#korean lesson


안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! Today I have a lesson with a grammar structure you hear pretty often and it yet another way to say “because” in Korean lol. I also made a post on my Instagram about this structure, so go check that out as well! Let’s start!

Here’s the formula for this structure:

  • [verb stem] + 느라고 + [rest of sentence]
  • Note that this can only be used with verbs, not adjectives.
  • I believe the -고 can be dropped with no difference in meaning.

-느라고 is used to explain a reason for a consequence, and this consequence is usually negative. It can also be used in contexts when your doing one action prevents you from doing the other. Let’s look at some examples:

  • 공부하느라고 밤 새웠어요. = I stayed up all night studying.
  • Here, you’re explaining what caused you to stay up all night, which was studying.
  • 숙제를 하느라고 파티에 못 갔어요. = I couldn’t go to the party because I was busy doing homework. 
  • The consequence of your doing homework is not not being able to go to the party. One action, doing homework, prevented you from doing the other, which is going to the party.

Let’s see some more examples!

  • 늦잠을 자느라고 수업에 못 갔어요. = I didn’t go to class because I overslept.
  • 운동하느라고 전화를 못 받았어요. = I was exercising, so I couldn’t pick up your phone call.
  • 일하느라고 바빴어요. = I was busy working.
  • 요리하느라고 힘들었어요. = I was exhausted after cooking. 
  • 야근하느라고 집에 늦게 왔어요. = I came home late because I was working overtime.

That’s about it for this lesson! Hope it was helpful! See you in the next one! 다음에 또 봐요!

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Hi! 안녕하세요. This is Admin Na. And today I’m going to talk about the causative expression.

What is the causative expression?

The causative expression is having the subject make another person do a motion or act.


  • Heedo makes Seongyu laugh.: 희도가 선규를 웃긴다.

The causative expression can be divided into two, the derivative causative expression, and the syntactic causative expression. And the derivative causative can be divided again, into a causative verb by the causative expression and a causative verb by ‘-시키다’.

1. Suffix

A causative verb by the causative expression: The stem of a main verb+causative suffix ‘-이-, -히-, -리, -기-, -우-, -구-, -추-’


  • A mother feeds Kyung-soo.: 어머니가 경수에게 밥을 먹인다.
  • Young-mi woke her sleeping sister up.: 영미가 자고 있는 언니를 깨웠다.
  • The mother dressed the child.: 엄마가 아이에게 옷을 입히었다.
  • Young-hee put the baby in a chair.: 영희가 아기를 의자에 앉혔다.
  • Feed a bird for food.: 새에게 모이를 먹이다.
  • Mother Dresses Hee-Leong.: 엄마가 희령이에게 옷을 입히다.
  • The woodcutter hides the deer behind the tree.: 나무꾼이 사슴을 나무 뒤에 숨기다.

2. 시키다

A causative verb by ‘-시키다’: Noun+’-시키다’


  • The police stopped the car.: 경찰이 차를 정지시켰다.
  • The doctor hospitalized Min-Kyung.: 의사가 민경이를 입원시켰다.
  • pollute오염시키다.

3. -게 하다

The syntactic expression, the causative verb by ‘-게 하다’: The stem of a main verb+’-게 하다’


  • My mother made my brother eat.: 어머니께서 동생에게 밥을 먹게 하셨다.
  • The mother made the child wear clothes.: 엄마가 아이에게 옷을 입게 하였다.
  • Hyuna let the bird fly.: 현아가 새를 날게 하였다.
  • To cause to eat.: 먹게 하다.

Causative verb

A verb that indicates that the subject of a sentence does not act on his own, but causes others to act.


  • 속이다
  • 넓히다
  • 울리다
  • 숨기다
  • 피우다
  • 솟구다
  • 늦추다

A ’-이우-’ combination of two causative suffixes makes a causative verb.


  • 재우다
  • 태우다
  • 키우다

Thank you all for reading this post! I really hope this was helpful for you, and always stay safe:D

참조 사진 및 출처

  • 신영균 국어 연구실

-Written by Admin Na

-Edited by Admin Yu

Hi! This is Admin Yu. Today’s grammar lesson will be on passive voice in Korean.

