
This flag is made with 100% cotton. It’s made by screen printing technique with excellent blacThis flag is made with 100% cotton. It’s made by screen printing technique with excellent blacThis flag is made with 100% cotton. It’s made by screen printing technique with excellent blac

This flag is made with 100% cotton.

It’s made by screen printing technique with excellent black ink for fabric .

it is consacrated with abramelin oil, IT’S NOT WASHABLE!!!

The drawing:

Babalon Is Represented As The Scarlet Woman, The Great Mother, And The Mother Of Abominations. Her Godform Is That Of A Sacred Whore, And Her Primary Symbol Is The Chalice Or Graal. Her Consort Is Chaos, The “Father Of Life” And The Male Form Of The Creative Principle. Babalon Is Often Described As Being Girt With A Sword And Riding The Beast, With Whom Aleister Crowley Personally Identified. As Aleister Crowley Wrote, “she Rides Astride The Beast; In Her Left Hand She Holds The Reins, Representing The Passion Which Unites Them. In Her Right She Holds Aloft The Cup, The Holy Grail Aflame With Love And Death. In This Cup Are Mingled The Elements Of The Sacrament Of The Aeon” (Book Of Thoth). In A More General Sense, Babalon Represents The Liberated Woman And The Full Expression Of The Sexual Impulse.

THERE AREN’T COPIES, all Authors’ rights are  reserved to me  " —Θhpion Esoteric Tattoo—".

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Height: 36cm 

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This will be the twelfth post in my series on astrological magic. The intention of this post is to familiarize you with the basic theory you’ll need to know in order to consecrate a magic circle, and to make your orations, prayers, and petitions effectively. There are an infinite number of variations you can reasonably apply to the examples I’ll give, but you should make sure the overall formula is sound enough. Please take appropriate care if you choose to alter or improvise any of the methods here. If you have any questions, you’re welcome to ask us.

One of the original sciences of the quadrivium (Pythagoras’s teachings) was rhetoric. Today, this skill is still very useful. Without it, you may have difficulty communicating or articulating your ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires. This is why it is important to use the most accurate phrasing possible while casting any kind of magic. If you fail to effectively or clearly communicate your consecration, orations, what your intentions are, to whom you wish to speak, or what sort of power you wish to draw from, it is unlikely that you will succeed in your work. There are many classic stories about magic and dealings with supernatural beings where the hero says what they want, but their wish is worded carelessly, and might have multiple meanings, so instead of their goal, they are granted whichever meaning of the request they did not actually desire. This is the kind of natural punishment you will be likely to receive if you speak ineffectively or carelessly while using magic, so you need to be very careful when speaking with these forces.

Another thing you should take note of is that consecration is always done from inside the circle. Once a circle is consecrated, you should not enter or exit from it until your work is properly finished. Because of that, you should always take extreme care in remembering to bring everything you need into the circle with you. If you exit the circle after it has been consecrated and before your work is complete, many things can go wrong, and your work will probably not go well.

Consecration of circles:

Pietro D'Abano recommends reciting Psalm 51:7 after the magic circle has been constructed. Brief as it may be, this prayer is definitely sufficient for the heavy function of astrological magic. While saying this prayer, it is also necessary to sprinkle the circle with holy water, or another form of skilfully blessed purging water (if you’d like to deal with benevolent forces, this practice can never hurt). This is my preferred method for several reasons.

A slightly more thorough variant of D'Abano’s method is to sprinkle your circle with holy water while you recite the seven penitential Psalms (Psalm 6, 31, 37, 50, 101, 129, and 142. In the KJV, they are Psalm 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143).

Dion Fortune’s method is comparably simple and effective. Start by turning toward the east quarter. Touch your brow and say “Yours, O God,” and then touch your solar plexus and say “is the Kingdom,” and touch your right shoulder before continuing “and the Power,” and touch your left shoulder before adding “and the Glory,” and bring your hands together in front of you, clasping them together, saying “for ever and ever, Amen.” Now you should visualize a sword in your hand, and hold it in front of you, with its point toward the sky. Now, you should say “In God’s name, I accept the Sword of Power for defense against evil and aggression.” Visualize yourself doubling in height, making sure to render the image of yourself as formidable, powerful, and protected as possible. Now with the point of your sword, trace the outer boundary of your circle, and with your mind’s eye, watch it light up in bright yellow flame. Now face east again, and clasp your hands together over your head before saying “May the archangel Raphael protect me to the east.” Do the same in each direction, but instead of Raphael, invoke Michael from the south, Gabriel from the west, and Uriel from the north. After this, your consecration is complete.

