#actions speak louder than words


Discern the differences

Learn the language. Hear the subtext. There is hidden meaning in both.

The way I view the world today….

I’m a firm believer in intellectual discourse, with studious attention to detail, theoretical research and empirical evidence. Which sadly is lacking, by the overwhelming population, of my fellow countrymen.

A friend in the UK recently said to me, “I fail to understand the overwhelming disparity of education in your country”. Such a carefully veiled and polite way of saying lack of intelligence, wouldn’t you agree

The comment, unfortunately, is substantiated, unarguable, and further proven by the commentary many feel necessary to share with the world at large.

No sector of the world seems sacred anymore, from the professed “authoritarians”.

Criminal and felonious behavior is acceptable. Rudeness and tactlessness “normal”. Compassion without agenda forgotten.

Your station in life, your circumstances, all the excuses at your disposal….remain the same at the end of the day. Excuses.

So if this chastisement hit home… Resonated in some way… of what you’ve seen, heard or even done. Good!

Because it means you still have hope to be part of the cure and not the problem.

In the meantime… I’m going to make aggressive use of the unfollow, unlike & delete button from much of my social media. My platform has always been about acceptability, honesty and integrity. One which I will continue to support and defend vigorously.

Be well my friends.

Actions speak louder than words.

The old adage is true. Do not tell me what you are. Show me.

For your actions speak volumes, louder than any words ever can or will.


Someone might say, “You have faith, but I have deeds.” Show me your faith without doing anything, and I will show you my faith by what I do.
James 2:18 New Century Version

My brother doesn’t say he loves me. But he handed me the paper towel he’d just gotten for himself when I randomly sneezed. 

My brother doesn’t say he loves me. But when everyone was helping me move, he made sure my heavy-ass big box of crystal dishes got down the three flights of stairs in one piece, even though he doesn’t really care about fancy dishes.

He doesn’t say he loves me. But he made sure that when I’ve move I have my route to work planned out with enough time so I won’t be late.

We fight about stupid things that don’t really mean anything, and neither of us mean it, and we’re usually laughing while we do it. 

My brother doesn’t say he loves me, and I’m not sure he ever will. But he doesn’t have to. I’ve heard those words from too many others before and they ended up losing the meaning they once held. 

He doesn’t say he loves me, but he shows it in a lot of little ways and that’s what really matters. I know he’ll always have my back, and I’ll always have his. 

“Labels are for cans, not for people”

How a person looks is usually the first thing we notice about them, but what happens if you meet someone without seeing them? That’s what Coca-Cola Middle East wanted to try when it placed 6 strangers in a dark room and had them meet for the first time in total darkness for their Label Campaign