#actually asd



Participants Needed: Autistic People’s Experiences During The Pandemic and Returning to Face-To-Face Teaching.

Inclusion Psychologists Ltd are currently working on a project exploring how UK university students are coping with Covid-19.

This is part of a wider project exploring how Autistic people are experiencing the pandemic at university and returning to face-to-face teaching.

To participate, you must be a current UK university student, either undergraduate or postgraduate.

Participation should take approximately 15-20 minutes and can be completed on any device.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected]or[email protected].

You can access the study by clicking the link below - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScC08tdJW3y1K-odCEgZVCBbZ1rsBRcx_4SAhPplgLOWPCIZA/viewform

A very interesting looking study for my fellow autistic uni students to take part in if anybody is interested! :)
