#admin na


직업 Job

의사 Doctor

간호사 Nurse

변호사 Lawyer

검사 Prosecutor

판사 Judge

기자 Reporter

아나운서 Announcer

선생님 Teacher

소방관 Firefighter

기술자 Engineer

미용사 Hairdresser

기업인 Business person

조종사 Pilot

기사 Driver

경찰관 Police

인명구조원 Life guard

우주비행사 Astronaut

배우 Actor

작가 Writer

요리사 Chef

Written by Admin Na

Edited by Admin Yu

Hi! 안녕하세요. This is Admin Na. And today I’m going to talk about the causative expression.

What is the causative expression?

The causative expression is having the subject make another person do a motion or act.


  • Heedo makes Seongyu laugh.: 희도가 선규를 웃긴다.

The causative expression can be divided into two, the derivative causative expression, and the syntactic causative expression. And the derivative causative can be divided again, into a causative verb by the causative expression and a causative verb by ‘-시키다’.

1. Suffix

A causative verb by the causative expression: The stem of a main verb+causative suffix ‘-이-, -히-, -리, -기-, -우-, -구-, -추-’


  • A mother feeds Kyung-soo.: 어머니가 경수에게 밥을 먹인다.
  • Young-mi woke her sleeping sister up.: 영미가 자고 있는 언니를 깨웠다.
  • The mother dressed the child.: 엄마가 아이에게 옷을 입히었다.
  • Young-hee put the baby in a chair.: 영희가 아기를 의자에 앉혔다.
  • Feed a bird for food.: 새에게 모이를 먹이다.
  • Mother Dresses Hee-Leong.: 엄마가 희령이에게 옷을 입히다.
  • The woodcutter hides the deer behind the tree.: 나무꾼이 사슴을 나무 뒤에 숨기다.

2. 시키다

A causative verb by ‘-시키다’: Noun+’-시키다’


  • The police stopped the car.: 경찰이 차를 정지시켰다.
  • The doctor hospitalized Min-Kyung.: 의사가 민경이를 입원시켰다.
  • pollute오염시키다.

3. -게 하다

The syntactic expression, the causative verb by ‘-게 하다’: The stem of a main verb+’-게 하다’


  • My mother made my brother eat.: 어머니께서 동생에게 밥을 먹게 하셨다.
  • The mother made the child wear clothes.: 엄마가 아이에게 옷을 입게 하였다.
  • Hyuna let the bird fly.: 현아가 새를 날게 하였다.
  • To cause to eat.: 먹게 하다.

Causative verb

A verb that indicates that the subject of a sentence does not act on his own, but causes others to act.


  • 속이다
  • 넓히다
  • 울리다
  • 숨기다
  • 피우다
  • 솟구다
  • 늦추다

A ’-이우-’ combination of two causative suffixes makes a causative verb.


  • 재우다
  • 태우다
  • 키우다

Thank you all for reading this post! I really hope this was helpful for you, and always stay safe:D

참조 사진 및 출처

  • 신영균 국어 연구실

-Written by Admin Na

-Edited by Admin Yu

고요하다 Still

조용하다 silent

잠잠하다 calm

고프다 hungry

붉다 red

이러하다 be this way

그러하다 like that

높다 high

낫다 better

예쁘다 pretty

맛있다 delicious

달다 sweet

쓰다 bitter

가볍다 light

기쁘다 glad

아프다 painful

작다 small

착하다 good

이렇다 be like this

저렇다 be like that

어떠하다 be how

- Written by Admin Na

- Edited by Admin Yu

Hi! 안녕하세요. This is Admin Na. And today I’m going to talk about the present tense.

What is the present tense?

The present tense is a tense that coincides with the time when the event occurs.

Pre-final ending ‘-ㄴ-/-는-’: 

Expresses the current tense in combination with verbs.


  • I play basketball with my friends.: 나는 친구들과 농구를 한다.
  • A sleeping baby: 잠을 자는아기
  • He was proud of his father, a doctor.: 그는 의사인 아버지를 자랑스러워했다.
  • Sunwoo drinks water.: 선우는 물을 마신다.
  • Sung Eun is eating.: 성은이가 밥을 먹는다.

No pre-final ending: 

In adjectives or descriptive postposition, the current tense can be expressed without a pre-final ending.


  • The weather is hot today.: 오늘은 날씨가 덥다.
  • My brother is a college student.: 우리 형은 대학생이다.