Henry Cornelius Agrippa recommends the following things be kept in mind as you consecrate the place where you’ll be working. In consecrating your space, he says it is good to reference the Sanctum Sanctorum. Mount Sinai, the Tabernacle of the Covenant, Solomon’s temple, the hill of Golgotha, and Mount Tabor. You should call on names of God which pertain to the house of God, the throne of God, the Tabernacle, the Heaven of God, and names with similar symbolism.

TheClavicula Solomonis contains an extremely lengthy and demanding method of consecration. It looks to me like it would be reasonably effective, but I think it’s clear that most of the extremely specific needs it calls for are completely unnecessary. If you want to know about this method, just look at a copy of the Key of Solomon, and see for yourself.

Abraham von Worms and Abramelin the Mage make it clear that there is no exact prayer that you must say, though they recommend praying to Adonai, rather than any other name (a sound recommendation, since that name is a respectful title given to the Tetragrammaton, which is used out of reverence, because one should not attempt to speak the true name of God). They insist that a prayer from the heart which follows the right formula is the most effective kind of consecration. Of the methods mentioned above, D'Abano and Cornelius Agrippa’s methods are the most useful to me, because they are accessible and very effective. You can easily substitute your symbolism or imagery if you prefer something less Judaic, and you’re also able to combine these methods with each other, or with other methods you’re comfortable or familiar with. I hope this section has given you a general understanding of the consecration of magical circles, and of the things that go into the process of doing so.

Now, I will talk about some methods of speaking with the consciousnesses and intelligences of the planets. Keep in mind that there are many other ways to pray to the planetary intelligences, but that I’m using these particular approaches as examples. Keep in mind when dealing with the planets that it is generally considered necessary to stroke their egos and compliment them as much as possible, doing as much as you can to emphasize the greatness of all the things that planet is responsible for. These are derived from ancient Sabian methods, and it’s important to warn you that some of the methods involved here require animal sacrifices, and that these are often illegal, not to mention cruel. I also want to make it clear that they are very effective. Remember, if you carry out any animal sacrifices, you’re doing it at your own risk. I wouldn’t have you break the laws where you live, and there are definitely other reasonably effective offerings you can make to the planets (you can see some of the things the planets rule over here, if you want some other ideas of things you might be able to effectively offer to the planets).

To make a request of Saturn, you should consider that it should be in a favorable position in the sky, and you should do this on Saturday, in Saturn’s hour. Libra is the most agreeable place, Aquarius and Capricorn are also good places for it. If this can’t be done, wait until Saturn is in the midheaven, in one of its triplicities, or a term it rules over. It can be in one of the other angles or succeedent houses in addition to the midheaven, and preferably in an oriental house (in the eastern sky). Make sure Saturn is not in retrograde, and that it is in a masculine position. Make sure there are no detriments, falls, or negative aspects affecting Saturn. Especially avoid a square aspect with Mars. If it is in a cadent house or retrograde, Saturn will not fulfill your requests. Other tips about placement of Saturn are here.

Make sure to wear all black clothing, with black shoes, and a black hat on your head. Make your request in a secluded place, preferably where people are humble and pensive. Carry an iron ring and an iron censer with you. Begin burning the incense of Saturn (the incenses of planets can be found here). Turn toward Saturn’s location in the sky, and say a prayer like the following:

O exalted celestial with the great name who sits in the highest heaven, whom God made subtle and powerful! You are the lord Saturn, cold and dry, dark, the one who writes the good, the one who is always a faithful friend, hardy and adaptable in love and hate, whose knowledge is expansive and penetrative, honest and trustworthy in your promises and utterances, isolated in your operations, solitary, separate from others, familiar to suffering and sorrow, distant from joy and festivity, you are ancient and wise, and you erase the knowledge of those things which are good. You are the one who writes the good and evil. Miserable and tortured are those who are affected by your malice, and very fortunate are those who are in your favor. God has placed powers and virtues in you, and a spirit which does good and evil works. I ask you , lord, by your exalted names and your wonderful works, that you fulfill my request.

Now you should make your request, and throw yourself low to the ground, while always making sure you are facing Saturn. This shows your humble spirit, and your sorrow. After this, you should be able to conclude your work appropriately.

If you want to make a request of Jupiter, you should make sure it’s in a good position (especially concerning Saturn, but other tips are here), and safe from its detriments and fall. Wear yellow and white, with a belt around your waist. Go to a humble and gentle place, like a hermitage used in Christianity, and bring a censer made of tin. In the censer, burn the incense of Jupiter, and turn toward its location in the sky. Now you can say the following prayer.