1. Passive Suffix

Passive verbs can be made by using passive suffixes -이/히/리/기-

  • 보다(to see) → 보다(to be seen)
  • 묻다(to bury) → 묻다(to be buried)
  • 물다(to bite) → 물다(to be bitten)
  • 쫓다(to chase) → 쫓다(to be chased)

The stem(어간) of passive verb includes the passive suffix! So when you conjugate the verb, you don’t have to change the suffix since stem is the part that doesn’t change.

경찰이 도둑을 잡다(The police catch a thief) → 도둑이 경찰에게 잡다(A thief be caught by the police)
경찰이 도둑을 잡았다(The police caught a thief) → 도둑이 경찰에게 잡었다/잡다(A thief was caught by the police)
바다가 보는 방(room where sea can be seen = room with sea view)
산에 묻힌 보물(treasure buried in the mountain)

2. –어지다

‘-어지다’ can make passive voice.

  • 만들다(to make) → 만들어지다(to be made)
  • 이루다(to accomplish) → 이루어지다(to be accomplished)
  • 지우다(to erase) → 지워지다(to be erased)
  • 뒤집다(to turn over) → 뒤집어지다(to be turned over)

내 꿈이 이루어졌다(My dream came true)
워진 기록(erased record)

3. -되다, -당하다

Noun + ‘-되다, -당하다’ can make passive voice.

  • 결정(decision) → 결정되다(to be decided)
  • 발견(discovery) → 발견되다(to be discovered)
  • 가공(processing) → 가공되다(to be processed)
  • 감염(infection) → 감염되다(to be infected)
  • 계획(plan) → 계획되다(to be planned)
  • 취소(cancel) → 취소되다(to be canceled)

대통령이 당선었다(The president was elected)
파티가 취소었다(The party was canceled)

  • 고문(torture) → 고문당하다(to be tortured)
  • 무시(ignorance) → 무시당하다(to be ignored)

그 아이는 부모에게 무시당했다(The child was ignored by his parents)

I hope this grammar lesson helped!

-Written and edited by Admin Yu

Hello! This is Admin Sun here. Today I’ll teach you how to conjugate verbs in future tense. There are a lot of ways to make your verbs into future tense, and today I’ll be covering them one by one.

1. -겠-

By using this pre-final ending (*Lesson on pre-final endings by Admin Na can be found here) you can refer to a future event. Being future tense, this pre-final ending can also imply assumption. This is the most widely used pre-final ending to express future tense.


  • 내일 나는 민희를 만나러 가다.  (Today I will go meet 민희)
  • 오늘 오후에는 서울에 비가 오습니다. (This afternoon it will rain in Seoul)

2. -리- 

This is also a pre-final ending you can use. It’s a bit archaic and not used in common speech that much. 


  • 내일 내가 다시 오라 (I will come back tomorrow)

3. –(으)ㄹ

This is an adnominal ending (Introduced here by admin Hyun) that can express future tense. 


  • 그녀는 내일 떠 사람이다. (She is a person who will leave tomorrow)
  • 이것은 다음주에 내가 읽 책이다. (This is the book I will read next week)

4. –(으)ㄹ 것

This is a combination of the adnominal ending introduced above and the noun ‘것’. This is a widely used combination to express future tense.


  • 그 문제는 선생님께서 해결할 것이다. (The teacher will handle that problem)
  • 내일도 꽃은 아름다울 것이다. (The flowers will be beautiful tomorrow too.)

5. Adverbs that express future tense

This is the last of future tense I’ll talk about today, and it’s really important, and quite simple. You basically use words that indicate the future like 내일 (tomorrow)and곧 (Soon). Of course, since you use these words when it’s future tense, it’s important to conjugate the verbs to match the future tense. So you will use these words that indicate future tense with the verb conjugating patterns I introduced to you above.


  • 내일 눈이 내릴 것이다. (Snow will fall tomorrow)
  • 나는 병원에 가다. (I will go to the hospital soon)

Well that’s it for today’s lesson! I hope this was of some help to you :D

-Written by Admin Sun

-Edited by Admin Yu

Hi! 안녕하세요. This is Admin Na. And today I’m going to talk about the present tense.