A modifier form ending ‘-는’: 

Expresses the current tense in combination with verbs.


  • I am looking at my brother who is eating.: 밥을 먹는 동생을 보고 있다.
  • The cup rice that Jimin eats is really delicious.: 지민이가 먹는 컵밥은 정말 맛있다.
  • I’m studying for the exam.: 시험공부 하는나.

A modifier form ending ‘-(으)ㄴ’: 

To express the present tense in combination with adjectives or narrative ending.


  • I feel good when I see pretty flowers.: 예쁜 꽃을 보면 기분이 좋다.
  • Pretty Jimin is coming to the academy.: 예쁜 지민이가 학원에 온다.
  • Minji is a pretty child.: 민지는 예쁜아이이다.

Time adverbs representing the present: 

‘오늘’, ‘지금’ etc.


  • I read a book in the library now.: 나는 지금 도서관에서 책을 읽는다.
  • Jonghee studies hard today.: 종희는 오늘도 열심히 공부를 한다.
  • It’s windy now.: 지금 바람이 분다.
  • The train is leaving now.: 기차가 지금출발한다.


1. What is the present tense?

A: The present tense is a tense that coincides with the time when the event occurs.

2. Write an example that includes the pre-final ending ‘-ㄴ-/-는-’

A: I play basketball with my friends. etc(you can make tons of them!)

3. In adjectives or descriptive postposition, can the current tense be expressed without a pre-final ending?

A: 0

Thank you all for reading this post! I really hope this was helpful for you, and also, there is a previous post of ours introducing the pre-final ending(which would help you understand the Korean present tense more easily)! So if you’re interested, I think you should check it out! Always stay safe:D Jojal-jojal Korea is always pulling for you!!

참조 사진 및 출처

  • 솔빛 국어연구소

-Written by Admin Na

-Edited by Admin Yu

Hi! 안녕하세요. This is Admin Na. And today I’m going to talk about the irregular conjugation.

What is an irregular conjugation? An irregular conjugation is conjugation for an irregular verb.

르 irregular conjugation :

Conjugation in which the ending syllable of stem ‘르’ is changed to 'ㄹㄹ’ before ending ’-아’ and ’-어’.


  • Cut: 가르다(기본형) 갈라, 가르니, 갈랐다(활용형)
  • Climb: 오르다(기본형) 올라, 오르니, 올랐다(활용형)
  • Filter: 거르다(기본형) 걸러, 거르니, 걸렀다(활용형)
  • Call sb’s name: 부르다(기본형) 불러, 부르니, 불렀다(활용형)

ㄷ irregular conjugation: 

Conjugation in which the ending of the stem 'ㄷ’ turns into 'ㄹ’ before the ending with a vowel.


  • Good things happen when you hear the magpie singing.: 까치 노랫소리를 들으면 좋은 일이 생겨요. (들-으면)
  • Good things happen by listening to the magpie singing.: 까치 노랫소리를 들어서 좋은 일이 생겨요. (들-어서)
  • Good things happen to hear the magpie singing.: 까치 노랫소리를 들으려고 좋은 일이 생겨요. (들-으려고)
  • I grew up listening to magpie singing.: 까치 노랫소리를 듣고 자랐습니다. (듣-고)
  • I didn’t hear the magpie singing.: 까치 노랫소리를 듣지 못했습니다. (듣-지)

ㅅ irregular conjugation: 

The use of the stem’s ending sound 'ㅅ’ dropping out before the ending beginning with a vowel.


  • Recover: 낫다(기본형) 낫고, 나아, 나으니(활용형)
  • Draw: 긋다(기본형) 그어, 그으니, 그었다(활용형)
  • Join: 잇다(기본형) 이어, 이으니, 이었다(활용형)
  • Make: 짓다(기본형) 지어, 지으니, 지었다(활용형)
  • Swell: 붓다(기본형) 부어서, 부어야, 부어도(활용형)

Written by Admin Na

Edited by Admin Yu

병원 Hospital

의사 Doctor

간호사 Nurse

주사 Shot

응급상황 Emergency

환자 Patient

진단 Diagnosis

치료 Cure

질병 Illness

예방 Prevention

재활 Rehabilitation

입원 Hospitalization

퇴원 Leave the hospital

의학 Medical science

약 Medicine

약국 Pharmacy

진료 Clinic

병 Disease

세균 Bacteria

바이러스 Virus

응급실 Emergency room

수술 Operation

Written by Admin Na

Edited by Admin Yu
