#ace attorney trilogy


Me and my messed up humor.

For some reason ppl really liked this stupid shit on Insta-

Another 1 year old post

Gant was a narumitsu shipper and no one can change my mind.

Also yes, Brooklyn 99 reference.

Day 31 of me posting Wrightworth until they become canon


I decided to make our first animation for the challenge!!! ✨

Time to share one of my old posts from Instagram again, body swap AU!

Basically Maya accidentally swapped Phoenix’s and Miles’ souls and she has no idea how to fix it >:)


“She said it wasn’t only because of her mother that she became a lawyer…”

“…She also didn’t want to fight with her sister over the leadership of the Tradition.”

@mayafeyweek2021 - sisterhood & goodbyes

[ID: A coloured sketch of Maya and Mia holding hands. They face forwards but in slightly different directions, like they are preparing to walk separate paths. Maya looks forward, and Mia looks slightly to the right, and the wind in her hair suggests that she is moving away towards that direction, out of the frame, while Maya is stationary. Maya is drawn in pen and coloured in with colour pencils, giving her a vibrant sunset look, with her purple clothes and red ribbon. Mia is drawn with pencil and lightly shaded with colour pencils, giving her a washed out look as she fades away the further she gets from Maya. Her hair and scarf billow in the breeze, and her suit is dark with a blueish hue. Her yellow scarf drapes across Maya’s shoulders. End ID.]

progress pictures and crying

[ID: Progress pictures of the drawing in the original post. It starts off as a lightly coloured sketch, then a zoomed in progress picture of Maya’s clothes gaining more colour, and the last picture looks similar to the final work but Mia has not been fully coloured yet. End ID.]

also the reviews are in lol msjwjavab there’s a lot of crying huge mood btw, the moment I saw that quote I wanted to cry too and the general theme of t&t’s last trial (the hazakura temple one) of ghosts staying around forever !!!! she will always be by her family’s side !!! even though their paths diverged, even though she’s dead, they can still see each other and she will always !! protect her !!! (head in hands, sobbing). so like that’s kinda the meaning of the scarf over her shoulders yeah. always with her even after she’s gone

also the aa character ref sheet got me cryin

[ID: Character sheets for Maya and Mia, presumably from the anime adaptation of Ace Attorney. They have three poses each; front, side, and back, from left to right. It is in colour, and their colours appear as colour blocks between poses. End ID.]

in the rightmost pose for both of them, Maya’s reaching to her right and Mia’s reaching to her left the moment I saw this I knew, definitely, 100%, what I was gonna draw lol

“She said it wasn’t only because of her mother that she became a lawyer…”

“…She also didn’t want to fight with her sister over the leadership of the Tradition.”

@mayafeyweek2021 - sisterhood & goodbyes

[ID: A coloured sketch of Maya and Mia holding hands. They face forwards but in slightly different directions, like they are preparing to walk separate paths. Maya looks forward, and Mia looks slightly to the right, and the wind in her hair suggests that she is moving away towards that direction, out of the frame, while Maya is stationary. Maya is drawn in pen and coloured in with colour pencils, giving her a vibrant sunset look, with her purple clothes and red ribbon. Mia is drawn with pencil and lightly shaded with colour pencils, giving her a washed out look as she fades away the further she gets from Maya. Her hair and scarf billow in the breeze, and her suit is dark with a blueish hue. Her yellow scarf drapes across Maya’s shoulders. End ID.]

Art Swap/Art Trade thingy I did with my buddy @infamouslydorkyWe drew linearts of our favourite ace Art Swap/Art Trade thingy I did with my buddy @infamouslydorkyWe drew linearts of our favourite ace

Art Swap/Art Trade thingy I did with my buddy @infamouslydorky

We drew linearts of our favourite ace attorney characters and then colored them. So they drew Gregory and I’ve colored it, and vice versa you get the drill.

Check their art tho if you didn’t before they are amazing

Post link

Wait a minute… uuuh jarvis? enhance Miles Edgeworth to 200%

Whuh ….GODDAMN!!!

Thank u jarvis.

I can say that this colors swap is “Narumitsu”!

I did the best as I could, the way I saw it. There is a difference in each render.

// CW for minor blood, gun (Spoilers for AA1 Turnabout Goodbyes)

Have you come to laugh?

At the fallen prosecutor?

Merry Almost Christmas to all the folks with Christmas trauma including Miles himself. He really walked so we could run.


Happy 20th anniversary to my favorite gay romance visual novel!!!!

In the past few weeks I’ve gone back to idly thinking about AA when I’m working/bored, and I’ve just… realized how little I care about the original trilogy?

As in, I never think about anything deeper than my experiences playing it and the surface level plot. With AJAA, DD, and SoJ, I’m thinking about AUs, how characters interact outside of what’s shown in-game, tweaks to make the story better, etc etc…

Now, I don’t hate the trilogy- I mean, if you want to play a single AA game (counting DGS/DGS2 as two) I’d still suggest the first game, and I consider said game as one of my top favorites, but it just… doesn’t live in my head rent-free like the “second trilogy” does

Listen,I’m 20 years late to the party but I do not care because these bozo’s matter so much to me.Al


I’m 20 years late to the party but I do not care because these bozo’s matter so much to me.

Also Native Phoenix rights. 
Post link