#abusive dad


please remember that you are the only person that gets to decide that your trauma doesn’t/shouldnt affect you anymore. nobody is allowed to say your pain is gone but you. nobody is allowed to decide you’re over your trauma/abuse but you. you are not obligated to forgive your abuser. you are not obligated to be around them if they are part of your family and you are CERTAINLY not obligated to be kind to them. as soon as they hurt you like that they lost the right to have your love, your kindness, your forgiveness, or your time. remember you don’t have to sacrifice your health for their comfort.

i am infinitely lucky for my best friend and her family because they came into my life when i was at the peak of my abuse and ready to attempt suicide until it stuck and they gave me a room in their house so i would be safe and told me to move in so i would be cared for and showed me love and role models worth having and i feel awful knowing i will never be able to repay them for everything they’ve done for me

real traumatized culture is goin buck fuckin wild and playing ur music/movie/tv show outside the comfort and safety of ur bedroom and then immediately sprinting back when u see someone pull into the driveway or hear the door

it’s bullshit opening up to people that have never experienced abuse about yours because i always get “haha well u can’t hate ur parents they’re the reason ur alive uwu !!” like yeah they’re also the reason i’ve tried to kill myself theresa but ok go off i guess

hey y’all wanna talk about a lesser talked about trauma effect?

loss of autonomy.

not knowing how to do anything without explicit permission or instruction.

feeling like you’ll get in trouble if you do anything on your own will.

waiting until you’re given permission to do so much as eat.

not feeling like your body is your own.

if you experience this you aren’t broken or alone. you were abused and traumatized and conditioned to be like this. remember you belong to nobody but yourself. you are and will be okay.


It’s weird to think that there’s people who are constantly, at-all-times, 100% comforted by/trusting of their parents,, like Who are you? Why aren’t you scared they’ll hurt you?