What is the present tense?

The present tense is a tense that coincides with the time when the event occurs.

Pre-final ending ‘-ㄴ-/-는-’: 

Expresses the current tense in combination with verbs.


  • I play basketball with my friends.: 나는 친구들과 농구를 한다.
  • A sleeping baby: 잠을 자는아기
  • He was proud of his father, a doctor.: 그는 의사인 아버지를 자랑스러워했다.
  • Sunwoo drinks water.: 선우는 물을 마신다.
  • Sung Eun is eating.: 성은이가 밥을 먹는다.

No pre-final ending: 

In adjectives or descriptive postposition, the current tense can be expressed without a pre-final ending.


  • The weather is hot today.: 오늘은 날씨가 덥다.
  • My brother is a college student.: 우리 형은 대학생이다.

A modifier form ending ‘-는’: 

Expresses the current tense in combination with verbs.


  • I am looking at my brother who is eating.: 밥을 먹는 동생을 보고 있다.
  • The cup rice that Jimin eats is really delicious.: 지민이가 먹는 컵밥은 정말 맛있다.
  • I’m studying for the exam.: 시험공부 하는나.

A modifier form ending ‘-(으)ㄴ’: 

To express the present tense in combination with adjectives or narrative ending.


  • I feel good when I see pretty flowers.: 예쁜 꽃을 보면 기분이 좋다.
  • Pretty Jimin is coming to the academy.: 예쁜 지민이가 학원에 온다.
  • Minji is a pretty child.: 민지는 예쁜아이이다.

Time adverbs representing the present: 

‘오늘’, ‘지금’ etc.


  • I read a book in the library now.: 나는 지금 도서관에서 책을 읽는다.
  • Jonghee studies hard today.: 종희는 오늘도 열심히 공부를 한다.
  • It’s windy now.: 지금 바람이 분다.
  • The train is leaving now.: 기차가 지금출발한다.


1. What is the present tense?

A: The present tense is a tense that coincides with the time when the event occurs.

2. Write an example that includes the pre-final ending ‘-ㄴ-/-는-’

A: I play basketball with my friends. etc(you can make tons of them!)

3. In adjectives or descriptive postposition, can the current tense be expressed without a pre-final ending?

A: 0

Thank you all for reading this post! I really hope this was helpful for you, and also, there is a previous post of ours introducing the pre-final ending(which would help you understand the Korean present tense more easily)! So if you’re interested, I think you should check it out! Always stay safe:D Jojal-jojal Korea is always pulling for you!!

참조 사진 및 출처

  • 솔빛 국어연구소

-Written by Admin Na

-Edited by Admin Yu

A tense is a grammatical category that represents the temporal position of a situation based on a point in time. The tense is divided into ‘past-present-future’ depending on the relationship between 발화시(the time of speech) and 사건시(when the action or condition appears).

Past tense is a time expression in which event time precedes speech. The past tense is mainly realized by 선어말 어미 ‘-았-/-었-’.


-나는 저번 주에 떡볶이를 먹었다.(I had 떡볶이 last week.)

=> ‘What I ate 떡볶이’ happened before ‘talking about what i ate 떡볶이’.

=> 먹다(basic form) + ‘-었-’(선어말 어미) = 먹었다

-철수는 어제 영희와 놀았다.(철수 played with 영희 yesterday.)

=> ‘What Chul-soo played with Young-hee’ happened before ‘talking about what 철수 played with 영희’.

=> 놀다(basic form) + ‘-았-’(선어말 어미) = 놀았다

It is sometimes used in the form of ‘-았었/-었었-’ to express that something happened a long time ago or is not the case now. Use ‘-더-’ to recall past events or experiences.


-철수는 전에는 당근을 먹었었다.(철수 used to eat carrots.)

=> 철수 used to eat carrots, but he doesn’t eat them now.

=> 먹다(basic form) + ‘-었었-’(선어말 어미) = 먹었었다

-어제 영희가 준 사과가 맛있더라.(The apple that 영희 gave me yesterday was delicious.)