God bless you, lord Jupiter. You are the warm and humid Greater Fortune, impartial, and fair in your workings, benevolent, beautiful, honest, and wise. You rule the truth, and equality. You are merciful, and separate from evil. You smile upon the faithful and loyal worshipers, reward those who take joy from their religions and who are not hedonistic. You are of honorable mind, and you carry out works of good freely and naturally. You are honorable in your heaven, your promises are law, and your loyalties true. I call upon you in the name of Adonai, who has given you the power and spirit you have, and by your benevolent and generous nature, that you fulfill this request.

Now, you should ask for what you request from Jupiter, and say:

For all good things come from you, and the very nature of goodness comes from you. This is why you will listen to all good-natured requests.

When you have a request for Mars, you should make sure it is well placed, and safe from its detriments and fall (more tips about the placement of Mars are here). Wear red clothing, and a red silk or linen hat with a red skullcap, with as much warlike apparel as you can wear. Hang a sword from your neck, and carry as many weapons with you as possible. You will also need to bring a mouse. Wear a copper or bronze ring on one of your fingers, and burn the incense of Mars in a copper or bronze censer. Make sure to do this in a remote place you have previously chosen. Face south, and speak the following style of prayer without hesitation or fear.

Mars, you are an honored lord of a dry heat. You are powerful and heavy, your heart can’t be moved, and you spill the blood and cause the illness of humans. You have great strength, you are hardy, fast, brave, and agile. You rule over fighters, warriors, pain, misery, injury, incarceration, sorrow, and things which are blended or dismembered. You are not afraid of anything, nor do you contemplate. Your works are yours alone, and your precision is strong and effective, as is your drive for conquest and challenges. Your bring harm to the weak and the strong, and you smile upon the warriors who love their battles. You validate the wicked and the cruel. I call on you by your names, qualities, killings, and challenges against the Lord God who gave you your power and spirit, stockpiling them and keeping them from the other planets in order for you to gain strength. Mirrih, Mars, Bahram, Ares, Angara! I summon you in the name of Adonai, so that you will hear and fulfill my request, and that you will see my humbleness before you and see fit to help me.

Now you should make your request from Mars, and say:

I call on you by the power of the archangel Uriel, who has been sent by Adonai to complete your works.

Now, you should behead your mouse, throw it into the incense fire, and eat its liver.

To make a request to the Sun, you should work on Sunday, and in the hour of the Sun. You should make sure the Sun is well-placed in relation to other planets and the signs, and safe from detriments and its fall. It is also usually good to have the Sun ascending. Wear yellow and gold clothing (preferably made of silk), a gold crown, and a golden ring. You should do this work in a small building you’ve reserved for this purpose. Bring a golden censer, and a beautiful rooster with you. Around the rooster’s neck, hang a piece of wood about 4 inches in width and length with a small burning candle on it. Start burning the incense of the Sun just before sunrise. Turn the rooster toward the Sun as it rises, and say a prayer like the following:

You are the center of our heaven, and you are honored and exalted above all celestial bodies. I ask that you, the revered and holy Sun listen to my request, and give me the friendship and good grace of the leader in question. I call upon you in the name of Adonai, who is the source of your life. You are the one who gives light to the world, and I am calling on you by many of your names. Shams, Sol, Mihr, Helios, Aras, you are at the center of the planets, and you give light and clarity to the world. Life and creation on Earth are gifts from you, your perfect placement, and your heat. I request your aid in granting me the respect and good will of the powerful people I’m dealing with, so that I may have power over places and people, just like you have power over all the planets. I ask for your pity and mercy, that I might have success in my endeavors.

The Sun in particular is responsive to a great many methods of prayer from nearly all the religions of the world. For example, Jesus Christ can be equated to the Sun (there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Christianity is a form of Sun-worship, and many scholars agree), so saying a traditional Christian prayer to Jesus Christ could probably just as easily give you the results you need. It is very useful and important to note that it is rarely or never necessary to make any kind of blood sacrifice to the Sun.

To request something from Venus, make sure that it is not in its detriments, fall, or retrograde, and that it isn’t affected negatively by an aspect of Saturn or Mars (and be sure to look at the other guidelines I’ve given for the placement of Venus here). Traditionally, there are two ways you can dress when dealing with Venus. One way is to dress in traditional Arabic garb, all white in color (Venus rules over the religion of Islam). The other option is to dress in the most feminine attire you can manage, and to exalt the feminine energy in you to the fullest extent of your abilities through that aesthetic endeavor. Silk and pearls should ideally be included in your outfit, along with golden wristbands and a golden crown or tiara. Carry a mirror in your right hand, and a comb in your left. Wear perfumes which smell like spices or nutmeg, and have a bottle of wine in front of you. Burn the incense of Venus in a censer made of gold and silver, or an alloy of the two. You will also need to bring a pigeon and a turtledove. Now, you should pray to Venus in a similar manner to the following:

Venus, may you be blessed by Adonai. You are the queen of the planets, the Lesser Fortune, fair and beautiful, and pleasantly aromatic. You are the lady who rules over ornate adornments and jewelry. You smile on lovers, joyous people, pageantry and decorations, elegance, beautiful singing and music, comforting things, recreation, and love. You love wine, relaxation, leisure, and sex, because these are of your nature. I call on you by your names in many languages. Zuhara, Venus, Anahid, Aphrodite, Tijanija, Surfa, I call you by the Lord Adonai, ruler of the highest order, and by your loyalty to Him, I ask that you hear my request.

