

Haven’t posted here in a while. But I’m only posting to share a cute thing i made.

Still love Eddie brock aka venom.

But i just hate the fans. Can’t stand these people.

But anyways here is some cute art i made.

Used a base. Enjoy.

I swear to god there are literally no real venom fans out here.

Only newbies and movieverse humpers.

Talking to these people is like talking to a brick wall.

This one person just lost my respect. I thought they was cool but it turns out they a noob who knows jack shit.

I have even calmly told them everything there is to understand and know bout eddie brock aka venom. All the good the bad and the ugly.

And they still dont get it.

Not to mention they don’t understand that venom isn’t a nice dude. Good man deep down like i have said before. He does care deeply for children and women. Especially mothers.

But that doesn’t mean he isn’t an asshole. But its ok to like assholes. Its ok to like villains. Its ok to like complex morally questionable characters.

God not everyone need to be friends and happy kumbaya in order to have character development.

Also not everyone needs to be in a relationship and fuck everyone either.

All these things i have explained to this person and they still wanna be a dense douchewaffle and not listen to a damn word im trying to inform them on.

So i just blocked them just gonna be done with it.

Unless you know your shit. Dont talk to me. I will immediately block you and avoid you. Im done dealing with people like that.

Mcu isn’t marvel cinematic universe.

Its starkverse.

Tony stark isnt that important or all that.

Sure interesting character. And neat.

But making him out to be some big and grand thing like hes jesus or some shit is fucking terrible,stupid and not to mention fucks over all the other characters.

Sorry i don’t care for ironman anymore.

He can stay dead and where he belongs.

Far the fuck away from the other characters. Especially spiderman.

arttrampbelle: My cosplays for awa 2019 #awa #awa2019 #awahalloween #cosplay #selfie #bodypositivity


My cosplays for awa 2019
#awa #awa2019 #awahalloween #cosplay #selfie #bodypositivity #feelingoodaf

Gonna be doin my venom Mrs.Brock cosplay

And my tiger neko cosplay.

If you know me let me know and dont be afraid to say hi.

Just please be kind and respectful. And let me know what your blog name or tag/tumblr/pen name is and let me know so i can find you on here. What’s left of here that is

I’ll be sure to take pictures too.

Stay venomous kiddies. Hope to see you at awa.

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If your gonna be a sassy dickwad to me and not have a real conversation. You will be blocked.

I have no time for childish people with their crap.

Most of these people read one fucking panel and think they know everything there is to know bout a character.

But they haven’t actually read their beginnings. And truly studied the characters.

Thats why i cant fucks with these new age spiderman and venom fans.

They dont know shit and they never will.

All they care bout is shipping and a fake status.

I dont mind self shipping,i actually prefer that over canon and its a lot more interesting and i enjoy it. But its almost to a point where i don’t even wanna do the things i actually enjoy.

I hate marvel fans and the fake fans too.

Every day comes a closer day where im gonna be like fuck marvel and its fans and just go back to making my own stories and shit and be done with it.

It hurts that people gotta be jackasses when i actually point out something that is problematic.

Guess that meteor cant come any sooner.

People get in their feelings whenever i point out the truth.

They wanna get mad because their precious ship is toxic af and also built on misogyny,fetishism,and crap writers who care nothing more than that of a quick buck.

If anyone actually took the time to truly study an analyze the character. Then they would understand.

But they don’t.

Its ok tho.

Let em cry and throw a bitch fit bout me.

These shippers have no brains.

Literally are garbage pieces of shit.

I said i liked their art even if it was shippy shit i didnt like.

Eddie isnt gay.

He had a wife. He had a girlfriend.

Both were treated like garbage.

They made eddie into an incel. They keep bringing up a shitty comic in the 90s that if you actually fucking read it

Its hella cringey and incel like.

Its not good. Its garbage.

They fetishize the crap outta the character.

They dont actually care bout the lgbt community. They only want wank material because they have no life.

If they didnt they would see how toxic that ship is . How bad it is. And how dumb it is. And how much it doesn’t make sense.

If they paid a damn bit attention to how they treated anne weying and beck. Then they would see marvel comics wanted to trash brock to kill him off an have an excuse to.

That actually the reason why they wanted to make carnage. Seriously look it up.

Eddie has shown no interest in men or guys that way. Ever. Period.

But for you to come at me in your feelings about me correcting you on something. Not even being rude about it. And also liking your art even tho it aint my usual taste.

Says more about this person then me.

But what do i expect from deviantart.

I said to the dude. If you wanna fuck brock thats different. But dont project your insecurities about not getting laid on the character or others.

Sad to say he was this white gay dude who got way too into his feewings. Bro needs to go on tinder and leave.

I have actually fucking studied this character top to bottom inside and out.

