#admin talks


Sad in order for venom to have a solo series they had to make him a “heroic” character because they still have this mindset that villains dont sell or cant be interesting protagonists of their own story.

Venom was never ment to be nice. A good man deep down as brock truly is,as he truly does care bout people. But eddie brock aka venom was never ment to be a hero. Ever.

Sad marvel lost the faith in the character and trashed him for many years after lethal protector.

Lethal protector was the last good comics for venom for me. I gave up after that.

I just still for many years for the life of me. Dont understand how they can fuck up such a complex but easy to understand character.

Less is more when it comes to venom. And i think that mostly peoples issues.

Part of venoms appeal to me personally was his sinister nature and the fact he does care but in his own twisted way.

He was sympathetic enough. They didn’t need to go any further than he had a crappy childhood,he has a split personality disorder and other mental issues,and he was crucified for getting one story wrong and pressured by the press even tho he wasn’t sure bout his story. It was raw,and real and didn’t need any other drama n crap than that.

They tried to make venom too much. And thats where it turns me off. And also many others. Venom is best handled when its subtle and in small doses. Like well….venom. lol.

Im just saying it pains me to see one of most beloved characters still being played as a mockery of himself.

He’s cant ever be a good guy. But he’s not a true villain. Not to me at least.

He’s not quite a true antihero or antivillain

He’s more of a byronic character. He knows what he does is wrong but he finds it as a necessary evil to stop spiderman or at very least one up spiderman by “lethally protecting” those he personally deems “innocent”.

Eddie brock aka venom. When you do this character you need to do him like a dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde type deal.

None of this pointless,fetishizing ship crap with his living,parasitic,alien,suit that became his second personality. Literally a part of him. His shadow.

This is not hard to understand. It really isn’t.

So thats why i took it upon myself to write about venom. THE REAL VENOM. How he should be.

Edward charles-allan brock. Eddie brock. Venom. Is a character that is deeply resonating in my childhood and near and dear to my heart.

I want him to be done justice. And since nobody else is doing it. I am.

Psa warning

Again if you ship and or like this symbrock crap.



Its gross and fetishizing and toxic.

If you support symbrock. Dont follow me or reblog my stuff. Thank you.

Soo here’s the face reveal for the 1,000 followers, low key forgot to post it haha. Hopefully more content will be out tomorrow, I keep getting distracted by the Sims and actual life duties.


I just barely realized I reached 1,013 followers while I was gone??? Holy shit?? Well, Um, As promised, I could do a face reveal if you guys want?

I’m back!

Hi everyone! I’m so sorry I’ve been so absent, I went to Italy for about two weeks and graduated, so I got a little busy! I’m going to be posting the stories for the giveaway winners soon! And I’ll be responding to the asks and such asap!


I’ve never made a comic or fan art in my life, but I watched Aquamarine and I just HAD to.


Lucio doesn’t deserve love…he needs it.

Before you grab the torches and pitchforks, hear me out!

Lucio has done many bad things in his life. He was cruel and self-centered to the point the other Mains couldn’t really stand him. True, the people adored him for his generosity and his parties, but what happens when you set off his temper? No doubt everyone knows a number of his past crimes!

He doesn’t deserve love, but he does needit.

Yes, he did all those things but only because he knows nothing else! He grew up in a warring tribe that seemed to heavily practice some serious Darwinism (“Survival of the Fittest”). There is even evidence of this in a memory he has in Dawn of the Grub.

Lutz made sure Montag understood that and it appears to have stuck verywell.

Naturally, this is no excuse for everything he has done, but we all have to understand this is his culture! This was the world he was born into. It is true that you can take a “savage” out of the tribe, but you can’t take the tribe out of the “savage”. It’s instilled in him! He had to breathe, eat, and drink that reality for eighteen years and then even more so when he became a mercenary on his own!

No. His actions do not make him deserving of love, but his constant seeking of approval and attention is a desperate cry for help whether he admits it or not! Someone has to show him compassion and sympathy for him to understand what it even is, only then can he grasp the full depth of what all he’s done. When that hits him, he’s going to need someone there to help him through the transition.

Someone he can trust to be honest and patient with him as he tries to grow. He needs someone there for him to teach him and show him how to go about the world in a different way than what he knows.

Even we can see that he’s not a completely heartless person when you pay attention to Heart Hunter.

He just needs a firm loving hand to show him a better path to the things he desires in life. All honesty, I think once he has that attention and unconditional love, things like wealth and status are going to seem very empty to him. They are just things he thought to surround himself with in hopes of others liking him and making himself feel like somebody! If he can be a spirit with nothing to his existence except his own being, and someone accepts him as just him…then what was the point of all that crap?

That’s not to say he’d happily give up the life of luxury easily. Who knows though? The Devs have surprised me before.

Though yes, he doesn’t deserve it…he needs it. I, for one, am willing to give him a shot because everyone deserves that chance to be shown another road to happiness.

I’m ready, Goatman!!

Dark Bonus: Holy crap, the Devs did a foreshadowing and we never noticed. Oh, my poor Count. That’s not right.

I 100% feel the same way. Honestly at times, I wonder if lucio even realizes that he’s in the wrong; since he was raised this way, his sense of right and wrong is more likely than not super fucked up.

Also, something I just wanted to add that I’ve been thinking about;

During Juliens route, we find out that Lucio force fed him a plague beetle. Now, I for one was so upset and angry with this, and almost wrote off lucio entirely in my book. But then I started thinking about it more. Most plague victims died within a day or two right? And it supposedly is horridly painful and the worst experience ever. Lucio had the plague for months, and if they hadn’t done the ritual, it’s likely that the wyrm never would have let the plague kill him, he would have had to suffer through it for the rest of his life. All of the pain, and suffering he had been going through for months was probably like torture; which I imagine made lucio begin to go a little a lot insane. Insane enough to give the plague to the doctor that was trying to cure it. (Not to mention that they were going to perform the ritual like the next day)

But yeah, that’s just my little contribution to this post.