Now, you should ask Venus for what you seek, and continue to say:

I call on you by the great archangel Anael, who is the angel of the Lord who mediates you and carries out your work.

Now, lower yourself to a vulnerable position on the ground, and repeat your prayer. After that, stand back up, behead your pigeon and turtledove, and eat their livers. Burn their bodies in the incense fire, and your prayer to Venus will be complete.

To make a request of Mercury, it is best to dress like a journalist or writer (however you think best resembles the way they might dress). Make sure Mercury is safe from its detriments and fall. It is ideal to have Mercury and the Moon in conjunction with each other in any work pertaining to Mercury (other tips about the placement of Mercury are here). Wear a ring made of solidified mercury, if you can find one. Bring a rooster with a large comb. Burn the incense of Mercury, and turn toward Mercury’s location in the sky holding a notepad or piece of paper as if you’re about to write on it. Now, say a prayer to Mercury in a similar manner to the following:

May you be blessed by Adonai, Mercury. You are honest, aware, and knowledgeable. You can teach all science, written language,and mathematical art. You are subtle and even-tempered. You understand commerce, finance, and economics. You speak through prophets and diviners. You teach logic, philosophy, geometry, and astronomy. You teach biology, rhetoric, and computer science. You teach complete cognitive awareness, and quickness of thought. You can change things from one state of being to another. You teach cleanliness, solidarity, and existential wholeness. You bring peace, and prevent people from crossing paths with evil. You also bring out the more beneficial traits of religion and law. You are helpful with Jupiter and Venus, and harmful with Saturn and Mars. You are neither male or female, but can be either in various situations. You are nocturnal sometimes, and diurnal others. You are harmonious, and you work well with whichever forces you coincide with. I call on you by many of your names. Utarid, Mercurius, Hermes, Thoth, Budha, Enki, Tir, I call you in the name of Adonai, the lord who rules over the highest order, and I ask that you hear my request, and that you bestow upon me your knowledge and wisdom.

Here, you should ask Mercury for the thing you request. Then, you should continue:

I call you by Raphael, the archangel of the Lord who carries out and regulates your work, so that you will hear and fulfill my request to you.

Now, lower yourself to the ground and repeat your prayer. Now lift your head up, and behead your rooster, burn it in the incense fire, and eat its liver. Your request to Mercury should be fulfilled.

To make a request of the Moon, you should wear childish clothing, and bring good-smelling things with you. The Moon should be in a good position, safe from detriments and its fall, and at a good aspect with one of the Fortunes (more tips on the placement of the Moon are here) Wear or carry a silver ring, and move quickly. Make sure you speak with elegance and punctuality. You should bring a censer made of silver to burn the incense of the Moon, and a calf or an ewe for sacrifice. Wash your face and turn toward the Moon to pray.

May Adonai bless you, wonderful Moon. You are kind, cool, and humid. You are fair and pleasant. You are the key to the planets, and you move quickly to shine your light on the Earth. You are the lady who rules over joy, contentment, and kind words. You love the law, and you subtly contemplate all worldly things. Cheerful songs and revelry bring you joy. Messengers, ambassadors, and hidden things are under your protection. You are uninhibited, closer to us than the other planets, you are the largest celestial body in the sky, and you are very bright in your light. You can aid good or evil, and all the planets can be joined through you. All things on Earth are either blessed by your grace or afflicted by your curses. You are the beginning and ending of all worldly things. I call you by Gabriel, the archangel of the Lord who carries out your work, and who helps to regulate your power, so that you might hear my request and grant me my wish. I call you by many names. Qamar, Luna, Meh, Selenê, Suma, Sin, Chandra. By your humility before Adonai I ask that you hear my request.

Lower yourself to the ground, and repeat your prayer. When you have done this, behead your calf or your ewe. If it is an ewe, eat her liver to seal the ritual. Burn the body of your sacrificial animal in a fire, as usual.

I hope this post has given you some insight into the methods of consecrating circles and praying to the planets in astrological magic. Keep in mind that these methods aren’t the only effective ways to do this, and that there is plenty of information available about dealing with the planets from many cultures who have their own approaches. If you’d like us to check our libraries for information of that kind, let us know.The next post in this series will be its conclusion.

