep breath and settle yourself, loosen up your shoulders, unclench your jaw. Give any extra energy you have now into the net and slowly disconnect. Say a word of hope for the safety of all in the days to come.

Look to the moon and thank her for her attention and the affection given to all of us, slowly disconnect your energy from her.

Lower your sphere of energy from from around you and let yourself ground your own energy at the same time, the light falling slowly and dripping into the ground. Your own energy balances out, either dripping to the ground or rising back up from the earth below you. You feel at peace but ready to busy yourself in the days to come with good energy.

If you wove anything physically, know that though it is imbued with the soul of the mead hall, it is wholly safe and of your own energy to wear, display, place in your car or home. It does not act as a taglock in any fashion due to the protections we put up. It is a piece of armor crafted and honed amongst friends and allies.

Please feel free to share any feelings you’ve had or goals you’d like to strive towards. Thank you for attending with us tonight!


During the last full moon we held a lunar event and encouraged our members to share content related to what they did for the full moon!


One of our admins @the-seidkona-of-polaris shared a photo of her space just before she began shifting it for workings, which included weekly devotional for Hel and a full moon spell work for a client ✨


One of our mods @auroras-corner set intentions and did a ritual to banish residual stagnant energy ✨

Many did small but meaningful things like making moon water, cleansing their home or blessing devotional items or divination tools. @manistemple​ shared their list of full moon ritual ideas. Have a look and get inspired for the next full moon! ✨ 

Full moon ritual

This is the ritual I did for the Jan 31 blood moon.


to attract love and happiness in this new year.




moonstone (cleansing, femininity, forgiveness)

Clear quartz (cleansing, positivity)

Rose quartz (love, calmness, peace)

Amethyst (healing, spirituality)


Rosemary (love, femininity, healing)

Chamomile (love, healing)

Basil (love, good fortune)


Orange (harmony, happiness, power)

Peppermint (change, magic, anti- negativity)

Lavender (healing, health, peace)

Eucalyptus (sacred place)

Lemon (energy, healing, protection)

First I cleanse my space with sage, and cast a circle.

I spray a mixture of sea water and eucalyptus to cleanse my work space.

I light my candles.

I invite Aphrodite into my space with an offering.

I ring a bell around my space just to make sure no negativity lingers.

Now I’m ready to begin.

I draw a pentagram in the middle of my work space. I place four moonstone crystals around it in each of the cardinal directions. I place clear quartz, rose quartz, and amethyst in the open sections of the pentagram. In the middle I place a shell with the sea rune for love on it.

I then gather a chalice (I don’t have a cauldron) with a bit of moon water. I begin adding my ingredients.

First I add sea salt, rosemary, chamomile, and basil. Then I add three drops of each oil. I also add dried rose petals, and a pinch of my original Aphrodite herb mix (I’ll make another post about this)

I place the mixture in a small container, along with a small coin as an offering.

I seal the container, and place it in a sachet with moonstone, and leave it outside to charge under the power of the full moon.

To manifest it’s power, I throw the container to the west (this just feels right to me)

(I of course pick it back up and store it somewhere safe.)

Happy witching!!


CRYSTAL GRIDS  Contrary to belief crystal grids do NOT need to be PERFECT or SYMMETRICAL! In fact th


 Contrary to belief crystal grids do NOT need to be PERFECT or SYMMETRICAL! In fact the best ones are the pieces you create in the moment and are full of passion & creativity! 

 This is a collaborative piece I created with my beautiful friend. She is like FIRE, insanely passionate and an outside the box thinker. Together with my OCD and controlled placement we created the most unique & special crystal grid! 

 There is no boundary to what you can create TOGETHER! Sharing ideas & creating together is an amazing form of bonding.

Crystals: Egyptian Alabaster, Russian Amazonite, Lepidolite, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Smokey Quartz, Gold Titanium Quartz & Rose Quartz

Post link

I just put this girl in some dirt in celebration of this Strawberry Full Moon


Full Moon Ritual Ideas and Journal Prompts

Working with the Full Moon

During the full moon we have the chance to step back and reflect on all that’s been created during this past lunar cycle. It’s important to also take time to pause, reflect, and let go of what you no longer need.

The full moon is a time to embrace gratitude for what you have been given and what you have accomplished. Even if you’re not where you’d like to be, and even if you’ve had setbacks, you likely still have something you can find gratitude for and something you’ve done that you can be proud of. Appreciate your own resilience and strength.

The full moon is a time to:

  • Express gratitude
  • Reflect on what you’ve accomplished this past lunar cycle
  • Reflect on what has been illuminated for you this lunar cycle
  • Release what no longer serves you
  • Doyour own tarot readingorget a tarot reading for the month ahead

Here are some ideas to try when putting together your own full moon ritual. You can mix and match, add or subtract to any of these. Just think of them as jumping off points for your own intuition and creativity!

1. Make a Sacred Space

For me, this is a vital step to get me into the right headspace for ritual. Surround yourself with things that taste, sound, smell, look and feel good to you and help you relax. I have certain incense and music that I only use during my moon rituals, just hearing that music or smelling that incense can instantly get me ready for ritual.

2. Ground Yourself

Grounding yourself can be done in lots of different ways, but my favorite is doing a simple body scan meditation where you feel into each part of your body one after another. Another great grounding technique is the 5-4-3-2-1 technique where you name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.

3. Journaling Prompts

After grounding myself I generally start my ritual with journaling. Journaling can be a great way to connect with your gratitude, challenges and make peace with what you need to release and let go of. Every full moon I create a sacred space (even if it’s just in my house!) and spend some time journaling, with some of the following prompts:

  • What am I grateful for right now?
  • What has happened in the past month that I feel most grateful for?
  • What do I appreciate about my own mind, body, and spirit?
  • What tiny miracles show up in my world?
  • What do I love most about my life right now?
  • What do I love most about myself right now?
  • What obstacles and challenges have taught me meaningful life lessons recently?
  • What’s one of my favorite memories from the past month? What’s one of the hardest?
  • How have your relationships changed and grown this past month?
  • Was there anything holding me back from reaching my goals this month?
  • What did I spend too little or too much time on this month?
  • What do you need to surrender to this month?
  • I choose to let go of the things I can’t control, including…
  • What secrets are you holding onto and what harm are they causing?
  • Which relationships in your life no longer serve you?

4. Tarot Card Reading

After journaling I like to give myself a tarot reading for the month ahead. You can see the spread I use to try on your own, or get a reading from me. Make sure to record your reading and your thoughts in your tarot journal to reference later!

5. Release

The last step of my full moon ritual is releasing what I no longer need. As we move towards the waning moon, this is a great time to let go of the old to make room for the new. The simplest version of this ritual is writing what you wish to release on a piece of paper and then burning or burying it. Adding sigils to your paper or burning it with banishing herbs is a great way to enhance this ritual.

6. Closing

After releasing I normally like to do something small to close my ritual. This will vary from month to month, but anoint myself with ritual oils, or take a ritual bath to cleanse and recharge myself until the New Moon.

I hope these full moon ritual ideas and journal prompts have given you some ideas for your own full moon ritual. Working with the full moon can be extremely powerful and rewarding! Let your intuition guide you!