=> The speaker recalls that the apples given by 영희 in the past were delicious.

=> 맛있다(basic form) + ‘-더-’(선어말 어미) = 맛있더라

when using in as 관형사절(adnominal clause), 관형사형 어미(an adnominal form ending)‘-(으)ㄴ’and‘-던’ is used for verbs, and ‘-던’ is used for 형용사(adjective) and ‘이다’. You can also add ’-았/었-’ followed by ’-던/었.’


-식탁 위에 내가 먹은/먹던/먹었던 빵이 있었다.(There was bread I ate on the table./There was the bread I was eating on the table./There was bread I had eaten on the table.

-철수는푸르던 하늘을 떠올렸다.(철수 recalled the blue sky.)

-그 때는 영희가 학생이던/학생이었던 시절이다.(That was when Young-hee was a student.)

- Written by Admin Do

-Edited by Admin Yu

Here are some nouns and verbs that are used together or go well together!

*All verbs below are in original form(dictionary form)

한숨을 쉬다 : to sigh

한숨 : ⓝ sigh

소원을 빌다 : to make a wish

소원을 이루다 : to make a wish come true

소원 :  ⓝ wish

약속을 지키다 : to keep a promise

약속을 어기다 : to break a promise

약속 :  ⓝ promise

전화를 걸다 : to make a phone call

전화를 받다 : to pick up the phone

전화를 끊다 : to hang up

전화 :  ⓝ telephone

마법을 걸다 : to cast a spell(magic)

마법 :  ⓝ magic

소리를 지르다 : to scream

소리 :  ⓝ sound

노래를 부르다 : to sing

노래 :  ⓝ song

대가를 치르다 : to pay the price

대가 :  ⓝ cost, price

시험을 보다 : to take a test

시험 :  ⓝ test

코를 골다 : to snore

코 :  ⓝ nose

신발을 신다 : to put on shoes

양말을 신다 : to put on socks

신발 :  ⓝ shoes

양말 :  ⓝ socks

책을 펴다 : to open a book

책 :  ⓝ book

꿈을 꾸다 : to dream

꿈 :  ⓝ dream

싸움을 걸다 : to pick a fight

싸움을 말리다 : to break up a fight

싸움 :  ⓝ fight

-Written and edited by Admin Yu

learn korean

hi i previously made a post about learning korean the “lazy way” so i was thinking about making one about the “cute way”

what do u think??? do u want me to make the post? pls lemme know!!

learn korean : the lazy way

you may have already been in that situation where you’re trying to communicate with a native korean via texts but somehow aren’t able to distinguish some words because they’re written a certain way. well as well as in english or any other languages korean also has its lazy way of using it. we’ll see some words in their correct form and then in their “lazy/text” form.

이렇게 (like this) : 이러케

그렇게 (like that) : 그러케

어떻게 (how) : 어떠케, 어

왜 이/그렇게 (why are u so…) : 왤케

그렇구나 (i see) : 그구나

~고 싶다 (to want) : 고시퍼

귀엽다 (to be cute) :

  • conjugated : 귀여워->기어워/여워,워/

괜찮아 (its okay) : 괜차나,갠차나

싫어 (to hate) : 시러

맞아 (to be right, correct) : 마자

전화 (phone) : 저나


미안해 (to be sorry) : 미아내, 먄

ㄱㄱ (고고) : let’s go

ㄴㄴ (노노) : no

ㄷㅊ (닥쳐) : shut up

ㅇㅋ (오키) : okay

ㅂㅇ (바이) : bye

ㅎㅇ (하이) : hi

ㅇㅈ (인정) : i admit

ㄱㅅ (감사) : thanks

“today’s korean”

hey yall~~

i’m planning on starting kind of a serie of posts with no specific subjects ; i’ll just be discussing random things i discover or learn such as words, expressions, grammar points etc.. when i feel like i have stuff to share with u and that could be useful!hope you’ll like it!^^

korean learning chat

hello everyone! i had some trouble w my kkt account so it removed me from the korean learning chat i created. i created a new one so please join this one instead of the old one ^^ thanks! https://open.kakao.com/o/g2oSB5Y

how to : multiple verbs sentences in korean

helloooooo. so in this post i will be explaining you all how to use multiple verbs in the same sentence.

