#aces being homophobic receipts




Happy Asexual Awareness Week

Also it seems that our colors are always associated with villains, why is that?

Because Lavender was initially a lesbian/gay identifying color and all of these villains are actually very clearly gay coded (except Frolo obvs)

I mean seriously. Ursala is LITERALLY based on a drag queen. Stop trying to claim ace oppression using gay characters 

Even Frollo has a fair dose of gay coding, in spite of the sexual frustration regarding Esmerelda.

  • Effeminate mannerisms
  • Delicate features
  • Ostensibly celibate cos Church (granted, in the novel, he’s an Archdeacon, and it’s been an open secret for centuries that many LGBT people entered the Church to deny their nature and avoid persecution)
  • Contrasts with the Manly Man of Phoebus, and to a lesser extent, Quasimodo, the heroes

It’s subtle, especially compared to the rest of the above, and while he’s not listed on TV Tropes’ page for “The Sissy Villain”, he certainly fits MUCH of that description (they even note that this kind of character is actually usually portrayed as “sexually ambiguous,” but sometimes is even written as hetero).