And the behind the scenes crap they pulled with the character.

So yeah.

Dude mad butthurt he fave aint gay.

Its ok. Not everyone has to be gay for you to be attracted to them. Maybe instead of thinking with your dick maybe you should think with your head buddy and actually fucking do some research on the character. Instead of pulling a shitty run out your ass to only serve as your wank material. ☕

Again i have no time for these children.

These shippers n shit will never cease to amaze me on how stupid they are.


☕️ ☕️ ☕️

Didnt screw over spiderman my ass. Disney made the mcu spiderman a rip off of miles and made him into ironboy jr and disney is too worried bout making everyone into Disney princesses and princes n dance n happy animal sidekicks instead of what they are. Superheroes.

90% of their fans haven’t even touched a real comic. And think they know everything bout Marvel’s comics.

Disney is a greedy corporation that sucks the joy n life out of everything it Touches.

Happiest place on earth my Eddie brock loving ass.

I’d rather have it in sonys mediocre hands than disneys evil monopoly ever again.

Regardless of how people feel about the whole spiderman thing.

You knew it was gonna happen.

Also monopolies like disney and corporations like sony dont care bout fans.

They care bout money.

You should know this by now.

You fell for the trap. I have been saying this shit for years. Years!

Its cool if you like something. Even if i personally may not like the same thing or someone else doesn’t like what you like.

But dont blindly worship shit. And people have given valid criticism on both sony and Disneys crap.

Marvel’s soul lays in its comics and they haven’t been good since the 90s. Cuz nobody is reading. Period. They are all on their phones with memes n other shit.

I love memes but i also love to read and immerse myself in a rich story.

And the art of storytelling is lost. Especially in comics.

My point is. Don’t shit on others who point out vaild reasons why sony and disney is stupid. And the way they handled spiderman over the years was bad on both ends.

Bottom line is Disney is greedy and sony is stupid and reckless. (Because disney wanted almost all the profits and money sony made from spiderman over the years. Even before their joint share contract with the mcu. Sony wasnt having it. Which id be pissed too)

But if it means spiderman being on his own and in his own damn story and getting his origins told like it supposed to be. And maybe even miles taking the reigns. Its fine by me.

But sony gets no love from me for fucking up venom twice.

Into the spiderverse was the only good thing sony made in a long time. And that was animated.

And peter parker/spiderman wasn’t even truly the main star. Miles was.

Again this is my two cents.

Im tired of people coming at me or others for this vaild criticism in the comicbook nerds/spiderman fans circle.

Im also tired of seeing and hearing people whine n bitch.

Crazy mcu fans and stans. These people swear that the only thing valid is the mcu movies. Nothing else exists to them and they dont even read the comics,watch the cartoons,or any other things outside starkverse(because lets face it thats what it was)

I didnt care for sonys spiderman movies either. They were either rushed or had terrible writing. The mcu had both. And made the character have to rely on others instead of standing on their own two feet. They can’t write solo stories. And everyone is like its a disney musical,happy get along pals. Thats not how it works. Thats not how they are. Most heroes and even villains were nasty af to each other in the comics. If y'all was comicbook fans you would know this.

This is just my two cents.

My personal opinions and thoughts.

Again i wont ever care for nor give a damn bout either company. Spiderman movies are dead to me cept for into the spiderverse.

Into the spiderverse is literally the only thing i enjoy and am like forward to.

Other than that. Nope.

Gonna stick with my og comics. And the amazing spiderman with the venom archs up till the end of lethal protector series. Because after the lethal protector series i completely cut off venoms comics and stuff.

Minus the chocolate eating thing. That was silly and innocent enough to keep. But everything else can die in a garbage fire.

Spiderman however. Sadly. Will never be done right. And same goes for venom.

Other characters maybe. But those two babe. Never will be done justice.

arttrampbelle: Playin around with my figure.Lol.#venom #eddiebrock #venomactionfigure #marvel #e


Playin around with my figure.
#venom #eddiebrock #venomactionfigure #marvel #eddiebrockfigure #bafvenom #bafeddiebrock

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arttrampbelle: It’s here! Mah baby!Ahhhhh! I love it so much ❤ The only other one i want next is c


It’s here! Mah baby!
Ahhhhh! I love it so much ❤
The only other one i want next is carnage.
#venom #eddiebrock #venomactionfigure #legendsfigure #bafvenom #hessuchababeiloveit

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arttrampbelle: Got him out. Yay!The main figure,the head and shoulder tendrils. And the baf monste


Got him out. Yay!
The main figure,the head and shoulder tendrils. And the baf monster venom leg. And of course me holding mah baby!
The figure is really good. I love the way it looks. Its a pretty standard figure. Bit hard on the articulation. Gotta be careful. But its not super bad. The paint is good. Very classy.
Brock looks amazing imo. Easy to remove and switch head.
Highly recommend getting this if your a classic venom fan. Huge fan of Eddie brock. Love playing with figures or even just collecting them. Much love.
One thing i really enjoy from marvel is their figures.
#venom #eddiebrock #bafvenom #legendsfigure #mahbaby #marvel #actionfigures #venomactionfigure #birthdaypresents

Post link

Made eddie on picrew.me

Not the best. But not terrible.