before learning this, make sure you already kinda master how to conjugate verbs in past, present and future tenses and also know how to use basic sentence structure:)

it will look like Verb stem+고+Verb

-고 is added to verbs you want to link together in order to form your sentence

a simple way to say “and” is using the word “그리고” :

“학교에 갔어요. 그리고 친구랑 만났어요.”

i went to school. and i met with friends.

but let’s say you want to say something like :

“i am studying and listening to music”

공부하고 음막을 들어요

  • present tense:

먹다 = 먹-다 = 먹+하고 = 먹고 “eat and…”

말하다 = 말하다-다 = 말하+고 = 말하고 “talk and…”

보다 = 보다-다 = 보+고 = 보고 “see and…”

  • past tense :

읽다 = 읽었다-다 = 읽었+고 = 읽었고 “read and…”

좋아하다 = 좋아했다-다 = 좋아했+고 = 좋아했고 “liked and…”

배우다 = 배웠다-다 = 배웠+고 = 배웠고 “learned and…”

  • future tense :

노래하다 = 노래할 거+고 = 노래할 거고 “i will sing and…”

찍다 = 찍을 거+고 = 찍을 거고 “i will take a picture and…”

보다 = 볼 거+고 = 볼 거고 “i will see and…”

  • more examples :

- “i cooked and ate”

요리했고 먹었어요

- “what are you up to?”

  뭐하고 지내요?

  “i’m doing well and working”

  잘 지내고 일해요

- “i went shopping and watched a movie”

   쇼핑하러 갔고 영화를 봤어요


Weekly Verb

달리다 - To run


달렸어요 - Past

달려요 - Present

달리고 있어요 - Present progressive

달릴 거예요 - Future


저한테 불만 있어요?
Do you have a problem with me?

더는 못 참겠어요.
I can’t take it anymore.

말하고 싶지 않아요.
I don’t want to talk.

제발, 지금은 저를 좀 내버려 두세요.
Please, just leave me alone.

저한테 투정 좀 그만 부리세요.
Stop whining at me.

그런 말도 안 되는 소리 집어치워요.
Would you please shut up.

요즘 일이 안 풀려서 죽을 맛이에요.
It seems like everything’s going wrong these days.


korean kitchen themed vocab part.2

 음식 · food

저녁을 만들다 · to cook diner

아침 식사 · breakfast

점심 · lunch

후식 · dessert 

요리책 · cookbook

성분 · ingredient

소금 · salt

짜다 · to be salty

후추 · pepper

기름 · oil

설탕 · sugar

달다 · To be sweet

레몬 · lemon

우유 · milk

물 · water

계란 · egg

버터 · butter

중력분 · flour

바닐라 익스트랙 · vanilla extract

식용색소 · food coloring

굽다 · to bake

빵 · bread

케이크 · cake

맛보다 · to taste

맛있는 · yummy

레시피 · recipe

요리사 · cookchef

요리 · cuisine

 요리하다 · To cook

맵다 · To be spicy 



사탕 지팡이 - Candy cane

크리스마스 - Christmas

꼬마 요정 - Elf

과자집 - Gingerbread house

메리 크리스마스 - Merry Christmas 

겨우살이 - Mistletoe 

북극 - North Pole

선물 - Present

순록 - Reindeer

산타 클로스 - Santa Claus

- Snow

눈사람 - Snowman

크리스마스 양말 - Stocking

How To Learn Korean Online For FreeThere are a lot of ways to go about learning how to speak Korean

How To Learn Korean Online For Free

There are a lot of ways to go about learning how to speak Korean or any language, and some of them can be very expensive. There are $200 language programs on CD Rom or classroom lessons that take up extra time to travel to and from class, on top of the high cost.

But for those of us on a budget with busy schedules,  it may not be feasible to put money into expensive programs or tutors. Adding that to the cost of college tuition or homeschooling curriculum can render it unavailable to many…

Read more here.

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