#admin hee


Hello, this is Admin Hee. Today’s grammar will be regular conjugation.

Regular conjugation

The regular change of form of predicate in Korean grammar such as verbs and adjectives. At this point the predicate of a clause is the part of it that is not the subject and it consists of a stem and ending.

-Stem : unchanging part of the predicate

보- is the stem of the forms ‘보다’, ‘보니’, ‘보고’

-Ending : changing part

-다. -니, -고 is the ending of the forms ‘보다’, ‘보니’, ‘보고’

1. ‘ㅡ’ Elision  (’ㅡ’ 탈락)

‘ㅡ’ is elided in front of the stem ‘-아/어’, ‘-았/었-’

  • 담그- + -아 = 담가
  • 슬프- + -어 = 슬퍼
  • 아프다 + 아서/어서 = 아파서

Such verbs or adjectives like 끄다, 크다, 바쁘다, 따르다 are examples.

2. ‘ㄹ‘ Elision (’ㄹ’ 탈락)

When the last sound of the stem ‘ㄹ’ meets ‘ㄴ,ㅂ,ㅅ,오’ , it gets elided too.

  • 살- + -는 = 사는
  • 살- + -ㅂ니다 = 삽니다
  • 살- + -오 = 사오

살다, 놀다, 울다, 불다, 얼다, 멀다 and so on are the examples.

Additionally, nouns that ends up with consonant ‘ㄹ’, gets elided when it is combined with ‘ㄴ,ㅅ’ which is the first sound of the next word. This is not about the conjugation of verbs and adjectives but are also called ‘ㄹ’ 탈락.

  • 버들+나무 = 버드나무
  • 솔+나무 = 소나무
  • 딸+님 = 따님

Written by Admin Hee

Edited by Admin Yu

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Long time no see! This is Admin Hee. This time I’m going to tell you about special day in Korea.

Dongjinnal(동짓날) is the 22nd season of the 24th season, with the longest nights and shortest days of the year. Usually it is around December 21 or 22 in solar calendar when the sun is located at 270 degrees southbound of the equator. Also the cold starts to get stronger from this time.

The celebration was so important that it was recognized as the second most important day after Lunar New Year’s Day. This perception made such words like “You’ll get a year older if the winter solstice passes.” or “You have to eat red bean porridge to get one year older. Here we can see what we eat this day.

The picture you see right above is red bean porridge. Boil red beans to make porridge and put something like rice cakes made of glutinous rice and boil them together. Even though family members gathered and ate together, people had more diverse thoughts at that time. For example, they thought the red color of red beans drove away evil spirits. It was also effective in boosting immunity and overcoming the cold.

Like I said above, the celebration was so big this day. Let’s take a look how they celebrated in palace. They hosted a banquet called Hoeryeyon and appointed talented people by conducting the test ; civil service examination called gwageoje.

For ordinary people, they cooked red bean porridge not to get old and not to get sick. Also there was a custom in which daughters-in-low used to make Korean socks to their mother-in-law.

Written by Admin Hee

Edited by Admin Yu

#korean    #culture    #korean culture    #winter    #동지    #동짓날    #admin hee    

유행 - trend

스타일 - style

대중 - public

정장 - suit

청바지 - (blue) jeans

겉옷 - outer clothing

가디건 - cardigan

코트 - coat

스웨터 - sweater

평상복 - casual

운동복 같은 - sporty

소가죽 - cowhide

리넨, 아마 섬유 - linen

예스럽다 - vintage(빈티지)

상징 – logo(로고)

소매 - sleeve

시즌 컬러 - season color

헐렁한 - baggy

(길이가) 무릎까지 오는 - knee-length

초라한 - tacky

슬랙스 - slacks

단화 - loafers

블라우스 - blouse

액세서리 - accessory

보석 - jewel

입다 - put on

Written by Admin Hee

Edited by Admin Yu

대학교 - University 

*Uni (the abbreviation of University)

캠퍼스 - Campus

도서관 - Library

학생 식당 - School Cafeteria

학생 기숙사 - student dormitory / a residential hall for students

학비 - school expenses

시간표 - Timetable 

장학금 - Scholarship

교과서 - Textbook

학점 - Credit (이수단위)

        - Grade(성적)

동아리 - Club

명문대학 - Prestigious university

단과대학 - College

전문대학 - Junior college

대학원 - Graduate school

학사 - College graduate

석사 - Master 

박사 - Doctorate

종강 - Finish a course

전공 - Major

학과 - Department

이력서 - Resume

학생회 - Student council

교수 - Professor

학기 - Semester

- Written by Admin Hee

- Edited by Admin Yu

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