(He’s blushing cuz he saw my butt)



God I still think maybe my favorite comic moment is when Symby is running around fighting crime as Spider-Man when Peter is asleep because it doesn’t know yet that’s bad for Peter. And like, some lady says “I love you, Spider-Man!” and Symby, who at the time does not have a strong grasp of human language and definitely cannot talk while Peter is asleep is just like….

“Oh shit. Oh crap what does that mean? Oh man she’s looking at me like she expects something. Oh god. Quick, what would my host do? Oh man that one lady said that once then my host and her did like….a mouth smooshy thing? DO I HAVE TO DO THE MOUTH SMOOSHY THING? IS THAT WHAT’S EXPECTED OF ME RIGHT NOW? Oh god oh geez oh man uh……here…..we….go…I…….guuuueeessssss….” and kind of awkwardly leans in and she’s like “No, like a brother! Or friend.”

and Symby is just like

“………….I have no idea what that means but I think it might mean I got out of doing the face smoosh thing. I’m….I’m just gonna go back home to my chair now that’s enough human interaction for me for tonight, I think.”


I don’t remember the issue but here’s the main page from it:


I admit I inferred a lot of the symbiote’s inner dialogue from it’s blank and somewhat terrified expression in the second panel.

Remember tho. The symbiote only feeds off its hosts emotions. It itself does not feel these complexities that humans do.

Remember this shit aint a sexual or romantic relationship. (Please stop that crap. Stop sexualizing and being human centric with an alien parasite goop)

Its only doing what is needed to survive and to give its host what it needs. Thats it.

This is hilarious tho none the less.




Please. You will not be disappointed. This is the character i fell for. This is the venom i miss.

Please read. Its good for you.

Hell just read. Even if its online books. Not even comics.

I just want people to understand the importance of reading. Especially reading and having those critical thinking skills.

The brainstorming processes.

Its important as a content creator,artist,and or writer.

Please never stop reading. Never stop creating.

Sad in order for venom to have a solo series they had to make him a “heroic” character because they still have this mindset that villains dont sell or cant be interesting protagonists of their own story.

Venom was never ment to be nice. A good man deep down as brock truly is,as he truly does care bout people. But eddie brock aka venom was never ment to be a hero. Ever.

Sad marvel lost the faith in the character and trashed him for many years after lethal protector.

Lethal protector was the last good comics for venom for me. I gave up after that.

I just still for many years for the life of me. Dont understand how they can fuck up such a complex but easy to understand character.

Less is more when it comes to venom. And i think that mostly peoples issues.

Part of venoms appeal to me personally was his sinister nature and the fact he does care but in his own twisted way.

He was sympathetic enough. They didn’t need to go any further than he had a crappy childhood,he has a split personality disorder and other mental issues,and he was crucified for getting one story wrong and pressured by the press even tho he wasn’t sure bout his story. It was raw,and real and didn’t need any other drama n crap than that.

They tried to make venom too much. And thats where it turns me off. And also many others. Venom is best handled when its subtle and in small doses. Like well….venom. lol.

Im just saying it pains me to see one of most beloved characters still being played as a mockery of himself.

He’s cant ever be a good guy. But he’s not a true villain. Not to me at least.

He’s not quite a true antihero or antivillain

He’s more of a byronic character. He knows what he does is wrong but he finds it as a necessary evil to stop spiderman or at very least one up spiderman by “lethally protecting” those he personally deems “innocent”.

Eddie brock aka venom. When you do this character you need to do him like a dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde type deal.

None of this pointless,fetishizing ship crap with his living,parasitic,alien,suit that became his second personality. Literally a part of him. His shadow.

This is not hard to understand. It really isn’t.

So thats why i took it upon myself to write about venom. THE REAL VENOM. How he should be.

Edward charles-allan brock. Eddie brock. Venom. Is a character that is deeply resonating in my childhood and near and dear to my heart.

I want him to be done justice. And since nobody else is doing it. I am.

Psa warning

Again if you ship and or like this symbrock crap.



Its gross and fetishizing and toxic.

Eddie brock and me in my sisters sims game.

Also we made the venom symbiote a cat with racoon noises. Lol

Enjoy my husband half naked eating breakfast.


It’s mah birthday!


Eddie comes to visit

Art is © to me Krista r Lewis no stealing
